choplump-internal: Internal functions not be to called directly

choplump-internalR Documentation

Internal functions not be to called directly


These are functions that are called by the choplump function.


testfunc.wilcox.ties(choplist, RM, NTIES, M)
testfunc.wilcox(ZM, n1, n0, RM)
testfunc.DiM(choplist, SM)
TDiM(S, R)
Qh.times.dhyper(h, n1, n0, M, SM, T0, use.ranks = TRUE)
cm.compact(n0, n1, M)
choplumpExact(W, Z, use.ranks = TRUE)
choplumpExactMC(W, Z, use.ranks = TRUE, nMC=10^4-1, seed=1234321)
choplumpApprox(W, Z, use.ranks = TRUE)
chop(ZM, in.n1, in.n0, in.M)


M.P. Fay

choplump documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:38 a.m.