
#' Creates empty plots with compact axis notation
#' Creates empty plots with compact axis notation to which users can add
#' whatever they like (points, lines, text, etc.) The notation is more compact
#' in the sense that the axis-labels and tick-labels are closer to the axis and
#' the tick-marks are shorter. Also, if the plot appears as part of a matrix,
#' the x-axis notation is suppressed unless the plot appears along the bottom
#' row and the y-axis notation is suppress unless the plot appears along the
#' left column.
#' \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab compactr\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab
#' 0.2\cr Date: \tab 2013-07-18\cr License: \tab GPL-2\cr } This package
#' contains two functions. The most important, \code{eplot()}, creates an
#' empty plot with compact axes that users can then draw on. The secondary
#' function, \code{aplot()}, creates \emph{another} plot using the same
#' arguments as the previous call to \code{eplot()}, with the exception of
#' main.
#' @name compactr-package
#' @docType package
#' @author Maintainer: Carlisle Rainey <carlislerainey@@gmail.com>
#@seealso %~~ Optional links to other man pages, e.g. ~~ %~~
#\code{\link[<pkg>:<pkg>-package]{<pkg>}} ~~
#' @keywords package

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compactr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:41 a.m.