cleanrmd: Clean Class-Less 'R Markdown' HTML Documents

A collection of clean 'R Markdown' HTML document templates using classy-looking classless CSS styles. These documents use a minimal set of dependencies but still look great, making them suitable for use a package vignettes or for sharing results via email.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorGarrick Aden-Buie [aut, cre, cph] (<>), Igor Adamenko [ctb, cph] (Author of awsm.css), Alvaro Montoro [ctb, cph] (Author of almond.css), Ruan Martinelli [ctb, cph] (Author of axist.css), Tran Ngoc Tuan Anh [ctb, cph] (Author of bamboo.css), Marco Pontili [ctb, cph] (Author of bullframe.css), Evgeny Orekhov [ctb, cph] (Author of holiday.css), Vincent Dorig [ctb, cph] (Author of latex.css), Yegor Bugayenko [ctb, cph] (Author of tacit and kacit), John Otander [ctb, cph] (Author of splendor, air, retro, modest), Matthew Blode [ctb, cph] (Author of marx), Angelos Chalaris [ctb, cph] (Author of mini.css), Example [ctb, cph] (Author of new.css), David Paulsson [ctb, cph] (Author of no-class), Authors of Pico.css [ctb, cph], Mitesh Shah [ctb, cph] (Author of sakura), Dimitri Nicolas [ctb, cph] (Author of semantic.css), Kev Quirk [ctb, cph] (Author of simple.css), Nate Goldman [ctb, cph] (Author of style.css), Jack Crawford [ctb, cph] (Author of stylize), Caio Gondim [ctb, cph] (Author of superstylin), Bradley Taunt [ctb, cph] (Author of vanilla), Kognise [ctb, cph] (Author of water.css), Curtis McEnroe [ctb, cph] (Author of writ)
MaintainerGarrick Aden-Buie <>
LicenseMIT + file LICENSE
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the cleanrmd package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

cleanrmd documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:58 p.m.