Man pages for cholera
Amend, Augment and Aid Analysis of John Snow's Cholera Map

addCaseAdd observed case(s) to plot.
addDelaunayAdd Delaunay triangles.
addEuclideanPathAdd the path for the Euclidean distance between cases and/or...
addFrameAdd map border to plot.
addIndexCaseHighlight index case at 40 Broad Street.
addKernelDensityAdd 2D kernel density contours.
addLandmarksAdd landmarks to plot.
addMilePostsAdd distance or time based "mileposts" to an observed walking...
addNeighborhoodCasesAdd observed cases by neighborhood.
addNeighborhoodEuclideanAdd expected Euclidean pump neighborhoods.
addNeighborhoodWalkingAdd expected walking neighborhoods.
addPlaguePitAdd plague pit (Marshall Street).
addPumpAdd selected pump(s) to plot.
addRoadsAdd all streets and roads to plot.
addSnowAdds Snow's graphical annotation of the Broad Street pump...
addVoronoiAdd Voronoi cells.
addWalkingPathAdd the shortest walking path between a selected cases or...
addWhiteheadAdd Rev. Henry Whitehead's Broad Street pump neighborhood.
anchor.caseAnchor or base case of each stack of fatalities.
borderNumeric IDs of line segments that create the map's border...
caseDistanceCompute distance between case fatalities.
caseLocatorLocate case by numerical ID.
cholera-packagecholera: amend, augment and aid analysis of John Snow's...
euclideanPathCompute path of the Euclidean distance between cases and/or...
fatalitiesAmended Dodson and Tobler's cholera data.
fatalities.address"Unstacked" amended cholera data with address as unit of...
fatalities.unstacked"Unstacked" amended cholera fatalities data with fatality as...
fixFatalitiesFix errors in Dodson and Tobler's digitization of Snow's map.
frame.dataMap frame data c("x", "y") and c("lon", "lat").
frame.samplePartitioned map frame points (segment endpoints).
isoLinesPlot isochrone and isodistance regions (prototype)
landmarkDataLandmark data.
landmarksOrthogonal projection of landmarks onto road network.
landmark.squaresCenters of city squares.
latlongAddressCompute latitude and longitude of case "addresses"...
latlongFatalitiesCompute latitude and longitude of non-address fatalities...
latlongLandmarksCompute Georeferenced Latitude and Longitude (prototype).
latlongNearestPumpCompute shortest georeferenced distances (and walking paths)...
latlongNeighborhoodDataCompute network graph of roads, cases and pumps.
latlongNeighborhoodVoronoiCompute Voronoi pump neighborhoods (lat-long prototype).
latlongNeighborhoodWalkingCompute walking path pump neighborhoods.
latlong.ortho.addrOrthogonal projection of observed address (latlong) cases...
latlong.ortho.pumpOrthogonal projection of 13 original pumps (latlong).
latlong.ortho.pump.vestryOrthogonal projection of the 14 pumps from the Vestry Report...
latlongPumpsCompute Georeferenced Latitude and Longitude (prototype).
latlongRoadsCompute latitude and longitude for unique road segment...
latlongVoronoiCompute Georeferenced Latitude and Longitude of vertices of...
latlongWalkingPathPlot walking path to nearest pump (prototype).
mapRangeCompute xlim and ylim of Snow's map.
nearestPumpCompute shortest distances or paths to selected pumps.
neighborhoodDataCompute network graph of roads, cases and pumps.
neighborhoodEuclideanCompute Euclidean path pump neighborhoods.
neighborhoodVoronoiCompute Voronoi pump neighborhoods.
neighborhoodWalkingCompute walking path pump neighborhoods.
ortho.projOrthogonal projection of observed cases onto road network.
ortho.proj.pumpOrthogonal projection of 13 original pumps.
ortho.proj.pump.vestryOrthogonal projection of the 14 pumps from the Vestry Report.
oxford.weatherOxford monthly weather data, January 1853 - December 2019.
oxfordWeatherWeather data recorded in Oxford (Met Office UK).
plague.pitPlague pit coordinates.
plot.euclideanPlot method for neighborhoodEuclidean().
plot.euclidean_pathPlot the path of the Euclidean distance between cases and/or...
plot.latlong_neighborhood_dataPlot method for latlongNeighborhoodData().
plot.latlongNeighborhoodVoronoiPlot method for latlongNeighborhoodVoronoi()
plot.latlong_walkingPlot method for latlongNeighborhoodWalking().
plot.latlong_walking_pathPlot the walking path between selected cases and/or pumps.
plot.neighborhood_dataPlot method for neighborhoodData().
plot.oxfordWeatherPlot method for oxfordWeather().
plot.povertyLondonPlot method for povertyLondon().
plot.profile_perspectivePlot method for profilePerspective().
plot.time_seriesPlot aggregate time series data from Vestry report.
plot.voronoiPlot Voronoi neighborhoods.
plot.walkingPlot method for neighborhoodWalking().
plot.walking_pathPlot the walking path between selected cases and/or pumps.
plot.winterTemperaturesPlot method for winterTemperatures().
povertyLondonPoverty and Born in London.
print.euclideanPrint method for neighborhoodEuclidean().
print.euclidean_pathPrint method for euclideanPath().
print.isoPrint method for isoVertices().
print.latlongNeighborhoodVoronoiPrint method for latlongNeighborhoodVoronoi().
print.latlong_walking_pathPrint method for latlongWalkingPath().
print.time_seriesPrint summary data for timeSeries().
print.voronoiPrint method for neighborhoodVoronoi().
print.walkingPrint method for neighborhoodWalking().
print.walking_pathPrint method for walkingPath().
profile2D2D Profile .
profile3D3D Profile.
pumpCaseExtract numeric case IDs by pump neighborhood.
pumpDataCompute pump coordinates.
pumpFatalitiesCompute fatalities by pump.
pumpLocatorLocate water pump by numerical ID.
pumpsDodson and Tobler's pump data with street name.
pumps.vestryVestry report pump data.
rd.sampleSample of road intersections (segment endpoints).
rectangle.filterRectangular filter data.
regular.cases"Expected" cases.
roadsDodson and Tobler's street data with appended road names.
roadSegmentFixBar orientation classification errors.
road.segmentsDodson and Tobler's street data transformed into road...
roadSegmentsReshape 'roads' data frame into 'road.segments' data frame.
segmentHighlightHighlight segment by ID.
segmentLengthCompute length of road segment.
segmentLocatorLocate road segment by ID.
sim.ortho.projRoad "address" of simulated (i.e., "expected") cases.
sim.pump.caseList of "simulated" fatalities grouped by walking-distance...
simulateFatalitiesGenerate simulated fatalities.
simulateWalkingDistanceCompute walking distance for simulated cases.
sim.walking.distanceWalking distance to Broad Street Pump (#7).
snowColorsCreate a set of colors for pump neighborhoods.
snowMapPlot John Snow's cholera map.
snow.neighborhoodSnow neighborhood fatalities.
snowNeighborhoodPlotting data for Snow's graphical annotation of the Broad...
streetHighlightHighlight road by name.
streetLengthCompute length of selected street.
streetNameLocatorLocate road by name.
streetNamesStreet names (alphabetized).
streetNumberLocatorLocate road by numerical ID.
subsetRoadsSamplesSample for road segment endpoints.
summary.euclideanSummary method for neighborhoodEuclidean().
summary.voronoiSummary method for neighborhoodVoronoi().
summary.walkingSummary method for neighborhoodWalking().
timeSeriesAggregate time series fatality data from the Vestry report.
unitMeterConvert nominal map distance to meters or yards.
unstackFatalitiesUnstack "stacks" in Snow's cholera map.
voronoi.polygonsCoordinates of Voronoi polygon vertices for original map.
voronoiPolygonsExtract vertices of Delaunay triangles and Dirichelet...
voronoi.polygons.vestryCoordinates of Voronoi polygon vertices for Vestry Report...
walkingPathCompute the shortest walking path between cases and/or pumps.
winterTemperaturesAverage Winter Temperatures.
cholera documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:31 p.m.