models_get: Retrieve model configuration

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models_getR Documentation

Retrieve model configuration


Retrieve model configuration





integer required. The ID of the model.


A list containing the following elements:


integer, The ID of the model.


string, The qualified name of the table containing the training set from which to build the model.


integer, The ID of the database holding the training set table used to build the model.


integer, The ID of the credential used to read the target table. Defaults to the user's default credential.


string, The name of the model.


string, A description of the model.


boolean, Whether to search for interaction terms.


boolean, Whether to transform data so that it assumes a normal distribution. Valid only with continuous models.


integer, The ID of the model's type.


string, The unique ID (primary key) of the training dataset.


string, The dependent variable of the training dataset.


array, The order of dependent variables, especially useful for Ordinal Modeling.


array, A list of columns which will be considered ineligible to be independent variables.


string, A custom SQL WHERE clause used to filter the rows used to build the model. (e.g., "id > 105").


integer, The ID of the current active build, the build used to score predictions.


list, Cross validation parameter grid for tree methods, e.g. "n_estimators": [100, 200, 500], "learning_rate": [0.01, 0.1], "max_depth": [2, 3].


integer, Number of folds for cross validation. Default value is 5.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • urls array, URLs to receive a POST request at job completion

  • successEmailSubject string, Custom subject line for success e-mail.

  • successEmailBody string, Custom body text for success e-mail, written in Markdown.

  • successEmailAddresses array, Addresses to notify by e-mail when the job completes successfully.

  • successEmailFromName string, Name from which success emails are sent; defaults to "Civis."

  • successEmailReplyTo string, Address for replies to success emails; defaults to the author of the job.

  • failureEmailAddresses array, Addresses to notify by e-mail when the job fails.

  • stallWarningMinutes integer, Stall warning emails will be sent after this amount of minutes.

  • successOn boolean, If success email notifications are on.

  • failureOn boolean, If failure email notifications are on.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • scheduled boolean, If the item is scheduled.

  • scheduledDays array, Days of the week, based on numeric value starting at 0 for Sunday. Mutually exclusive with scheduledDaysOfMonth

  • scheduledHours array, Hours of the day it is scheduled on.

  • scheduledMinutes array, Minutes of the day it is scheduled on.

  • scheduledRunsPerHour integer, Deprecated in favor of scheduled minutes.

  • scheduledDaysOfMonth array, Days of the month it is scheduled on, mutually exclusive with scheduledDays.


integer, The ID of the parent job that will trigger this model.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • id integer, The ID of this user.

  • name string, This user's name.

  • username string, This user's username.

  • initials string, This user's initials.

  • online boolean, Whether this user is online.


string, The time zone of this model.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • id integer,

  • state string,

  • createdAt string, The time that the run was queued.

  • startedAt string, The time that the run started.

  • finishedAt string, The time that the run completed.

  • error string, The error message for this run, if present.


boolean, The hidden status of the item.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • id integer, The ID of this user.

  • name string, This user's name.

  • username string, This user's username.

  • initials string, This user's initials.

  • online boolean, Whether this user is online.


string, The time the model was created.


string, The time the model was updated.


string, The status of the current model build. One of "succeeded", "failed", "queued", or "running,"or "idle", if no build has been attempted.


string, Exception message, if applicable, of the current model build.


array, An array containing the following fields:

  • id integer, The ID of the model build.

  • name string, The name of the model build.

  • createdAt string, The time the model build was created.

  • description string, A description of the model build.

  • rootMeanSquaredError number, A key metric for continuous models. Nil for other model types.

  • rSquaredError number, A key metric for continuous models. Nil for other model types.

  • rocAuc number, A key metric for binary, multinomial, and ordinal models. Nil for other model types.


array, An array containing the following fields:

  • id integer, The ID of the model to which to apply the prediction.

  • tableName string, The qualified name of the table on which to apply the predictive model.

  • primaryKey array, The primary key or composite keys of the table being predicted.

  • limitingSQL string, A SQL WHERE clause used to scope the rows to be predicted.

  • outputTable string, The qualified name of the table to be created which will contain the model's predictions.

  • schedule object,

  • state string, The status of the prediction. One of: "succeeded", "failed", "queued", or "running,"or "idle", if no build has been attempted.


string, The output JSON for the last build.


string, The archival status of the requested item(s).

civis documentation built on April 1, 2023, 12:01 a.m.