Man pages for cgwtools
Miscellaneous Tools

approxeqDo "fuzzy" equality and return a logical vector.
ascarrBanner Versions of Characters
askrmInteractive application of selected function a list of...
banvaxFunction print a text banner in the style of the original DEC...
base2baseFunction to convert any base to any other base (up to 36).
binitCreate histogram bins for each unique value in a sample.
cgwtools-packageA collection of tools that the author finds handy
cumfunFunction calculate the cumulative result of any function...
dimFunction to return dimensions of arguments, or lengths if...
dirdirWrapper function around dir() which returns only directories...
findpatFunction to locate patterns ( sequences of strings or...
getstackReturns the current directory stack that pushd and popd...
inverse.seqleInverse of 'seqle'
lsclassQ&D function to list all objects with the specified 'class...
lsdataList all objects in an '.Rdata' file.
lssizeList the sizes of all selected objects.
lstypeList all objects of the specified type.
maxnFunctions to find the n-th maximum or minimum of a vector or...
minrowFunctions which mimic 'max.col' to find for minimum or...
mystatCalculate and display basic statistics for an object.
polyIntFunction to find intersection points of two polygons.
popdPerforms equivalent of 'bash' command with same name
pushdPerforms equivalent of 'bash' command with same name
ratRootFunction to find the rational roots of any polynomial (when...
resaveAdd some objects to an existing '.Rdata' - type file.
segSegIntFunction to find intersection point between two line segments...
seqleExtends 'rle' to find and encode linear sequences.
shortReturns a small sample of the specified data set.
splatndExecute simple zero-argument functions
thekurtCalculates the kurtosis of the input data set.
theskewCalculates the skew of a dataset.
cgwtools documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 1:06 a.m.