MongeElkan: Monge-Elkan Token Comparator

View source: R/MongeElkan.R

MongeElkanR Documentation

Monge-Elkan Token Comparator


Compares a pair of token sets x and y by computing similarity scores between all pairs of tokens using an internal string comparator, then taking the mean of the maximum scores for each token in x.


  inner_comparator = Levenshtein(similarity = TRUE, normalize = TRUE),
  agg_function = base::mean,
  symmetrize = FALSE



internal string comparator of class StringComparator. Defaults to Levenshtein similarity.


aggregation function to use when aggregating internal similarities/distances between tokens. Defaults to mean, however hmean may be a better choice when the comparator returns normalized similarity scores.


logical indicating whether to use a symmetrized version of the Monge-Elkan comparator. Defaults to FALSE.


A token set is an unordered enumeration of tokens, which may include duplicates. Given two token sets x and y, the Monge-Elkan comparator is defined as:

ME(x, y) = 1/|x| sum_i{ max_j sim(x_i, y_j) }

where x_i is the i-th token in x, |x| is the number of tokens in x and sim is an internal string similarity comparator.

A generalization of the original Monge-Elkan comparator is implemented here, which allows for distance comparators in place of similarity comparators, and/or more general aggregation functions in place of the arithmetic mean. The generalized Monge-Elkan comparator is defined as:

ME(x, y) = agg(opt_j inner(x_i, y_j))

where inner is an internal distance or similarity comparator, opt is max if inner is a similarity comparator or min if it is a distance comparator, and agg is an aggregation function which takes a vector of scores for each token in x and returns a scalar.

By default, the Monge-Elkan comparator is asymmetric in its arguments x and y. If symmetrize = TRUE, a symmetric version of the comparator is obtained as follows

ME_sym(x, y) = opt { ME(x, y), ME(y, x) }

where opt is defined above.


A MongeElkan instance is returned, which is an S4 class inheriting from StringComparator.


Monge, A. E., & Elkan, C. (1996), "The Field Matching Problem: Algorithms and Applications", In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'96), pp. 267-270.

Jimenez, S., Becerra, C., Gelbukh, A., & Gonzalez, F. (2009), "Generalized Monge-Elkan Method for Approximate Text String Comparison", In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, pp. 559-570.


## Compare names with heterogenous representations
x <- "The University of California - San Diego"
y <- "Univ. Calif. San Diego"
# Tokenize strings on white space
x <- strsplit(x, '\\s+')
y <- strsplit(y, '\\s+')
MongeElkan()(x, y)

## The symmetrized variant is arguably more appropriate for this example
MongeElkan(symmetrize = TRUE)(x, y) 

## Using a different internal comparator changes the result
MongeElkan(inner_comparator = BinaryComp(), symmetrize=TRUE)(x, y)

comparator documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:15 p.m.