Man pages for clusterMI
Cluster Analysis with Missing Values by Multiple Imputation

chooseBDiagnostic plot for the number of iterations used in the...
chooseB.internTune the number of iterations for variable selection using...
choosemGraphical investigation for the number of datasets generated...
choosemaxitDiagnostic plot for the number of iterations used in...
choosenbclustTune the number of clusters according to the partition...
chooserKfold cross-validation for specifying threshold r
cluster.internApply clustering method after multiple imputation
clusterMICluster analysis and pooling after multiple imputation
clusterMI-packageclusterMI: Cluster Analysis with Missing Values by Multiple...
fastnmfConsensus clustering using non-negative matrix factorization
imputedataMultiple imputation methods for cluster analysis
initfastnmfinitialize fastnmf
mclustboot.internMclustBootstrap with nboot = 1 and the same output as Mclust
myem.mixinternal function
onefold.chooserone fold cross-validation for specifying threshold r
overimputeOverimputation diagnostic plot
prodnaIntroduce missing values using a missing completely at random...
Rcpp_modelobject-classClass '"Rcpp_modelobject"'
Silhouette.internCompute Silhouette index
varselbestVariable selection for specifying conditional imputation...
wineChemical analysis of wines from three different cultivars
clusterMI documentation built on Oct. 23, 2024, 5:07 p.m.