Man pages for conText
'a la Carte' on Text (ConText) Embedding Regression

bootstrap_contrastBootstrap similarity and ratio computations
bootstrap_nnsBootstrap nearest neighbors
bootstrap_olsBootstrap OLS
bootstrap_similarityBoostrap similarity vector
build_conTextbuild a 'conText-class' object
build_dembuild a 'dem-class' object
build_fembuild a 'fem-class' object
compute_contrastCompute similarity and similarity ratios
compute_similarityCompute similarity vector (sub-function of...
compute_transformCompute transformation matrix A
conTextEmbedding regression
conText-classVirtual class "conText" for a conText regression output
contrast_nnsContrast nearest neighbors
cos_simCompute the cosine similarity between one or more ALC...
cr_glove_subsetGloVe subset
cr_sample_corpusCongressional Record sample corpus
cr_transformTransformation matrix
demBuild a document-embedding matrix
dem-classVirtual class "dem" for a document-embedding matrix
dem_groupAverage document-embeddings in a dem by a grouping variable
dem_sampleRandomly sample documents from a dem
embed_targetEmbed target using either: (a) a la carte OR (b) simple...
feature_simGiven two feature-embedding-matrices, compute "parallel"...
femCreate an feature-embedding matrix
fem-classVirtual class "fem" for a feature-embedding matrix
find_cos_simFind cosine similarities between target and candidate words
find_nnsReturn nearest neighbors based on cosine similarity
get_contextGet context words (words within a symmetric window around the...
get_cos_simGiven a tokenized corpus, compute the cosine similarities of...
get_local_vocabIdentify words common to a collection of texts and a set of...
get_ncsGiven a set of tokenized contexts, find the top N nearest...
get_nnsGiven a tokenized corpus and a set of candidate neighbors,...
get_nns_ratioGiven a corpus and a binary grouping variable, computes the...
get_seq_cos_simCalculate cosine similarities between target word and...
ncsGiven a set of embeddings and a set of tokenized contexts,...
nnsGiven a set of embeddings and a set of candidate neighbors,...
nns_ratioComputes the ratio of cosine similarities for two embeddings...
permute_contrastPermute similarity and ratio computations
permute_olsPermute OLS
plot_nns_ratioPlot output of 'get_nns_ratio()'
prototypical_contextFind most "prototypical" contexts.
run_olsRun OLS
tokens_contextGet the tokens of contexts sorrounding user defined patterns
conText documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:32 p.m.