Man pages for conTree
Contrast Trees and Boosting

age_dataAge and Demographics data
air_qualityAir Quality Data from UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
censusCensus Data Example from UC Irvine Machine Learning...
contrastBuild contrast tree
conTree-packageContrast and Boosted Trees
Fortran_detailsReturn the one sample parameters used in fortran discrepancy...
getnodesGet terminal node observation assignments
lofcurveProduce lack-of-fit curve for a contrast tree
nodesumSummarize contrast tree
predtrastPredict y-values from boosted contrast model
prunePrune a contrast tree
prune.seqShow all possible pruned subtrees
save_rfunSave the function f for calling from fortran
treesumPrint terminal node x-region boundaries
xvalCross-validate boosted contrast tree boosted with (new) data
ydistTransform z-values t(z) such that the distribution of p(t(z)...
conTree documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 5:08 p.m.