Man pages for cold
Count Longitudinal Data

anova-methodsMethods for function 'anova'
bolusBolus data
coeftestExtract summary statistics
coeftest-methodsMethods for function 'coeftest'
coldFit of parametric models via likelihood method
cold-classClass 'cold' of a maximum likelihood estimation
coldControlAuxiliary for controlling "cold" fitting
coldcublimAuxiliary for controlling "cold" fitting
coldIntegrateAuxiliary for controlling "cold" fitting
cold-internalInternal functions
cold-packageCount Longitudinal Data
datacoldMData with missing values
fitted-methodsMethods for function 'fitted'
fixeffExtract fixed effects estimates
fixeff-methodsMethods for function 'fixeff'
getAICExtract the Akaike Information Criterion
getAIC-methodsMethods for function 'getAIC'
getcoefExtract the coefficient estimates
getcoef-methodsMethods for function 'getcoef'
getLogLikExtract Log-Likelihood
getLogLik-methodsMethods for function 'getLogLik'
getvcovExtract variance-covariance matrix
getvcov-methodsMethods for function 'getvcov'
modelmatrixExtract the fixed effects model matrix
modelmatrix-methodsMethods for function 'model.mat'
plot-methodsMethods for function 'plot'
randeffExtract conditional random effects
randeff-methodsMethods for function 'randeff'
resid-methodsMethods for function 'residd'
seizureEpileptic Seizure
show-methodsMethods for function 'show'
summary.cold-classClass 'summary.cold', summary of 'cold' objects
summary-methodsMethods for function 'summary'
vareffExtract variance of random effects
vareff-methodsMethods for function 'vareff'
cold documentation built on Aug. 25, 2021, 5:06 p.m.