#' Build contrast tree
#' @param x training input predictor data matrix or data frame. Rows
#' are observations and columns are variables. Must be a numeric
#' matrix or a data frame.
#' @param y vector, or matrix containing training data input outcome
#' values or censoring intervals for each observation. if y is a
#' vector then it implies that y uncensored outcome values or
#' other contrasting quantity. If y is a matrix, then then y is
#' assumed to be censoring intervals for each observation; see
#' details below
#' @param z vector containing values of a second contrasting quantity
#' for each observation
#' @param w training observation weights
#' @param cat.vars vector of column labels (numbers or names)
#' indicating categorical variables (factors). All variables not
#' so indicated are assumed to be orderable numeric; see details
#' below
#' @param not.used vector of column labels (numbers or names)
#' indicating predictor variables not to be used in the model
#' @param qint maximum number of split evaluation points on each
#' predictor variable
#' @param xmiss missing value flag. Must be numeric and larger than
#' any non missing predictor/abs(response) variable value.
#' Predictor variable values greater than or equal to xmiss are
#' regarded as missing. Predictor variable data values of `NA` are
#' internally set to the value of xmiss and thereby regarded as
#' missing
#' @param tree.size maximum number of terminal nodes in generated
#' trees
#' @param min.node minimum number of training observations in each
#' tree terminal node
#' @param mode indicating one or two-sample contrast; see details
#' below for how it works with type
#' @param type type of contrast; see details below for how it works
#' with mode
#' @param pwr center split bias parameter. Larger values produce less
#' center split bias.
#' @param quant specified quantile p (type='quant' only)
#' @param nclass number of classes (type ='class' only) default=2
#' @param costs nclass by nclass misclassification cost matrix
#' (type='class' only); default is equal valued diagonal (error
#' rate)
#' @param cdfsamp = maximum subsample size used to compute censored
#' CDF (censoring only)
#' @param verbose a logical flag indicating print/don't print censored
#' CDF computation progress, default `FALSE`
#' @param size of internal tree storage. Decrease value in
#' response to memory allocation error. Increase value for very
#' large values of max.trees and/or tree.size, or in response to
#' diagnostic message or erratic program behavior
#' @param size of internal categorical value
#' storage. Decrease value in response to memory allocation
#' error. Increase value for very large values of max.trees and/or
#' tree.size in the presence of many categorical variables
#' (factors) with many levels, or in response to diagnostic
#' message or erratic program behavior
#' @param nbump number of trial trees used in the bumping strategy
#' @param fnodes top fraction of node criteria used to evaluate trial
#' bumped trees
#' @param fsamp fraction of observations used in each bootstrap sample
#' for bumped trees
#' @param doprint a logical flag indicating print/don't print
#' bootstrapped tree quality during execution, default `FALSE`
#' @return a contrast model object use as input to interpretation
#' procedures
#' @details The varible `xmiss` is the missing value flag, Must be
#' numeric and larger than any non missing predictor/abs(response) variable value. Predictor variable values greater than or equal to `xmiss` are regarded as missing. Predictor variable data values of `NA` are internally set to the value of xmiss and thereby regarded as missing.
#' If the response y is a matrix, it is assumed to contain censoring
#' intervals for each observation. Rows are observations.
#' - First/second column are lower/upper boundary of censoring interval (Can be same value for uncensored observations) respectively
#' - `y[,1] = -xmiss` implies outcome less than or equal to `y[,2]` (censored from above)
#' - `y[,2] = xmiss` implies outcome greater than or equal to `y[,1]`
#' Note that censoring is only allowed for `type='dist'`; see further below.
#' If x is a data frame and `cat.vars` (the columns indicating
#' categorical variables), is missing, then components of type factor
#' are treated as categorical variables. Ordered factors should be
#' input as type numeric with appropriate numerical scores. If
#' `cat.vars` is present it will over ride the data frame typing.
#' The `mode` argument is either
#' - `'onesamp'` (default) meaning one `x`-vector for each `(x,z)` pair
#' - `'twosamp'` implies two-sample contrast with
#' * `x` are predictor variables for both samples
#' * `y` are outcomes for both samples
#' * `z` is sample identity flag with `z < 0` implying first sample observations and `z > 0`, the second sample observations.
#' The `type` argument indicates the type of contrast. It can be either a user defined function or a string. If `mode` is `'onesamp'`, the default,
#' - `type = 'dist'` (default) implies contrast distribution of `y` with that of `z` (`y` may be censored - see above)
#' - `type = 'diff'` implies contrast joint paired values of `y` and `z`
#' - `type = 'class'` implies classification: contrast class labels `y[i]` and `z[i]` are two class labels (in `1:nclass`) for each observation.
#' - `type = 'prob'` implies contrast predicted with empirical probabilities: `y[i] = 0/1` and `z[i]` is predicted probability \eqn{P(y=1)} for \eqn{i}-th observation
#' - `type = 'quant'` is contrast predicted with empirical quantiles: `y[i]` is outcome value for \eqn{i}-th observation and `z[i]` is predicted \eqn{p}-th quantile value (see below) for \eqn{i}-th observation \eqn{(0 < p <1)}
#' - `type = 'diffmean'` implies maximize absolute mean difference between `y` and `z`
#' - `type = 'maxmean'` implies maximize signed mean difference between `y` and `z`
#' When mode is `'twosamp'`
#' - `type= 'dist'` (default) implies contrast `y` distributions of both samples
#' - `type = 'diffmean'` implies maximize absolute difference between means of two samples
#' - `type = 'maxmean'` maximize signed difference between means of two samples
#' When `type` is a function, it must be a function of three arguments
#' `f(y,z,w)` where `y` and `z` are double vectors and `w` is a weight
#' vector, not necessarily normalized. The function should return a
#' double vector of length 1 as the result. See example below.
#' @author Jerome H. Friedman
#' @references Jerome H. Friedman (2020). <doi:10.1073/pnas.1921562117>
#' @examples
#' data(census, package = "conTree")
#' dx <- 1:10000; dxt <- 10001:16281;
#' # Build contrast tree
#' tree <- contrast(census$xt[dx,], census$yt[dx], census$gblt[dx], type = 'prob')
#' # Summarize tree
#' treesum(tree)
#' # Get terminal node identifiers for regions containing observations 1 through 10
#' getnodes(tree, x = census$xt[1:10, ])
#' # Plot nodes
#' nodeplots(tree, x = census$xt[dx, ], y = census$yt[dx], z = census$gblt[dx])
#' # Summarize contrast tree against (precomputed) gradient boosting
#' # on logistic scale using maximum likelihood (GBL)
#' nodesum(tree, census$xt[dxt,], census$yt[dxt], census$gblt[dxt])
#' # Use a custom R discrepancy function to build a contrast tree
#' dfun <- function(y, z, w) {
#' w <- w / sum(w)
#' abs(sum(w * (y - z)))
#' }
#' tree2 <- contrast(census$xt[dx,], census$yt[dx], census$gblt[dx], type = dfun)
#' nodesum(tree2, census$xt[dxt,], census$yt[dxt], census$gblt[dxt])
#' # Generate lack of fit curve
#' lofcurve(tree, census$xt[dx,], census$yt[dx], census$gblt[dx])
#' # Build contrast tree boosting models
#' # Use small # of iterations for illustration (typically >= 200)
#' modgbl = modtrast(census$x, census$y, census$gbl, type = 'prob', niter = 10)
#' # Plot model accuracy as a function of iteration number
#' xval(modgbl, census$x, census$y, census$gbl, col = 'red')
#' # Produce predictions from modtrast() for new data.
#' ypred <- predtrast(modgbl, census$xt, census$gblt, num = modgbl$niter)
#' # Produce distribution boosting estimates
#' yhat <- predtrast(modgbl, census$xt, census$gblt, num = modgbl$niter)
#' @export
contrast <- function(x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), cat.vars = NULL, not.used = NULL, qint = 10,
xmiss = 9.0e35, tree.size = 10, min.node = 500, mode = c("onesamp", "twosamp"),
type = "dist", pwr = 2,
quant = 0.5, nclass = NULL, costs = NULL, cdfsamp = 500, verbose = FALSE, = 1000000, = 100000, nbump = 1, fnodes = 0.25, fsamp = 1,
doprint = FALSE) {
mode <- match.arg(mode)
cri <- "max"
qqtrim <- 20
n <- nrow(x)
crts <- 0
for (k in 1:nbump) {
if (k == 1) {
s <- 1:n
yy <- y
else {
s <-, as.integer(fsamp * n), replace = TRUE)
if (is.vector(y)) {
yy <- y[s]
} else {
yy <- y[s, ]
trek <- contrastt(
x[s, ], yy, z[s], w[s], cat.vars, not.used, qint,
xmiss, tree.size, min.node, cri, mode, type, pwr, qqtrim, quant, nclass, costs,
cdfsamp, verbose,,
v <- nodesum(trek, x, y, z, doplot = FALSE)
nf <- as.integer(max(1, fnodes * length(v$nodes)))
crt <- sum(v$wt[1:nf] * v$cri[1:nf]) / sum(v$wt[1:nf])
if (doprint) print(c(k, crt))
if (crt > crts) {
crts <- crt
## trees <- trek ## Naras fix
trees <- trek ## Naras addition
if (doprint) print(crts)
contrastt <- function(x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), cat.vars = NULL, not.used = NULL, qint = 10,
xmiss = 9.0e35, tree.size = 10, min.node = 500, cri = "max", mode,
type, pwr = 2, qqtrim = 20, quant = 0.5, nclass = NULL, costs = NULL, cdfsamp = 500,
verbose = FALSE, = 1000000, = 100000) {
## if (!is.loaded("fcontrast")) {
## stop("dyn.load('') linux\n dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
## }
if ( {
p <- length(x)
else if (is.matrix(x)) {
p <- ncol(x)
else {
stop("x must be a matrix or data frame.")
if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
varnames <- paste("V", as.character(1:p), sep = "")
else {
varnames <- colnames(x)
if ( {
n <- length(x[[1]])
xx <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p)
for (j in 1:p) {
xx[, j] <- x[[j]]
if (is.null(cat.vars)) {
lx <- as.numeric(sapply(x, is.factor)) + 1
else {
lx <- rep(1, p)
iv <- getvars(cat.vars, p, lx, varnames)
iv <- iv[iv != 0]
if (length(iv) != 0) lx[iv] <- 2
else {
n <- nrow(x)
xx <- x
lx <- rep(1, p)
if (!is.null(cat.vars)) {
iv <- getvars(cat.vars, p, lx, varnames)
iv <- iv[iv != 0]
if (length(iv) != 0) lx[iv] <- 2
if (length(z) != n) stop("x and z dimensions inconsistent.")
if (is.vector(y)) {
if (length(y) != n) stop("x and y dimensions inconsistent.")
if (max(y) == min(y)) stop("all y values are the same.")
else {
if (nrow(y) != n) stop("x and y dimensions inconsistent.")
if (max(y[, 1]) == min(y[, 1])) stop("all y[,1] values are the same.")
if (max(y[, 2]) == min(y[, 2])) stop("all y[,2] values are the same.")
if (ncol(y) != 2) stop("y must have two columns.")
if (length(w) != n) stop("x and w dimensions inconsistent.")
if (!is.null(not.used)) {
iv <- getvars(not.used, p, rep(1, p), varnames)
iv <- iv[iv != 0]
if (length(iv) != 0) lx[iv] <- 0
if (all(lx == 0)) stop("all predictor variables excluded.")
xx[] <- xmiss
bgstx <- max(xx[xx != xmiss])
if (xmiss <= bgstx) {
"value of xmiss =", xmiss,
"is smaller than largest training predictor variable value =", bgstx
if (any( {
w[] <- 0
("training response contains NAs - corresponding weights set to 0.")
if (any( {
## w[] <- 0 ## Naras change below
w[] <- 0
warning("training weights contain NAs - zeros substituted.")
if (any(w < 0)) {
w[w < 0] <- 0
("training weights contain negative numbers - zeros substituted.")
if (!is.character(cri)) stop(" cri must be of type character.")
if (!(is.function(type) || is.character(type))) stop(" type must be user discpancy function or of type character.")
if(is.character(type)) {
if (mode == "onesamp" && !(type %in% names(onesamp_types))) {
stop(sprintf(" one sample type must be one of %s", paste(names(onesamp_types), collapse = ", ")))
if (mode == "twosamp" && !(type %in% names(onesamp_types))) {
stop(sprintf(" two sample type must be one of %s", paste(names(onesamp_types), collapse = ", ")))
if (!is.null(costs)) {
if (nrow(costs) != nclass) stop("nrow(costs) incorrect.")
if (ncol(costs) != nclass) stop("ncol(costs) incorrect.")
tree.size <- parchk("tree.size", tree.size, 2, n, 4) <- parchk("",, 10000, 10000000, 1000000) <- parchk("",, 10000, 10000000, 100000)
qint <- parchk("qint", qint, 2, 20, 4)
min.node <- parchk("min.node", min.node, 20, n / 2, 200)
qqtrim <- parchk("qqtrim", qqtrim, 10, max(11, n / 4), 20)
quant <- parchk("quant", quant, 0.01, 0.99, 0.5)
cdfsamp <- parchk("cdfsamp", cdfsamp, 100, 200000, 500)
if (!is.null(nclass)) nclass <- parchk("nclass", nclass, 2, 100, 2)
v <- contrast1(
xx, y, z, w, lx, qint, xmiss, tree.size, min.node, cri, mode, type,
pwr, qqtrim, quant, nclass, costs, cdfsamp, verbose,,
tree <- list(itre = v$itre, rtre = v$rtre, cat = v$cat, kxt = v$kxt, kxc = v$kxc, p = v$p)
parms <- list(
cri = cri, mode = mode, type = type, qqtrim = qqtrim, quant = quant,
nclass = nclass, costs = costs, cdfsamp = cdfsamp, verbose = verbose, kri = v$kri
invisible(list(tree = tree, parms = parms))
getvars <- function(vars, p, lx, names) {
lv <- length(vars)
iv <- rep(0, lv)
if (!is.character(vars)) {
for (j in 1:lv) {
if (vars[j] < 1 || vars[j] > p || lx[vars[j]] == 0) {
stop(paste(vars[j], "is not one of the input variables."))
else {
iv[j] <- vars[j]
else {
for (j in 1:lv) {
k <- (1:p)[names == vars[j]]
if (length(k) > 0) {
if (lx[k] > 0) {
iv[j] <- k
if (iv[j] == 0) {
paste(names[lx > 0], collapse = " "), "\n", vars[j],
" is not one of the above input variables."
parchk <- function(ax, x, lx, ux, df) {
if (x < lx || x > ux) {
warning(paste("invalid value for", ax, "- default (", df, ") used."))
else {
contrast1 <- function(x, y, z, w, lx, qint, xmiss, tree.size, min.node, cri,
mode, type, pwr, qqtrim, quant, nclass, costs, cdfsamp, verbose,, {
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
call <- .Fortran("set_miss", arg = as.numeric(xmiss), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
call <- .Fortran("set_trm", irg = as.integer(tree.size), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
call <- .Fortran("set_ntn", irg = as.integer(min.node), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
call <- .Fortran("set_qint", irg = as.integer(qint), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
call <- .Fortran("set_pwr", arg = as.numeric(pwr), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
icri <- 1
if (cri != "max") icri <- 2
call <- .Fortran("set_cri", irg = as.integer(icri), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
if (is.function(type)) {
save_rfun(type) ## User defined function
} else if (mode == "onesamp") {
kri <- onesamp_types[type]
if (kri == 1L) {
if (is.matrix(y)) {
kri <- 6L
call <- .Fortran("set_samp", irg = as.integer(cdfsamp), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
} else {
kri <- twosamp_types[type]
if (kri == 10L) {
if (is.matrix(y)) {
kri <- 15L
call <- .Fortran("set_samp", irg = as.integer(cdfsamp), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
call <- .Fortran("set_kri", irg = kri, jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
call <- .Fortran("set_qqtrm", irg = as.integer(qqtrim), jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
call <- .Fortran("set_quant", arg = as.numeric(quant), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
ivrb <- as.integer(verbose)
call <- .Fortran("set_vrb", irg = ivrb, jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
if (kri == 4L) {
if (is.null(nclass)) nclass <- 2
if (is.null(costs)) {
costs <- matrix(rep(1, nclass * nclass), nrow = nclass, ncol = nclass)
for (k in (1:nclass)) costs[k, k] <- 0
call <- .Fortran("classin",
ient = as.integer(1), nclasssv = as.integer(nclass),
costssv = as.vector(as.numeric(costs)), nout = integer(1), out = numeric(1),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
if (kri == 6L | kri == 15L) {
y2 <- y[, 2]
y <- y[, 1]
} else {
y2 <- rep(0, n)
u <- .Fortran("fcontrast",
no = as.integer(n), ni = as.integer(p),
x = as.vector(as.numeric(x)), y = as.vector(as.numeric(y)),
y2 = as.vector(as.numeric(y2)), z = as.vector(as.numeric(z)),
w = as.vector(as.numeric(w)), lx = as.vector(as.integer(lx)),
mxt = as.integer(,
itre = integer(6 *, rtre = numeric(4 *,
mxc = as.integer(, cat = numeric(,
ms = as.vector(as.integer(rep(0, 2 * n * p))),
isc = as.vector(as.integer(rep(0, n))),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
v <- .Fortran("get_stor", kxt = integer(1), kxc = integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
if (v$kxt > stop("tree memory too small.")
if (v$kxc > stop("categorical memory too small.")
itre = u$itre[1:(6 * v$kxt)], rtre = u$rtre[1:(4 * v$kxt)],
cat = u$cat[1:v$kxc], kxt = v$kxt, kxc = v$kxc, p = p, kri = kri
xcheck <- function(x, xmiss = 9.0e35) {
if ( {
p <- length(x)
n <- length(x[[1]])
xx <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p)
for (j in 1:p) {
xx[, j] <- x[[j]]
else if (is.matrix(x)) {
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
xx <- x
else if (is.vector(x)) {
p <- length(x)
n <- 1
xx <- x
else {
stop(" x must be a data frame, matrix, or vector.")
xx[] <- xmiss
call <- .Fortran("set_miss", arg = as.numeric(xmiss), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
#' Prune a contrast tree
#' @param tree a tree model object output from contrast
#' @param thr a split improvement threshold, default is 0.1
#' @return a bottom-up pruned tree with splits corresponding to improvement less than threshold `thr` removed
#' @export
prune <- function(tree, thr = 0.1) {
## if (!is.loaded("prune1")) {
## stop("dyn.load('') linux\n dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
## }
v <- tree$tree
u <- .Fortran("prune1",
itr = as.vector(as.integer(v$itre)),
rtr = as.vector(as.numeric(v$rtre)),
nodes = as.integer(v$kxt), thr = as.numeric(thr),
itro = integer(6 * v$kxt), rtro = numeric(4 * v$kxt),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
tr <- list(
itre = u$itro, rtre = u$rtro, cat = v$cat,
kxt = v$kxt, kxc = v$kxc, p = v$p
invisible(list(tree = tr, parms = tree$parms))
crinode <- function(tree) {
## if (!is.loaded("crinode")) {
## stop("dyn.load('') linux\n dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
## }
u <- tree$tree
v <- .Fortran("crinode",
itr = as.vector(as.integer(u$itre)),
rtr = as.vector(as.numeric(u$rtre)),
mxnodes = as.integer(u$kxt), node = integer(1), nodes = integer(u$kxt),
cri = numeric(u$kxt), wt = numeric(u$kxt),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
nodes <- v$nodes[1:v$node]
cri <- v$cri[1:v$node]
wt <- v$wt[1:v$node]
avecri <- sum(wt * cri) / sum(wt)
list(nodes = nodes, cri = cri, wt = wt, avecri = avecri)
#' Summarize contrast tree
#' @param tree model object output from contrast() or prune()
#' @param x training input predictor data matrix or data frame in same format as in contrast()
#' @param y vector, or matrix containing training data input outcome values or censoring intervals for each observation in same format as in contrast()
#' @param z vector containing values of a second contrasting quantity for each observation in same observation format as in contrast()
#' @param w observation weights.
#' @param doplot a flag to display/not display plots of output quantities
#' @return a named list of four items:
#' - `nodes` the tree terminal node identifiers
#' - `cri` the terminal node criterion values (depends on contrast type see above)
#' - `wt` sum of weights in each terminal node
#' - `avecri` weighted criterion average over all terminal nodes
#' @importFrom graphics par barplot
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
nodesum <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), doplot = FALSE) {
u <- crinode(tree)
nds <- u$nodes
nd <- getnodes(tree, x)
ln <- length(u$nodes)
crio <- rep(0, ln)
wt <- rep(0, ln)
for (j in 1:ln) {
if (is.vector(y)) {
yy <- y[nd == nds[j]]
} else {
yy <- y[nd == nds[j], ]
v <- getcri(tree, yy, z[nd == nds[j]], w[nd == nds[j]])
crio[j] <- abs(v$cri)
wt[j] <- v$wt
avecri <- sum(wt * crio) / sum(wt)
o <- order(-crio)
if (doplot) {
opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
barplot(crio[o], names = nds[o], xlab = "node", ylab = "Criterion")
barplot(wt[o], names = nds[o], xlab = "node", ylab = "Weight")
list(nodes = nds[o], cri = crio[o], wt = wt[o], avecri = avecri)
#' Get terminal node observation assignments
#' @param tree model object output from contrast() or prune()
#' @param x training input predictor data matrix or data frame in same format as in contrast()
#' @return vector of tree terminal node identifiers (numbers) corresponding to each observation (row of x)
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
getnodes <- function(tree, x) {
## if (!is.loaded("getnodes1")) {
## stop("dyn.load('') linux\n dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
## }
x <- xcheck(x)
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
u <- tree$tree
v <- .Fortran("getnodes1",
no = as.integer(n), ni = as.integer(p),
x = as.vector(as.numeric(x)), itre = as.vector(as.integer(u$itre)),
rtre = as.vector(as.numeric(u$rtre)), cat = as.vector(as.numeric(u$cat)),
nodes = integer(n),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
getlims <- function(tree, node) {
## if (!is.loaded("getlims")) {
## stop("dyn.load('') linux\n dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
## }
u <- tree$tree
v <- .Fortran("getlims",
node = as.integer(node), ni = as.integer(u$p),
itr = as.vector(as.integer(u$itre)), rtr = as.vector(as.numeric(u$rtre)),
cat = as.vector(as.numeric(u$cat)), nvar = integer(1), jvar = integer(2 * 1000),
vlims = numeric(1000), jerr = integer(1),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
if (v$jerr != 0) stop(paste("node", as.character(node), "not terminal."))
jvar <- v$jvar[1:(2 * v$nvar)]
jvar <- matrix(jvar, nrow = 2)
vlims <- v$vlims[1:v$nvar]
if (v$nvar > 1) {
jvar <- jvar[, v$nvar:1]
vlims <- vlims[v$nvar:1]
list(nvar = v$nvar, jvar = jvar, vlims = vlims)
#' Print terminal node x-region boundaries
#' @param tree model object output from contrast() or prune()
#' @param nodes vector of terminal node identifiers for the tree specifying the desired regions. The default is all terminal nodes.
#' @details
#' The predictor variable x-boundaries defining each terminal node are printed.
#' For numeric variables: variable | sign | value
#' - sign + => value=lower boundary on variable
#' - sign - => value upper boundary on variable
#' For categorical variables: cat variable | sign | set of values
#' - sign + => values in node
#' - sign - => values not in node (compliment values in node) graphical representations of terminal node contrasts depend on the tree type
#' @return No return value (invisble `NULL`)
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
q=tree$tree; v=crinode(tree);
if(is.null(nodes)) { nodes=v$nodes}
for (k in 1:length(nodes)) {
cat(sprintf('node %d',nodes[k]))
u=getlims(tree, nodes[k])
cat(paste(' var dir split'),'\n')
for (j in 1:u$nvar) {
if (u$jvar[2,j] == 0) {
if(sign(u$jvar[1,j])<0) {
## cat(paste(' ',format(abs(u$jvar[1,j]),digits=0),
cat(paste(sprintf(' %d', abs(u$jvar[1,j])),
' - ',format(u$vlims[j],digits=2)),'\n')
else {
## cat(paste(' ',format(abs(u$jvar[1,j]),digits=0),
cat(paste(sprintf(' %d', abs(u$jvar[1,j])),
' + ',format(u$vlims[j],digits=2)),'\n')
else {
kp=u$jvar[2,j]; kc=abs(q$cat[kp])
if(u$vlims[j]>0) {
##cat(paste(' cat',format(u$jvar[1,j],digits=0),
cat(paste(sprintf(' cat %d', u$jvar[1,j]),
' - ')); cat(z,'\n')
else {
## cat(paste(' cat',format(u$jvar[1,j],digits=0),
cat(paste(sprintf(' cat %d', u$jvar[1,j]),
' + ')); cat(z,'\n')
getcri <- function(tree, y, z, w = rep(1, n), cdfsamp = 500) {
## if (!is.loaded("andarm")) {
## stop("dyn.load('') linux\n dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
## }
if (is.vector(y)) {
n <- length(y)
} else {
n <- nrow(y)
v <- tree$parms
kri <- v$kri
if (kri == 6L || kri == 15L) {
call <- .Fortran("set_samp", irg = as.integer(cdfsamp), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
save_rfun(v$type) ## The user discrepancy function
call <- .Fortran("set_kri", irg = as.integer(kri), jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
call <- .Fortran("set_qqtrm", irg = as.integer(v$qqtrim), jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
call <- .Fortran("set_quant", arg = as.numeric(v$quant), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
call <- .Fortran("set_vrb", irg = as.integer(v$verbose), jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
if (kri == 4L) {
if (is.null(v$nclass)) v$nclass <- 2
if (is.null(v$costs)) {
costs <- matrix(1, nrow = v$nclass, ncol = v$nclass)
diag(costs) <- 0
call <- .Fortran("classin",
ient = as.integer(1), nclasssv = as.integer(v$nclass),
costssv = as.vector(as.numeric(costs)), nout = integer(1), out = numeric(1),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
if (kri == 6L | kri == 15L) {
y2 <- y[, 2]
y <- y[, 1]
} else {
y2 <- rep(0, n)
u <- .Fortran("andarm",
n = as.integer(n), y = as.vector(as.numeric(y)),
y2 = as.vector(as.numeric(y2)), z = as.vector(as.numeric(z)),
w = as.vector(as.numeric(w)), dst = numeric(1), sw = numeric(1),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
list(cri = u$dst, wt = u$sw)
#' @importFrom graphics lines par title
#' @importFrom stats qqplot
plotnodes <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), nodes = NULL,
pts = "FALSE", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) {
## if (!is.loaded("fintcdf1")) {
## stop("dyn.load('') linux\n dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
## }
x=xcheck(x); mode=tree$parms$mode
if(is.null(nodes)) { v=crinode(tree);
nd=getnodes(tree, x)
if (nplts > 2) {
if(nr*nr==nplts) { nc=nr}
else { nr=nr+1;
nc=trunc(nplts/nr); if(nc*nr<nplts) nc=nc+1
if (nplts==2) { nr=2; nc=1}
if(nplts>=2) { opar=par(mfrow=c(nr,nc)); on.exit(par(opar))}
for (k in 1:nplts) {
if(is.vector(y)) {
zn=z[nd==nodes[k]]; yn=y[nd==nodes[k]]
if(mode=='onesamp') { p1=zn; p2=yn}
else {p1=yn[zn<0]; p2=yn[zn>0]}
if(is.null(xlim)) { xl=c(min(p1),max(p1))} else { xl=xlim}
if(is.null(ylim)) { yl=c(min(p2),max(p2))} else { yl=ylim}
else {
u=y[nd==nodes[k],]; cdfsamp1=1000000
vrb=0; if(tree$parms$verbose) vrb=1
u=z[nd==nodes[k]]; cdfsamp1=1000000
#' @importFrom graphics par title
plotnodes2 <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), nodes = NULL,
pts = "FALSE", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) {
## if (!is.loaded("fintcdf1")) {
## stop("dyn.load('') linux\n dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
## }
x <- xcheck(x)
if (is.null(nodes)) {
v <- crinode(tree)
nodes <- v$nodes[1:min(length(v$nodes), 9)]
nplts <- length(nodes)
nd <- getnodes(tree, x)
if (nplts > 2) {
nr <- trunc(sqrt(nplts))
if (nr * nr == nplts) {
nc <- nr
else {
nr <- nr + 1
nc <- trunc(nplts / nr)
if (nc * nr < nplts) nc <- nc + 1
if (nplts == 2) {
nr <- 2
nc <- 1
if (nplts >= 2) {
opar <- par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))
vrb <- 0
if (tree$parms$verbose) vrb <- 1
for (k in 1:nplts) {
u <- y[nd == nodes[k], ]
v <- z[nd == nodes[k]]
r <- v < 0
y1 <- u[r, ]
y2 <- u[!r, ]
cdfsamp1 <- 1000000
if (length(unique(c(y1[, 1], y1[, 2]))) > tree$parms$cdfsamp + 2) {
cdfsamp1 <- tree$parms$cdfsamp
cy1 <- cencdf(y1, nsamp = cdfsamp1, vrb = vrb)
if (length(unique(c(y2[, 1], y2[, 2]))) > tree$parms$cdfsamp + 2) {
cdfsamp1 <- tree$parms$cdfsamp
cy2 <- cencdf(y2, nsamp = cdfsamp1, vrb = vrb)
v <- diffcdf(cy1$x, cy1$y, cy2$x, cy2$y, xlim = xlim, pts = pts)
"Node", as.character(nodes[k]), ":",
as.character(format(v, digits = 2))
#' @importFrom graphics lines par title
plotdiff <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)),
nodes = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, span = 0.15) {
## if (!is.loaded("fintcdf1")) {
## stop("dyn.load('') linux\n dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
## }
x <- xcheck(x)
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(z), max(z))
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(y), max(y))
if (is.null(nodes)) {
v <- crinode(tree)
nodes <- v$nodes[1:min(length(v$nodes), 9)]
nplts <- length(nodes)
nd <- getnodes(tree, x)
if (nplts > 2) {
nr <- trunc(sqrt(nplts))
if (nr * nr == nplts) {
nc <- nr
else {
nr <- nr + 1
nc <- trunc(nplts / nr)
if (nc * nr < nplts) nc <- nc + 1
if (nplts == 2) {
nr <- 2
nc <- 1
if (nplts >= 2) {
opar <- par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))
for (k in 1:nplts) {
medplot(z[nd == nodes[k]], y[nd == nodes[k]],
xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim, xlab = "z", ylab = "y", span = span
"Node", as.character(nodes[k]), ":",
as.character(sum(w[nd == nodes[k]]))
lines(c(-1.0e9, 1.0e9), c(-1.0e9, 1.0e9), col = "blue")
#' @importFrom graphics barplot lines
showclass <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, length(y))) {
opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
v <- nodesum(tree, x, y, z, w)
kk <- length(v$nodes)
u <- barplot(v$cri, names = v$nodes, xlab = "Node", ylab = "Class Risk")
left <- 0.5 * (u[2] - u[1])
right <- 0.5 * (u[kk] - u[kk - 1])
lines(c(u[1] - left, u[kk] + right), c(v$avecri, v$avecri), col = "red")
barplot(v$wt, names = v$nodes, xlab = "node", ylab = "Counts")
#' @importFrom graphics barplot par
showprobs <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, length(y)), vlab = "Prob ( y = 1 )") {
x <- xcheck(x)
opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
v <- nodesum(tree, x, y, z, w)
nd <- getnodes(tree, x)
kk <- length(v$nodes)
plt <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = kk)
for (k in 1:kk) {
if (tree$parms$mode == "onesamp") {
sw <- sum(w[nd == v$nodes[k]])
plt[1, k] <- sum(w[nd == v$nodes[k]] * y[nd == v$nodes[k]]) / sw
plt[2, k] <- sum(w[nd == v$nodes[k]] * z[nd == v$nodes[k]]) / sw
else {
yn <- y[nd == v$nodes[k]]
zn <- z[nd == v$nodes[k]]
wn <- w[nd == v$nodes[k]]
y1 <- yn[zn < 0]
y2 <- yn[zn > 0]
w1 <- wn[zn < 0]
w2 <- wn[zn > 0]
plt[1, k] <- sum(w1 * y1) / sum(w1)
plt[2, k] <- sum(w2 * y2) / sum(w2)
u <- barplot(plt,
names = v$nodes, xlab = "Node",
ylab = vlab, beside = TRUE, col = c("blue", "red")
if (tree$parms$mode == "onesamp") {
barplot(v$wt, names = v$nodes, xlab = "node", ylab = "Counts", col = "green")
else {
means <- matrix(nrow = kk, ncol = 2)
nums <- means
nodes <- v$nodes
for (k in 1:kk) nums[k, 1] <- sum(w[nd == nodes[k] & z < 0]) / sum(w[z < 0])
for (k in 1:kk) nums[k, 2] <- sum(w[nd == nodes[k] & z > 0]) / sum(w[z > 0])
beside = T, col = c("blue", "red"),
names = nodes, xlab = "Node", ylab = "Frequency"
#' Show all possible pruned subtrees
#' @param tree a tree model object output from contrast
#' @param eps small increment defining grid of threshold values
#' @param a logical flag indicating plot/don't plot of number of nodes versus threshold value for all pruned subtrees, default `TRUE`
#' @return a named list of two items:
#' - `thr` a set of threshold values that sequentially reduce tree size
#' - `nodes` the corresponding tree sizes (number of terminal nodes)
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @export
prune.seq <- function(tree, eps = 0.01, = TRUE) {
u <- crinode(tree)
del <- eps * u$avecri
z <- 0
n0 <- length(u$nodes)
n <- n0
nodes <- rep(0, n)
thr <- rep(0, n)
it <- 1
thr[1] <- 0
nodes[1] <- n
while (TRUE) {
z <- z + del
tree <- prune(tree, z)
u <- crinode(tree)
n <- length(u$nodes)
if (n < n0) {
it <- it + 1
nodes[it] <- n
thr[it] <- z
n0 <- n
if (n <= 2) break
if ( plot(nodes[1:it], thr[1:it], ylab = "Threshold", xlab = "Nodes")
list(thr = thr[1:it], nodes = nodes[1:it])
#' @importFrom graphics barplot par title
showquants <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, length(y)), quant = 0.5, doplot = TRUE) {
x <- xcheck(x)
opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
v <- nodesum(tree, x, y, z, w)
nd <- getnodes(tree, x)
kk <- length(v$nodes)
quants <- rep(0, kk)
num <- rep(0, kk)
for (k in 1:kk) {
j <- v$nodes[k]
num[k] <- sum(nd == j)
quants[k] <- sum(y[nd == j] <= z[nd == j]) / num[k]
if (doplot) {
u <- barplot(quants - quant, names = v$nodes, xlab = "node", ylab = " Probability Error")
title(paste(format(quant, digits = 2), "- Quantile"))
barplot(num, names = v$nodes, xlab = "node", ylab = "Counts")
sum(num * abs(quants - quant)) / sum(num)
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines
diffcdf <- function(x1, cdf1, x2, cdf2, pts = "FALSE", xlab = "y", ylab = "CDF ( y )",
xlim = NULL, doplot = TRUE) {
n1 <- length(x1)
n2 <- length(x2)
n <- n1 + n2
z1 <- rep(0, n1)
z2 <- rep(1, n2)
x <- c(x1, x2)
lab <- c(z1, z2)
o <- order(x)
lab <- lab[o]
diff <- 0
i1 <- 0
i2 <- 0
cdf11 <- 0
cdf22 <- 0
for (i in 1:n) {
if (lab[i] == 0) {
i1 <- i1 + 1
cdf11 <- cdf1[i1]
diff <- diff + abs(cdf11 - cdf22)
else {
i2 <- i2 + 1
cdf22 <- cdf2[i2]
avediff <- diff / i1
if (doplot) {
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2))
if (pts) {
plot(x1, cdf1, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = c(0, 1))
else {
plot(x1, cdf1, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = c(0, 1), pch = ".")
lines(x2, cdf2, col = "red")
cencdf <- function(yin, win = rep(1, n), nsamp = 2000, nit = 100, thr = 1.0e-2, vrb = 0,
xmiss = 9.0e35, seed = 111) {
oldseed <- .Random.seed
n <- nrow(yin)
r <-, min(n, nsamp))
y <- yin[r, ]
w <- win[r]
.Random.seed <- oldseed
u <- fintcdf(y, w, nit, thr, xmiss, vrb)
t <- yin[, 1] >= yin[, 2]
sw <- sum(win)
st <- sum(win[t]) / sw
snt <- 1 - st
b <- c(yin[, 1], yin[, 2])
b <- b[b > -xmiss]
b <- b[b < xmiss]
b <- sort(unique(b))
z <- xfm2(b, u$x, u$y)
if (st > 0) {
v <- cdfpoints(b, sort(yin[t, 1]), win[t])
else {
v <- 0
invisible(list(x = b, y = snt * z + st * v))
fintcdf <- function(y, w = rep(1, n), nit = 100, thr = 1.0e-2, xmiss = 9.0e35, vrb = 0) {
b <- c(y[, 1], y[, 2])
b <- b[b > -xmiss]
b <- b[b < xmiss]
b <- sort(unique(b))
b <- c(b, xmiss)
m <- length(b)
yy <- y[y[, 1] < y[, 2], ]
n <- nrow(yy) ## Naras addition to remove warning on `n` not being defined in formals!
vrb0 <- vrb
## Naras added jrg to .Fortran call below as set_vrb expects two args!
call <- .Fortran("set_vrb", irg = as.integer(vrb), jrg = 1L, PACKAGE = 'conTree')
z <- .Fortran("fintcdf1",
##n = as.integer(nrow(yy)), y = as.vector(as.numeric(yy)), # Naras change below
n = n, y = as.vector(as.numeric(yy)),
m = as.integer(m), b = as.vector(as.numeric(b)), w = as.vector(as.numeric(w)),
nit = as.integer(nit), thr = as.numeric(thr / m), cdf = numeric(m), jt = integer(1),
err = numeric(1),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
## Naras added jrg to .Fortran call below as set_vrb expects two args!
call <- .Fortran("set_vrb", irg = as.integer(vrb0), jrg = 1L, PACKAGE = 'conTree')
if (vrb > 0) {
"CDF calc:", format(z$jt, digits = 3), "steps",
" confac =", format(z$err, digits = 4), " ", format(m - 1, digits = 4),
v <- 1:(m - 1)
invisible(list(x = b[v], y = z$cdf[v]))
cdfpoints <- function(x, y, w = rep(1, length(y))) {
z <- .Fortran("cdfpoints1",
m = as.integer(length(x)), x = as.vector(as.numeric(x)),
n = as.integer(length(y)), y = as.vector(as.numeric(y)),
w = as.vector(as.numeric(w)), cdf = numeric(length(x)),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
xfm2 <- function(f, b00, b11, efac = 7, xmiss = 9.0e35) {
b0 <- c(-xmiss, b00, xmiss)
b1 <- rep(0, length(b0))
nb <- length(b0) - 1
z <- .bincode(f, b0)
zp1 <- z + 1
b1[2:nb] <- b11
b0[1] <- 3 * b0[2] - 2 * b0[3]
b1[1] <- 3 * b1[2] - 2 * b1[3]
b0[nb + 1] <- 3 * b0[nb] - 2 * b0[nb - 1]
b1[nb + 1] <- 3 * b1[nb] - 2 * b1[nb - 1]
u <- f > b0[1] & f < b0[nb + 1]
f1 <- rep(0, length(f))
if (sum(u) > 0) {
f1[u] <- (f[u] - b0[z[u]]) * (b1[zp1[u]] - b1[z[u]]) /
(b0[zp1[u]] - b0[z[u]]) + b1[z[u]]
u <- f <= b0[1]
if (sum(u) > 0) {
f1[u] <- extrap(-efac, f[u], b0[z[u]], b0[zp1[u]], b1[z[u]], b1[zp1[u]])
u <- f >= b0[nb + 1]
if (sum(u) > 0) {
f1[u] <- extrap(efac, f[u], b0[z[u]], b0[zp1[u]], b1[z[u]], b1[zp1[u]])
#' Show graphical terminal node summaries
#' @rdname nodesum
#' @param w observation weights
#' @param nodes selected tree terminal node identifiers. Default is all terminal nodes
#' @param xlim x-axis limit
#' @param ylim y-axis limit
#' @param pts logical flag indicating whether to show `y`-values as circles/points (`type = 'pp'` only)
#' @param span running median smoother span (`type = 'diff'` only)
#' @details
#' The graphical representations of terminal node contrasts depend on the tree type
#' graphical representations of terminal node contrasts depending on tree type
#' -`type = 'dist'` implies CDFs of y and z in each terminal node. (Only top nine nodes are shown). Note that y can be censored (see above)
#' -`type = 'diff'` implies plot y versus z in each terminal node. (Only top nine nodes are shown).
#' -`type = 'class'` implies barplot of misclassification risk (upper) amd total weight (lower) in each terminal node
#' -`type = 'prob'` implies upper barplot contrasting empirical (blue) and predicted (red) \eqn{p(y=1)} in each terminal node. Lower barplot showing total weight in each terminal node.
#' - type = 'quant' => upper barplot of fraction of y-values greater than or equal to corresponding z-values (quantile prediction) in each terminal node. Horizontal line reflects specified target quantile. Lower barplot showing total weight in each terminal node.
#' - `type = 'diffmean'` or `type = 'maxmean'` implies upper barplot contrasting y-mean (blue) and z-mean (red) in each terminal node. Lower barplot showing total weight in each terminal node.
#' @export
nodeplots <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), nodes = NULL,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, pts = "FALSE", span = 0.15) {
parms <- tree$parms
if (is.function(parms$type)) {
stop("nodeplots cannot handle user discrepancy!")
if (parms$type == "dist") {
if (parms$mode == "onesamp" | is.vector(y)) {
plotnodes(tree, x, y, z, w, nodes, pts, xlim, ylim)
else {
plotnodes2(tree, x, y, z, w, nodes, pts, xlim, ylim)
if (parms$type == "diff") {
plotdiff(tree, x, y, z, w, nodes, xlim, ylim, span)
if (parms$type == "class") {
showclass(tree, x, y, z, w)
if (parms$type == "prob") {
showprobs(tree, x, y, z, w)
if (parms$type == "maxmean") {
showprobs(tree, x, y, z, w, vlab = "Mean")
if (parms$type == "diffmean") {
showprobs(tree, x, y, z, w, vlab = "Mean")
if (parms$type == "quant") {
showquants(tree, x, y, z, w, quant = parms$quant, doplot = TRUE)
print("invalid type")
#' Build boosted contrast tree model
#' @rdname contrast
#' @param learn.rate learning rate parameter in `(0,1]`
#' @param niter number of trees
#' @param doplot a flag to display/not display graphical plots
#' @param span span for qq-plot transformation smoother
#' @param plot.span running median smoother span for discrepancy plot (`doplot = TRUE`, only)
#' @param print.itr tree discrepancy printing iteration interval
#' @return a contrast model object to be used with predtrast()
#' @export
modtrast <- function(x,y,z,w=rep(1,nrow(x)),cat.vars=NULL,not.used=NULL,qint=10,
type=c("dist", "diff", "class", "quant", "prob", "maxmean", "diffmean"),
doprint=FALSE,niter=100,doplot=FALSE,span=0,plot.span=0.15,print.itr=10) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type=='dist') {
nodes=list(); dels=list(); trees=list(); r=z; acri=rep(0,niter); mode='onesamp'
for (k in 1:niter) {
r=u$az; dels[[k]]=u$del; nodes[[k]]=u$nodes
if (verbose) {
if(k<=10 | k%%print.itr==0) cat('.')
if(doplot) {
if(niter>20 & plot.span>0) {
else {
#' Predict y-values from boosted contrast model
#' @param model model object output from modtrast()
#' @param x x-values for new data
#' @param z z-values for new data
#' @param num number of trees used to compute model values
#' @return predicted y-values for new data from model
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
predtrast <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter) {
if (model$trees[[1]]$parms$type == "dist") {
return(predmod(model, x, z, num))
zo <- z
t <- model$trees[[1]]$parms$type == "prob"
if (t) zo <- log(zo / (1 - zo))
for (k in 1:num) {
nd <- getnodes(model$trees[[k]], x)
for (j in 1:length(model$nodes[[k]])) {
u <- nd == model$nodes[[k]][j]
if (t) {
zo[u] <- zo[u] + log(model$dels[[k]][j])
else {
zo[u] <- zo[u] + model$dels[[k]][j]
if (t) zo <- 1 / (1 + exp(-zo))
#' @importFrom stats quantile
adjnodes <- function(x, y, z, tree, w = rep(1, length(y)), learn.rate = 1) {
t <- tree$parms$type
if (!(t == "diff" | t == "quant" | t == "prob" | t == "maxmean" | t == "diffmean")) {
stop("incorrect tree type")
u <- nodesum(tree, x, y, z)
nodes <- length(u$nodes)
r <- z
v <- getnodes(tree, x)
del <- rep(0, nodes)
if (t == "quant") {
quant <- tree$parms$quant
else {
quant <- 0.5
for (j in 1:nodes) {
k <- u$nodes[j]
if (t == "prob") {
del[j] <- (sum(w[v == k] * y[v == k]) / sum(w[v == k] * z[v == k]))^learn.rate
r[v == k] <- z[v == k] * del[j]
else if (t == "maxmean" | t == "diffmean") {
del[j] <- learn.rate * sum(w[v == k] * (y[v == k]) - z[v == k]) / sum(w[v == k])
r[v == k] <- z[v == k] + del[j]
else {
del[j] <- learn.rate * as.numeric(quantile(y[v == k] - z[v == k], quant))
r[v == k] <- z[v == k] + del[j]
invisible(list(nodes = u$nodes, del = del, az = r))
#' @importFrom stats scatter.smooth
#' @importFrom graphics plot
cvtrast <- function(model, x, y, z, w = rep(1, length(y)), doplot = TRUE, span = 0.5) {
zo <- z
t <- model$trees[[1]]$parms$type == "prob"
if (t) zo <- log(zo / (1 - zo))
niter <- model$niter
cvcri <- rep(0, niter)
h <- z
for (k in 1:niter) {
cvcri[k] <- nodesum(model$trees[[k]], x, y, h, w)$avecri
nd <- getnodes(model$trees[[k]], x)
for (j in 1:length(model$nodes[[k]])) {
u <- nd == model$nodes[[k]][j]
if (t) {
zo[u] <- zo[u] + log(model$dels[[k]][j])
else {
zo[u] <- zo[u] + model$dels[[k]][j]
if (t) {
h <- 1 / (1 + exp(-zo))
} else {
h <- zo
if (doplot) {
if (niter > 20 & span > 0) {
scatter.smooth(1:k, cvcri,
xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Change",
ylim = c(0, max(cvcri)), span = span
else {
plot(1:k, cvcri,
xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Change",
ylim = c(0, max(cvcri))
#' @importFrom graphics plot title lines
#' @importFrom stats runmed
medplot <- function(x, y, np = NULL, main = NULL, span = 0.15, lnln = FALSE, xlab = "x",
ylab = "y", xlim = c(min(x), max(x)), ylim = c(min(y), max(y)), line = FALSE,
col = "red", doplot = TRUE) {
o <- order(x)
spn <- as.integer(length(x) * span)
if (spn %% 2 != 1) spn <- spn + 1
if (doplot) {
p <- 1:length(x)
if (!is.null(np)) p <- sample(p, np)
if (lnln) {
if (line) {
plot(x[o], runmed(y[o], spn),
type = "l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = "xy", col = col
else {
plot(x[p], y[p], pch = ".", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = "xy")
else {
if (line) {
plot(x[o], runmed(y[o], spn),
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim, type = "l", col = col
else {
plot(x[p], y[p], pch = ".", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
if (!is.null(main)) title(main)
if (!line) lines(x[o], runmed(y[o], spn), col = col)
invisible(list(x = x[o], y = y[o], sy = runmed(y[o], spn)))
#' @importFrom stats quantile
quantloss <- function(y, z, quant = 0.5) {
u <- y > z
nu <- !u
omq <- 1 - quant
v <- as.numeric(quantile(y, quant))
risk <- omq * sum(abs(y[u] - z[u]))
+quant * sum(abs(y[nu] - z[nu]))
u <- y > v
nu <- !u
risk0 <- omq * sum(abs(y[u] - v))
+quant * sum(abs(y[nu] - v))
risk / risk0
devexp <- function(y, p) {
ll <- mean(y * log(p) + (1 - y) * log(1 - p))
u <- mean(y)
lo <- mean(y * log(u) + (1 - y) * log(1 - u))
1 - (lo - ll) / lo
#' @importFrom graphics plot
losserr <- function(x, y, p, mdl, doplot = TRUE) {
parms <- mdl$tree[[1]]$parms
z <- rep(0, mdl$niter + 1)
if (parms$type == "prob") {
z[1] <- devexp(y, p)
else {
z[1] <- quantloss(y, p, parms$quant)
u <- predtrast1(mdl, x, p)
for (k in 2:(mdl$niter + 1)) {
if (parms$type == "prob") {
z[k] <- devexp(y, u[, k - 1])
else {
z[k] <- quantloss(y, u[, k - 1], parms$quant)
if (doplot) {
plot(0:mdl$niter, z, xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Unexplained devience")
predtrast1 <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter) {
zo <- z
t <- model$trees[[1]]$parms$type == "prob"
if (t) zo <- log(zo / (1 - zo))
zout <- matrix(nrow = length(zo), ncol = num)
for (k in 1:num) {
nd <- getnodes(model$trees[[k]], x)
for (j in 1:length(model$nodes[[k]])) {
u <- nd == model$nodes[[k]][j]
if (t) {
zo[u] <- zo[u] + log(model$dels[[k]][j])
else {
zo[u] <- zo[u] + model$dels[[k]][j]
zout[, k] <- zo
if (t) zout[, 1:num] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-zout[, 1:num]))
#' Cross-validate boosted contrast tree boosted with (new) data
#' @param mdl model output from modtrast()
#' @param x data predictor variables is same format as input to modtrast
#' @param y data y values is same format as input to modtrast
#' @param z data z values is same format as input to modtrast
#' @param num number of trees used to compute model values
#' @param del plot discrepancy value computed every del-th iteration (tree)
#' @param span running median smoother span (`doplot=TRUE`, only)
#' @param ylab graphical parameter (`doplot="first", only)
#' @param doplot logical flag. doplot="first" implies start new display. doplot="next" implies super impose plot on existing display. doplot="none" implies no plot displayed.
#' @param doprint logical flag `TRUE/FALSE` implies do/don't print progress while executing, default `FALSE`
#' @param col color of plotted curve
#' @return a named list of two items: `ntree` the iteration numbers, and `error` the corresponding discrepancy values
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
xval=function(mdl, x, y, z, num = length(mdl$tree), del = 10, span = 0.15,
ylab = 'Average Discrepancy', doplot = 'first', doprint = FALSE, col = 'red') {
error=rep(0,num); ntree=rep(0,num); k=0
for(j in 1:num) {
if (j==1 | j%%del==0) { k=k+1
yp=predtrast(mdl, x,z,num=j)
if(doprint) cat('.')
if(doprint) cat('\n')
if(doplot!='none') {
if (doplot=='first')
if (doplot=='next')
trans <- function(y, z, wy = rep(1, ny), wz = rep(1, nz), n = min(ny, nz)) {
ny <- length(y)
nz <- length(z)
n <- min(n, ny, nz)
u <- .Fortran("trans",
ny = as.integer(ny), y = as.vector(as.numeric(y)),
wy = as.vector(as.numeric(wy)), nz = as.integer(nz), z = as.vector(as.numeric(z)),
wz = as.vector(as.numeric(wz)), nt = as.integer(n), t = numeric(2 * n + 4),
PACKAGE = 'conTree'
invisible(list(x = u$t[1:(n + 2)], y = u$t[(n + 3):(2 * n + 4)]))
#' @importFrom stats approxfun
xfm <- function(y, b0, b1) {
f <- approxfun(b0, b1, rule = 2 , method = 'linear', ties = list("ordered", mean))
untie <- function(y) {
n <- length(y)
v <- .Fortran("untie", n = as.integer(n), y = as.vector(as.numeric(y)), u = numeric(n),
PACKAGE = 'conTree')
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines
#' @importFrom stats lsfit loess.smooth
modtrans <-
function(x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), cat.vars = NULL, not.used = NULL, qint = 10,
xmiss = 9.0e35, tree.size = 10, min.node = 500, learn.rate = 0.1, pwr = 2, cdfsamp = 500, verbose = FALSE, = 1000000, = 100000, nbump = 1, fnodes = 0.25, fsamp = 1,
doprint = FALSE, niter = 100, doplot = FALSE, print.itr = 10, span = 0, plot.span = 0.15) {
nodes <- list()
trans <- list()
trees <- list()
r <- z
acri <- rep(0, niter)
l <- 0
for (k in 1:niter) {
trees[[k]] <- contrast(x, y, r, w, cat.vars, not.used, qint, xmiss, tree.size,
mode = "onesamp", type = "dist", pwr, quant = 0.5, nclass = NULL, costs = NULL, cdfsamp, verbose,,, nbump, fnodes, fsamp, doprint
v <- nodesum(trees[[k]], x, y, r, w)
nodes[[k]] <- v$nodes
lnodes <- length(v$nodes)
acri[k] <- v$avecri
nd <- getnodes(trees[[k]], x)
for (i in 1:lnodes) {
j <- v$nodes[i]
h <- nd == j
u <- qqplot(r[h], y[h], = FALSE)
l <- l + 1
if (span > 0 & span < 1) {
smo <- loess.smooth(u$x, u$y, span = span)
u$x <- smo$x
u$y <- smo$y
else if (span >= 1) {
t <- rank(u$x) / length(u$x)
lsf <- lsfit(u$x, u$y, t * (1 - t))
u$y <- lsf$coefficients[1] + lsf$coefficients[2] * u$x
u$y <- learn.rate * u$y + (1 - learn.rate) * u$x
trans[[l]] <- cbind(u$x, u$y)
r[h] <- xfm(r[h], u$x, u$y)
if (verbose) {
if(k<10 | k%%print.itr==0) cat('.')
if (doplot) {
if (plot.span > 0 & niter > 20) {
plot(1:k, acri,
xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Criterion",
u <- medplot(1:k, acri, span = plot.span, doplot = F)
lines(u$x, u$sy, col = "red")
else {
plot(1:k, acri,
xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Criterion",
invisible(list(trees = trees, trans = trans, nodes = nodes, ty = r, niter = niter, cri = acri[1:k]))
#' @importFrom stats approxfun
predmod <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter) {
r <- z
l <- 0
for (k in 1:num) {
nd <- getnodes(model$trees[[k]], x)
nodes <- model$nodes[[k]]
for (i in 1:length(nodes)) {
j <- nodes[i]
l <- l + 1
u <- nd == j
if (sum(u) == 0) next
u1 <- model$trans[[l]][, 1]
u2 <- model$trans[[l]][, 2]
f <- approxfun(u1, u2, rule = 2, method = 'linear', ties = list("ordered", mean))
r[u] <- f(r[u])
#' Transform z-values t(z) such that the distribution of \eqn{p(t(z) | x)} approximates \eqn{p(t(y | x)} for type = 'dist' only
#' @param model model object output from modtrast()
#' @param x vector of predictor variable values for a (single) observation
#' @param z sample of z-values drawn from \eqn{p(z | x)}
#' @param num number of trees used to compute model values
#' @return vector of `length(z)` containing transformed values t(z) approximating \eqn{p(y | x)}
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
ydist <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter) {
xr <- matrix(nrow = length(z), ncol = length(x))
for (i in 1:nrow(xr)) xr[i, ] <- x
h <- predmod(model, xr, z, num)
xvalmod <- function(model, x, y, z, num = model$niter, doplot = TRUE) {
r <- z
l <- 0
cri <- rep(0, num + 1)
cri[1] <- crinode(contrast(x, y, r))$avecri
for (k in 1:num) {
nd <- getnodes(model$trees[[k]], x)
nodes <- model$nodes[[k]]
for (i in 1:length(nodes)) {
j <- nodes[i]
l <- l + 1
u <- nd == j
if (sum(u) == 0) next
r[u] <- xfm(r[u], model$trans[[l]][, 1], model$trans[[l]][, 2])
cri[k + 1] <- crinode(contrast(x, y, r))$avecri
if (doplot) scatter.smooth(cri, span = 0.25, xlab = "Trees", ylab = "Discrepancy")
#' @importFrom graphics hist
showdist <- function(v, xtrim = NULL, xlim = NULL, xlab = "Y | X", main = " ") {
v <- sort(v)
v <- v[v != v[1] & v != v[length(v)]]
if (!is.null(xlim)) v <- v[v > xlim[1] & v < xlim[2]]
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(v), max(v))
hist(v, xlab = xlab, xlim = xlim, main = main)
invisible(c(v[1], v[length(v)]))
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats loess.smooth quantile
plotpdf <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter, nq = 200, span = 0.25, xlim = NULL, xlab = NULL) {
p <- ((1:nq) - 0.5) / nq
q <- as.numeric(quantile(z, p))
t <- as.numeric(quantile(ydist(model, x, z, num), p))
b <- t != t[1] & t != t[length(t)]
p <- p[b]
t <- t[b]
g <- sum(b)
d <- (p[2:g] - p[1:(g - 1)]) / (t[2:g] - t[1:(g - 1)])
r <- loess.smooth(t[2:g], d, type = "l", span = span)
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(r$x), max(r$x))
if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Y"
plot(r$x, r$y, type = "l", xlim = xlim, xlab = xlab, ylab = "PDF")
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats loess.smooth quantile
plotcdf <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter, nq = 100, span = 0.25, xlim = NULL, xlab = NULL) {
p <- ((1:nq) - 0.5) / nq
t <- as.numeric(quantile(ydist(model, x, z, num), p))
r <- loess.smooth(t, p, type = "l", span = span)
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(r$x), max(r$x))
if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Y"
plot(r$x, r$y, type = "l", xlim = xlim, xlab = xlab, ylab = "CDF")
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats loess.smooth quantile
plotdist <-
function(model, x, z, num = model$niter, type = "cdf", nq = 100,
span = 0.25, pts = 100, xlim = NULL, xlab = NULL, doplot = TRUE) {
p <- ((1:nq) - 0.5) / nq
t <- as.numeric(quantile(ydist(model, x, z, num), p))
if (span > 0) {
r <- loess.smooth(t, p, type = "l", span = span, evaluation = pts)
rx <- r$x
ry <- r$y
else {
rx <- t
ry <- p
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(rx), max(rx))
if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Y"
if (type == "cdf") {
px <- rx
py <- ry
ylim <- c(0, 1)
else {
nx <- length(rx)
px <- 0.5 * (rx[1:(nx - 1)] + rx[2:nx])
py <- (ry[2:nx] - ry[1:(nx - 1)]) / (px[2] - px[1])
ylim <- c(0, max(py))
if (doplot) plot(px, py, type = "l", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = "CDF")
invisible(list(x = px, y = py))
#' Bootstrap contrast trees
#' @rdname contrast
#' @param nbump number of bootstrap replications
#' @param span span for qq-plot transformation smoother
#' @param doprint logical flag `TRUE/FALSE` implies do/don't plot iteration progress
#' @return a named list with `out$bcri` the bootstraped discrepancy values
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @export
bootcri <-
function(x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), cat.vars = NULL, not.used = NULL, qint = 10,
xmiss = 9.0e35, tree.size = 10, min.node = 500, mode = "onesamp", type = "dist", pwr = 2,
quant = 0.5, nclass = NULL, costs = NULL, cdfsamp = 500, verbose = FALSE, = 1000000, = 100000, nbump = 100, fnodes = 1, fsamp = 1,
doprint = FALSE) {
cri <- "max"
qqtrim <- 20
n <- nrow(x)
crts <- 0
if (length(fnodes) == 1) {
bcri <- rep(0, nbump)
else {
bcri <- matrix(nrow = length(fnodes), ncol = nbump)
for (k in 1:nbump) {
s <-, as.integer(fsamp * n), replace = TRUE)
if (is.vector(y)) {
yy <- y[s]
} else {
yy <- y[s, ]
trek <- contrastt(
x[s, ], yy, z[s], w[s], cat.vars, not.used, qint,
xmiss, tree.size, min.node, cri, mode, type, pwr, qqtrim, quant, nclass, costs,
cdfsamp, verbose,,
v <- nodesum(trek, x[s, ], yy, z[s], doplot = FALSE)
for (j in 1:length(fnodes)) {
nf <- as.integer(max(1, fnodes[j] * length(v$nodes)))
crt <- sum(v$wt[1:nf] * v$cri[1:nf]) / sum(v$wt[1:nf])
if (is.vector(bcri)) {
bcri[k] <- crt
} else {
bcri[j, k] <- crt
if (doprint) {
if (is.vector(bcri)) {
print(c(k, bcri[k]))
else {
print(c(k, bcri[, k]))
if (is.vector(bcri)) {
stds <- sqrt(var(bcri))
else {
stds <- rep(0, length(fnodes))
for (j in 1:length(fnodes)) stds[j] <- sqrt(var(bcri[j, ]))
invisible(list(stds = stds, bcri = bcri))
#' Produce lack-of-fit curve for a contrast tree
#' @param tree model object output from contrast() or prune()
#' @param x training input predictor data matrix or data frame in same format as in contrast()
#' @param y vector, or matrix containing training data input outcome values or censoring intervals for each observation in same format as in contrast()
#' @param z vector containing values of a second contrasting quantity for each observation in same observation format as in contrast ()
#' @param w observation weights
#' @param doplot logical flag. doplot="first" implies start new display. doplot="next" implies super impose plot on existing display. doplot="none" implies no plot displayed.
#' @param col color of plotted curve
#' @param ylim y-axis limit
#' @return a named list of plotted `x` and `y` points
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines
#' @importFrom stats runmed qqplot
#' @export
lofcurve <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, length(y)), doplot = 'first', col = 'black', ylim = NULL) {
u <- nodesum(tree, x, y, z, w)
v <- avesum(u$cri, u$wt)
if (doplot != 'none') {
if (doplot == 'first') {
if (is.null(ylim)) {
yl <- c(0, max(v$y))
} else {
yl <- ylim
plot(v$x / length(y), v$y,
ylim = yl, type = "l", col = col,
xlab = "Fraction of Observations", ylab = "Average Discrepancy")
if (doplot == 'next') lines(v$x/length(y), v$y, col=col)
invisible(list(x = v$x / length(y), y = v$y))
avesum <-
function(y, w = rep(1, n)) {
n <- length(y)
yout <- rep(0, n)
wout <- rep(0, n)
scri <- 0
swt <- 0
for (k in 1:n) {
scri <- scri + y[k] * w[k]
swt <- swt + w[k]
yout[k] <- scri / swt
wout[k] <- swt
list(x = wout, y = yout)
extrap <- function(efac, x, x1, x2, y1, y2) {
if (efac < 0) {
x <- pmax(x, x1 + efac * (x2 - x1))
y1 + (y2 - y1) * (x - x1) / (x2 - x1)
else {
x <- pmin(x, x2 + efac * (x2 - x1))
y2 + (y2 - y1) * (x - x2) / (x2 - x1)
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