Man pages for clusteval
Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms

boot_stratified_omitCreates a list of indices for a stratified nonparametric...
cluster_similarityComputes the similarity between two clusterings of the same...
clustevalEvaluation of Clustering Algorithms
clustomitClustOmit - Cluster Stability Evaluation via Cluster Omission
comembershipCalculates the comemberships of all pairs of a vector of...
comembership_tableCalculates the 2x2 contingency table of agreements and...
intraclass_covConstruct an intraclass covariance matrix.
jaccard_indepComputes the Jaccard similarity coefficient of two...
rand_indepComputes the Rand similarity index of two clusterings of the...
random_clusteringRandomly cluster a data set into K clusters.
sim_dataWrapper function to generate data from a variety of...
sim_normalGenerates random variates from multivariate normal...
sim_studentGenerates random variates from multivariate Student's t...
sim_unifGenerates random variates from five multivariate uniform...
clusteval documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:18 a.m.