Man pages for chantrics
Loglikelihood Adjustments for Econometric Models

adj_loglikLoglikelihood adjustments for fitted models
alrtestAdjusted Likelihood Ratio Test of Nested Models
anova.chantricsANOVA tables: compare nested models
chantricschantrics: Loglikelihood Adjustments for Econometric Models
glmLoglikelihood adjustments for glm fits
hurdleLoglikelihood adjustments for pscl::hurdle fits
internalchandwich internal functions
logLik_vecEvaluate loglikelihood contributions from specific...
predict.chantricsPredict Method for chantrics fits
residuals.chantricsResiduals of chantrics model fits
update.chantricsUpdate, re-fit and re-adjust a Model Call
chantrics documentation built on Sept. 29, 2021, 9:08 a.m.