#' The mean values of growth hormone (MVGH).
#' This data set are about the mean values of growth hormone for the levels of zinc and thyroid hormone obtained by Freake et al. (2001).
#' This data set has been previously analyzed by Alin and Kurt (2006). There three levels of zinc:
#' Zinc deficient, Pair-fed, and Control. There are also  three levels of thyroid hormone: Hypothyroid, Euthyroid, and Hyperthyroid.
#' The test of interaction between the zinc and thyroid hormone is of interest.
#' @name MVGH
#' @format A matrix with three rows (Thyroid levels) and three columns (Zinc levels):
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Row1}{Hypothyroid}
#'   \item{Row2}{Euthyroid}
#'   \item{Row3}{Hyperthyroid}.
#'   \item{Column1}{Zinc deficient}
#'   \item{Column2}{Pair-fed}
#'   \item{Column3}{Control}
#' }
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item
#'   Alin, A., Kurt, S. (2006). Testing non-additivity (interaction) in two-way ANOVA tables with no replication,
#'   \emph{Statistical Methods in Medical Research} \strong{15}: 63–85.
#' \item
#'   Freake,  H. C., Govoni,  K. E., Guda, K., Huang, C, Zinn, S. A. (2001).
#'   Actions and interactions of thyroid hormone and zinc status in growing rats.
#'   Journal of Nutrition 131:1135–41.
#' }

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