#' Ratio of dry to wet wheat (RDWW).
#' This data set are about the ratio of dry to wet wheat of four different blocks and four times of nitrogen applied: None, Early, Middle, and Late.
#' The test of interaction between the blocks and the level of nitrogen applied is of interest.
#' @name RDWW
#' @format A matrix with four rows (Blocks) and four columns (Nitrogen Applied):
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Row1}{Block1}
#'   \item{Row2}{Block2}
#'   \item{Row3}{Block3}
#'   \item{Row4}{Block4}
#'   \item{Column1}{None}
#'   \item{Column2}{Early}
#'   \item{Column3}{Middle}
#'   \item{Column4}{Late}
#' }
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item
#'   Ostle, B. (1963). Statistics in Research, Basic Concepts and Techniques for Research Works.
#'   2nd ed, p. 396. The Iowa State University Press.
#' }

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