Man pages for climaemet
Climate AEMET Tools

aemet_api_keyInstall an AEMET API Key
aemet_dailyDaily/annual climatology values
aemet_detect_api_keyCheck if an AEMET API Key is present for the current session
aemet_extremes_climExtreme values for a station
aemet_forecastForecast database by municipality
aemet_forecast_utilsHelper functions for extracting forecasts
aemet_last_obsLast observation values for a station
aemet_monthlyMonthly/annual climatology
aemet_municData set with all the municipalities of Spain
aemet_normalNormal climatology values
aemet_stationsAEMET stations
climaemet_9434_climatogramClimatogram data for Zaragoza Airport ("9434") period...
climaemet_9434_tempAverage annual temperatures for Zaragoza Airport ("9434")...
climaemet_9434_windWind conditions for Zaragoza Airport ("9434") period...
climaemet-packageclimaemet: Climate AEMET Tools
climatestripes_stationStation climate stripes graph
climatogram_normalWalter & Lieth climatic diagram from normal climatology...
climatogram_periodWalter & Lieth climatic diagram for a time period
day_of_yearFirst and last day of year
dms2decdegreesConverts dms to decimal degrees
get_data_aemetClient tool for AEMET API
ggclimat_walter_liethWalter and Lieth climatic diagram on 'ggplot2'
ggstripesWarming stripes graph
ggwindroseWindrose (speed/direction) diagram
windrose_daysWindrose (speed/direction) diagram of a station over a days...
windrose_periodWindrose (speed/direction) diagram of a station over a time...
climaemet documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 9:06 a.m.