count_contingency_tables_log: Natural logarithm of the number of contingency tables

View source: R/corrected_mutual_information.R

count_contingency_tables_logR Documentation

Natural logarithm of the number of contingency tables


Given a contingency table, returns the natural logarithm of the number of contingency tables that share the same column and row sums. This implementation combines a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approximation with an analytical formula. The input can be either M a contingency table, or two vectors of labels c1 and c2 (in this case, we are counting contingency tables with the same column an row sums as the one produced by c1 and c2)


count_contingency_tables_log(c1, c2, M = NULL, monte_carlo_only = FALSE)


c1, c2

membership vectors


contingency table


Uses only the Monte Carlo approximation

clustAnalytics documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:18 p.m.