contrast: Build contrast tree

View source: R/contrast.R

contrastR Documentation

Build contrast tree


Build contrast tree

Build boosted contrast tree model

Bootstrap contrast trees


  w = rep(1, nrow(x)),
  cat.vars = NULL,
  not.used = NULL,
  qint = 10,
  xmiss = 9e+35,
  tree.size = 10,
  min.node = 500,
  mode = c("onesamp", "twosamp"),
  type = "dist",
  pwr = 2,
  quant = 0.5,
  nclass = NULL,
  costs = NULL,
  cdfsamp = 500,
  verbose = FALSE, = 1e+06, = 1e+05,
  nbump = 1,
  fnodes = 0.25,
  fsamp = 1,
  doprint = FALSE

  w = rep(1, nrow(x)),
  cat.vars = NULL,
  not.used = NULL,
  qint = 10,
  xmiss = 9e+35,
  tree.size = 10,
  min.node = 500,
  learn.rate = 0.1,
  type = c("dist", "diff", "class", "quant", "prob", "maxmean", "diffmean"),
  pwr = 2,
  quant = 0.5,
  cdfsamp = 500,
  verbose = FALSE, = 1e+06, = 1e+05,
  nbump = 1,
  fnodes = 0.25,
  fsamp = 1,
  doprint = FALSE,
  niter = 100,
  doplot = FALSE,
  span = 0,
  plot.span = 0.15,
  print.itr = 10

  w = rep(1, nrow(x)),
  cat.vars = NULL,
  not.used = NULL,
  qint = 10,
  xmiss = 9e+35,
  tree.size = 10,
  min.node = 500,
  mode = "onesamp",
  type = "dist",
  pwr = 2,
  quant = 0.5,
  nclass = NULL,
  costs = NULL,
  cdfsamp = 500,
  verbose = FALSE, = 1e+06, = 1e+05,
  nbump = 100,
  fnodes = 1,
  fsamp = 1,
  doprint = FALSE



training input predictor data matrix or data frame. Rows are observations and columns are variables. Must be a numeric matrix or a data frame.


vector, or matrix containing training data input outcome values or censoring intervals for each observation. if y is a vector then it implies that y uncensored outcome values or other contrasting quantity. If y is a matrix, then then y is assumed to be censoring intervals for each observation; see details below


vector containing values of a second contrasting quantity for each observation


training observation weights


vector of column labels (numbers or names) indicating categorical variables (factors). All variables not so indicated are assumed to be orderable numeric; see details below


vector of column labels (numbers or names) indicating predictor variables not to be used in the model


maximum number of split evaluation points on each predictor variable


missing value flag. Must be numeric and larger than any non missing predictor/abs(response) variable value. Predictor variable values greater than or equal to xmiss are regarded as missing. Predictor variable data values of NA are internally set to the value of xmiss and thereby regarded as missing


maximum number of terminal nodes in generated trees


minimum number of training observations in each tree terminal node


indicating one or two-sample contrast; see details below for how it works with type


type of contrast; see details below for how it works with mode


center split bias parameter. Larger values produce less center split bias.


specified quantile p (type='quant' only)


number of classes (type ='class' only) default=2


nclass by nclass misclassification cost matrix (type='class' only); default is equal valued diagonal (error rate)


= maximum subsample size used to compute censored CDF (censoring only)


a logical flag indicating print/don't print censored CDF computation progress, default FALSE

size of internal tree storage. Decrease value in response to memory allocation error. Increase value for very large values of max.trees and/or tree.size, or in response to diagnostic message or erratic program behavior

size of internal categorical value storage. Decrease value in response to memory allocation error. Increase value for very large values of max.trees and/or tree.size in the presence of many categorical variables (factors) with many levels, or in response to diagnostic message or erratic program behavior


number of bootstrap replications


top fraction of node criteria used to evaluate trial bumped trees


fraction of observations used in each bootstrap sample for bumped trees


logical flag TRUE/FALSE implies do/don't plot iteration progress


learning rate parameter in ⁠(0,1]⁠


number of trees


a flag to display/not display graphical plots


span for qq-plot transformation smoother


running median smoother span for discrepancy plot (doplot = TRUE, only)


tree discrepancy printing iteration interval


The varible xmiss is the missing value flag, Must be numeric and larger than any non missing predictor/abs(response) variable value. Predictor variable values greater than or equal to xmiss are regarded as missing. Predictor variable data values of NA are internally set to the value of xmiss and thereby regarded as missing.

If the response y is a matrix, it is assumed to contain censoring intervals for each observation. Rows are observations.

  • First/second column are lower/upper boundary of censoring interval (Can be same value for uncensored observations) respectively

  • y[,1] = -xmiss implies outcome less than or equal to y[,2] (censored from above)

  • y[,2] = xmiss implies outcome greater than or equal to y[,1]

Note that censoring is only allowed for type='dist'; see further below.

If x is a data frame and cat.vars (the columns indicating categorical variables), is missing, then components of type factor are treated as categorical variables. Ordered factors should be input as type numeric with appropriate numerical scores. If cat.vars is present it will over ride the data frame typing.

The mode argument is either

  • 'onesamp' (default) meaning one x-vector for each ⁠(x,z)⁠ pair

  • 'twosamp' implies two-sample contrast with

    • x are predictor variables for both samples

    • y are outcomes for both samples

    • z is sample identity flag with z < 0 implying first sample observations and z > 0, the second sample observations. The type argument indicates the type of contrast. It can be either a user defined function or a string. If mode is 'onesamp', the default,

  • type = 'dist' (default) implies contrast distribution of y with that of z (y may be censored - see above)

  • type = 'diff' implies contrast joint paired values of y and z

  • type = 'class' implies classification: contrast class labels y[i] and z[i] are two class labels (in 1:nclass) for each observation.

  • type = 'prob' implies contrast predicted with empirical probabilities: y[i] = 0/1 and z[i] is predicted probability P(y=1) for i-th observation

  • type = 'quant' is contrast predicted with empirical quantiles: y[i] is outcome value for i-th observation and z[i] is predicted p-th quantile value (see below) for i-th observation (0 < p <1)

  • type = 'diffmean' implies maximize absolute mean difference between y and z

  • type = 'maxmean' implies maximize signed mean difference between y and z

When mode is 'twosamp'

  • type= 'dist' (default) implies contrast y distributions of both samples

  • type = 'diffmean' implies maximize absolute difference between means of two samples

  • type = 'maxmean' maximize signed difference between means of two samples

When type is a function, it must be a function of three arguments f(y,z,w) where y and z are double vectors and w is a weight vector, not necessarily normalized. The function should return a double vector of length 1 as the result. See example below.


a contrast model object use as input to interpretation procedures

a contrast model object to be used with predtrast()

a named list with out$bcri the bootstraped discrepancy values


Jerome H. Friedman


Jerome H. Friedman (2020). doi:10.1073/pnas.1921562117


data(census, package = "conTree")
dx <- 1:10000; dxt <- 10001:16281;
# Build contrast tree
tree <- contrast(census$xt[dx,], census$yt[dx], census$gblt[dx], type = 'prob')
# Summarize tree
# Get terminal node identifiers for regions containing observations 1 through 10
getnodes(tree, x = census$xt[1:10, ])
# Plot nodes
nodeplots(tree, x = census$xt[dx, ], y = census$yt[dx], z = census$gblt[dx])
# Summarize contrast tree against (precomputed) gradient boosting
# on logistic scale using maximum likelihood (GBL)
nodesum(tree, census$xt[dxt,], census$yt[dxt], census$gblt[dxt])
# Use a custom R discrepancy function to build a contrast tree
dfun <- function(y, z, w) {
   w  <- w / sum(w)
   abs(sum(w * (y - z)))
tree2 <- contrast(census$xt[dx,], census$yt[dx], census$gblt[dx], type = dfun)
nodesum(tree2, census$xt[dxt,], census$yt[dxt], census$gblt[dxt])
# Generate lack of fit curve
lofcurve(tree, census$xt[dx,], census$yt[dx], census$gblt[dx])
# Build contrast tree boosting models
# Use small # of iterations for illustration (typically >= 200)
modgbl = modtrast(census$x, census$y, census$gbl, type = 'prob', niter = 10)
# Plot model accuracy as a function of iteration number
xval(modgbl, census$x, census$y, census$gbl, col = 'red')
# Produce predictions from modtrast() for new data.
ypred <- predtrast(modgbl, census$xt, census$gblt, num = modgbl$niter)
# Produce distribution boosting estimates
yhat <- predtrast(modgbl, census$xt, census$gblt, num = modgbl$niter)

conTree documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 5:08 p.m.