Man pages for clickR
Semi-Automatic Preprocessing of Messy Data with Change Tracking for Dataset Cleaning

antimodaGet anti-mode
bivariate_outliersCheck for bivariate outliers
check_qualityChecks data quality of a variable
cluster_varClustering of variables
descriptiveDetailed summary of the data
extreme_valuesExtreme values from a numeric vector
fix_datesFix dates
fix_factorsFix factors imported as numerics
fix_levelsFix levels
fix_numericsFix numeric data
f_replaceFind and replace
fxdInternal function to fix_dates
GK_assocComputes Goodman and Kruskal's tau
good2goGood to go
grapes-greater-than-equals-NA-grapesgeq & not NA
grapes-greater-than-NA-grapesgreater & NA
grapes-less-than-equals-NA-grapesleq & not NA
grapes-less-than-NA-grapesless & NA
ipboxplotImproved boxplot
kill.factorsKill factors
kurtosisComputes kurtosis
manual_fixTracked manual fixes to data
may.numericChecks if each value might be numeric
mine.plotMine plot
modaGet mode
moda_contEstimates number of modes
mtapplyMultiple tapply
mtcars_messyMessy Motor Trend Car Road Tests Dataset
nearestInternal function for descriptive()
nice_namesNice names
numerosBrute numeric coercion
prop_mayGets proportion of most repeated value
prop_minGets proportion of least repeated value
restore_changesRestore changes
scale_01Scales data between 0 and 1
search_scriptsSearch scripts
skewnessComputes skewness
text_dateInternal function for dates with text
ttrueTrue TRUE
v_df_changesInternal function to track_changes
workspaceExplores global environment workspace
workspace_sapplyApplies a function over objects of a specific class
clickR documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 1:11 a.m.