Man pages for cgmquantify
Analyzing Glucose and Glucose Variability

eA1cCompute Estimated A1c
GMICompute Glycemic Management Indicator
HBGICompute High Blood Glucose Index
interdaycvCompute Interday Coefficient of Variation
interdaysdCompute Interday Standard Deviation
intradaycvCompute Intraday Coefficient of Variation
intradaysdCompute Intraday Standard Deviation
J_indexCompute J-index
LBGICompute Low Blood Glucose Index
LBGI_HBGICompute Low Blood Glucose Index
MGECompute Mean of Glycemic Excursions
MGNCompute Mean of Normal Glucose
plot_glucosePlot Glucose Data
PORCompute Percent of Time Outside Range
readfileRead in Data Frame
summary_glucoseCompute Glucose Summary Statistics
TIRCompute Time Inside Range
TORCompute Time Outside Range
cgmquantify documentation built on Feb. 5, 2021, 9:06 a.m.