Man pages for clustAnalytics
Cluster Evaluation on Graphs

apply_subgraphsApplies function to each subgraph of a graph
auxiliary_functionsAuxiliary Functions of a Graph Partition
average_degreeAverage Degree
average_odfAverage Out Degree Fraction
barabasi_albert_blocksGenerates a Barabási-Albert graph with community structure
boot_alg_listPerforms nonparametric bootstrap to a graph and a list of...
clustAnalytics-packageclustAnalytics: Cluster Evaluation on Graphs
contingency_to_membership_vectorsComputes possible membership vectors from contingency table
count_contingency_tables_logNatural logarithm of the number of contingency tables
c_rs_tableContingency table from membership vectors
cut_ratioCut Ratio
density_ratioDensity Ratio
edges_insideEdges Inside
estimate_H_fraction_r_rowsEstimates |H_0|/|H_r*|
estimate_H_fractionsEstimates |H_i|/|H_{i+1}| for the first r rows
evaluate_significanceEvaluates significance of cluster algorithm results on a...
evaluate_significance_rEvaluates the significance of a graph's clusters
FOMDFOMD (Fraction Over Median Degree)
g_forexForex correlation network
H_fractions_rowsEstimates |H_i|/|H_(i+1)| for the first n_rows rows
igraph_to_edgelistReturns edgelist with weights from a weighted igraph graph
internal_densityInternal Density
log_omega_estimationApproximation of log(omega(a,b))
make_graph_weightedMake graph weighted
max_odfMax Out Degree Fraction
normalized_cutNormalized cut
out_degree_fractionsMaximum, Average, and Flake Out Degree Fractions of a Graph...
reduced_mutual_informationReduced Mutual Information
relabelRelabels membership vector
rewireCppRandomizes a weighted graph while keeping the degree...
scoring_functionsScoring Functions of a Graph Partition
sort_matrixSort matrix
triangle_participation_ratio_communitiesTriangle Participation Ratio (community-wise)
walk_stepPerforms a step of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method
weighted_clustering_coefficientWeighted clustering coefficient of a weighted graph.
weighted_transitivityWeighed transitivity of a weighted graph.
clustAnalytics documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:18 p.m.