
#' Create an empty plot with compact axis notation
#' The \code{aplot()} function simply calls \code{eplot()} again, using the
#' same arguments (with the exception of \code{main}).
#' This function simply draws an empty plot with compact axis notation, to
#' which the user can add points, lines, text, and so on. Also, if the plot
#' appears as part of a matrix, the x-axis notation is suppressed unless the
#' plot appears along the bottom row and the y-axis notation is suppress unless
#' the plot appears along the left column.
#' @aliases aplot
#' @param main a label for the subplot. Intended for labeling a each plot in a
#' matrix. If you need a title for the entire matrix of plots, or a single
#' plot, I recommend using a call to the \code{mtext()} function.
#@note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author Carlisle Rainey (\href{mailto:carlislerainey@@gmail.com}{e-mail},
#' \href{http://www.carlislerainey.com}{website})
#@seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#@references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#@keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' # run these lines one at a time to see what happens
#' par(mfrow = c(2,2))
#' eplot(xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(0, 10))
#' aplot(main = "Hey Look! No axis labels.")
#' aplot(main = "But this one has them?!")
#' aplot(main = "And this one does just what you'd expect!")
#' # after a call to eplot() or aplot(), I just add
#' # whatever I want to the plot.
#' @export aplot
aplot <-
  function(main = NULL) {
    eplot(xlim = .compactrEnv$plotPar$xlim, ylim = .compactrEnv$plotPar$ylim, 
          xlab = .compactrEnv$plotPar$xlab, ylab = .compactrEnv$plotPar$ylab, 
          main = main, text.size = .compactrEnv$plotPar$text.size,
          xpos = .compactrEnv$plotPar$xpos, ypos = .compactrEnv$plotPar$ypos,
          xat = .compactrEnv$plotPar$xat, yat = .compactrEnv$plotPar$yat,
          xticklab = .compactrEnv$plotPar$xticklab, yticklab = .compactrEnv$plotPar$yticklab,
          xlabpos = .compactrEnv$plotPar$xlabpos, ylabpos = .compactrEnv$plotPar$ylabpos,
          annx = .compactrEnv$plotPar$annx, anny = .compactrEnv$plotPar$anny,
          box = .compactrEnv$plotPar$box)

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compactr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:41 a.m.