
R-CMD-check pkgdown codecov metacran
downloads CRAN

{cheatsheet} is a simple R package that downloads helpful R cheatsheets from the repository maintained by Posit You could easily just clone the repo these are hosted at and filter them how you wish; this package is just a shortcut and more useful for people who aren’t familiar with git.


You can install the released version of cheatsheet from CRAN with:



The main function here is cheatsheet::get_all_cheatsheets.


# Get all cheatsheets and place in a folder on your desktop
cheatsheet::get_all_cheatsheets(local_path = "cheats", tidyverse_only = FALSE)

# 0-template.pdf
# Machine Learning Modelling in R.pdf
# SamplingStrata.pdf
# base-r.pdf
# bayesplot.pdf
# bcea.pdf
# caret.pdf
# cartography.pdf
# collapse.pdf
# data-import.pdf
# data-transformation.pdf
# data-visualization-2.1.pdf
# datatable.pdf
# declaredesign.pdf
# distr6.pdf
# estimatr.pdf
# eurostat.pdf
# factors.pdf
# gganimate.pdf
# golem.pdf
# gwasrapidd.pdf
# h2o.pdf
# how-big-is-your-graph.pdf
# imputeTS.pdf
# jfa.pdf
# keras.pdf
# labelled.pdf
# leaflet.pdf
# lubridate.pdf
# mlr.pdf
# mosaic.pdf
# nardl.pdf
# nimble.pdf
# oSCR.pdf
# overviewR.pdf
# package-development.pdf
# packagefinder.pdf
# parallel_computation.pdf
# plumber.pdf
# purrr.pdf
# quanteda.pdf
# randomizr.pdf
# regex.pdf
# reticulate.pdf
# rmarkdown-2.0.pdf
# rphylopic.pdf
# rstudio-ide.pdf
# sf.pdf
# shiny.pdf
# shiny_Spanish_final.pdf
# sjmisc.pdf
# sparklyr.pdf
# stata2r.pdf
# strings.pdf
# survminer.pdf
# syntax.pdf
# teachR.pdf
# tidyeval.pdf
# time-series.pdf
# tsbox.pdf
# vegan.pdf
# vtree.pdf
# xplain.pdf
# Just grab core tidyverse cheatsheets
cheatsheet::get_all_cheatsheets(local_path = "cheats", tidyverse_only = TRUE)

# data-import.pdf            data-transformation.pdf    
# data-visualization-2.1.pdf factors.pdf                
# lubridate.pdf              purrr.pdf                  
# strings.pdf                tidyeval.pdf 

Foreign language support

{cheatsheet} also lets you download cheatsheets that have been translated to over a dozen languages. Check which languages are available with this command:

#> ── Languages available for get_translation() ───────────────────────────────────
#> • chinese
#> • dutch
#> • french
#> • german
#> • greek
#> • italian
#> • japanese
#> • korean
#> • portuguese
#> • russian
#> • spanish
#> • turkish
#> • ukranian
#> • uzbek
#> • vietnamese
#> ── Pass the language you choose above to get_translation(), like:
#> get_translation('~/Desktop/french', 'french')

Then, pass the language you want to this function:

cheatsheet::get_translation(local_path = "cheats", language = "german")

# base-r_de.pdf
# data-transformation-cheatsheet_de.pdf
# data-wrangling-german.pdf
# devtools-german.pdf
# ggplot2-german.pdf
# rmarkdown-cheatsheet-2.0-german.pdf
# shiny-german.pdf
# sparklyr-cheatsheet_de.pdf

If anyone has another known and established stash of cheatsheets that would be helpful for this package, please submit an issue or pull request.

Try the cheatsheet package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

cheatsheet documentation built on May 1, 2023, 5:20 p.m.