Man pages for choroplethr
Simplify the Creation of Choropleth Maps in R

admin1_choroplethCreate an admin1-level choropleth for a specified country
Admin1ChoroplethAn R6 object for creating Administration Level 1 choropleths.
admin1_region_choroplethCreate a map of Administrative Level 1 regions
Admin1RegionChoroplethAn R6 object for creating Administration Level 1 choropleths...
calculate_percent_changeCalculate the percentage change between two choroplethr...
ChoroplethThe base Choropleth object.
choroplethr_animateAnimate a list of choropleths
choroplethr_wdiCreate a country-level choropleth using data from the World...
congress116.regionsA data.frame containing geographic metadata about the...
continental_us_statesA vector of the names of US Continental US States.
country_choroplethCreate a country-level choropleth
CountryChoroplethAn R6 object for creating country-level choropleths.
county_choroplethCreate a choropleth of US Counties
CountyChoroplethCreate a county-level choropleth
county_choropleth_acsCreate a US County choropleth from ACS data
CountyZoomChoroplethCreate a county-level choropleth that zooms on counties, not...
df_congress116_demographicsA data.frame containing demographic statistics about the...
df_congress116_partyA data.frame containing party affiliation data about the...
df_county_demographicsA data.frame containing demographic statistics for each...
df_japan_censusA data.frame containing basic demographic information about...
df_ny_tract_demographicsA data.frame containing demographic statistics for each...
df_pop_countryA data.frame containing population estimates for Countries in...
df_pop_countyA data.frame containing population estimates for US Counties...
df_pop_ny_tractA data.frame containing population estimates for all Census...
df_pop_stateA data.frame containing population estimates for US States in...
df_presidentA data.frame containing election results from the 2012 US...
df_president_tsA data.frame containing all US presidential election results...
df_state_age_2010A data.frame containing median age estimates for US states in...
df_state_age_2015A data.frame containing median age estimates for US states in...
df_state_demographicsA data.frame containing demographic statistics for each state...
double_mapPlace two maps side by side
filter_to_voting_congressional_districtsRemove non-voting Congressional Districts from a data.frame
get_acs_dataReturns a list representing American Community Survey (ACS)...
get_congressional_district_demographicsGet a handful of demographic variables on US Congressional...
get_county_demographicsGet a handful of demographic variables on US Counties from...
get_state_demographicsGet a handful of demographic variables on US States from the...
get_tract_demographicsGet a handful of demographic variables on Census Tracts in a...
get_tract_mapGet a map of tracts in a state, as a data.frame
state_choroplethCreate a choropleth of US States
StateChoroplethCreate a state-level choropleth
state_choropleth_acsCreate a US State choropleth from ACS data
tract_choroplethCreate a choropleth of Census Tracts in a particular state.
TractChoroplethAn R6 object for creating choropleths of Census Tracts.
USAChoroplethNormal choropleth that draws Alaska and Hawaii as insets. In...
visualize_df_by_race_ethnicity_partyCreate box plots to visualize race and ethnicity by party
choroplethr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:20 a.m.