
Defines functions extrap avesum lofcurve bootcri plotdist plotcdf plotpdf showdist xvalmod ydist predmod modtrans untie xfm trans xval predtrast1 losserr devexp quantloss medplot cvtrast adjnodes predtrast modtrast nodeplots xfm2 cdfpoints fintcdf cencdf diffcdf showquants prune.seq showprobs showclass plotdiff plotnodes2 plotnodes getcri treesum getlims getnodes nodesum crinode prune xcheck contrast1 parchk getvars contrastt contrast

Documented in bootcri contrast getnodes lofcurve modtrast nodeplots nodesum predtrast prune prune.seq treesum xval ydist

#' Build contrast tree
#' @param x training input predictor data matrix or data frame. Rows
#'     are observations and columns are variables. Must be a numeric
#'     matrix or a data frame.
#' @param y vector, or matrix containing training data input outcome
#'     values or censoring intervals for each observation. if y is a
#'     vector then it implies that y uncensored outcome values or
#'     other contrasting quantity. If y is a matrix, then then y is
#'     assumed to be censoring intervals for each observation; see
#'     details below
#' @param z vector containing values of a second contrasting quantity
#'     for each observation
#' @param w training observation weights
#' @param cat.vars vector of column labels (numbers or names)
#'     indicating categorical variables (factors). All variables not
#'     so indicated are assumed to be orderable numeric; see details
#'     below
#' @param not.used vector of column labels (numbers or names)
#'     indicating predictor variables not to be used in the model
#' @param qint maximum number of split evaluation points on each
#'     predictor variable
#' @param xmiss missing value flag. Must be numeric and larger than
#'     any non missing predictor/abs(response) variable value.
#'     Predictor variable values greater than or equal to xmiss are
#'     regarded as missing. Predictor variable data values of `NA` are
#'     internally set to the value of xmiss and thereby regarded as
#'     missing
#' @param tree.size maximum number of terminal nodes in generated
#'     trees
#' @param min.node minimum number of training observations in each
#'     tree terminal node
#' @param mode indicating one or two-sample contrast; see details
#'     below for how it works with type
#' @param type type of contrast; see details below for how it works
#'     with mode
#' @param pwr center split bias parameter. Larger values produce less
#'     center split bias.
#' @param quant specified quantile p (type='quant' only)
#' @param nclass number of classes (type ='class' only) default=2
#' @param costs nclass by nclass misclassification cost matrix
#'     (type='class' only); default is equal valued diagonal (error
#'     rate)
#' @param cdfsamp = maximum subsample size used to compute censored
#'     CDF (censoring only)
#' @param verbose a logical flag indicating print/don't print censored
#'     CDF computation progress, default `FALSE`
#' @param tree.store size of internal tree storage. Decrease value in
#'     response to memory allocation error. Increase value for very
#'     large values of max.trees and/or tree.size, or in response to
#'     diagnostic message or erratic program behavior
#' @param cat.store size of internal categorical value
#'     storage. Decrease value in response to memory allocation
#'     error. Increase value for very large values of max.trees and/or
#'     tree.size in the presence of many categorical variables
#'     (factors) with many levels, or in response to diagnostic
#'     message or erratic program behavior
#' @param nbump number of trial trees used in the bumping strategy
#' @param fnodes top fraction of node criteria used to evaluate trial
#'     bumped trees
#' @param fsamp fraction of observations used in each bootstrap sample
#'     for bumped trees
#' @param doprint a logical flag indicating print/don't print
#'     bootstrapped tree quality during execution, default `FALSE`
#' @return a contrast model object use as input to interpretation
#'     procedures
#' @details The varible `xmiss` is the missing value flag, Must be
#'     numeric and larger than any non missing predictor/abs(response) variable value.  Predictor variable values greater than or equal to `xmiss` are regarded as missing. Predictor variable data values of `NA` are internally set to the value of xmiss and thereby regarded as missing.
#' If the response y is a matrix, it is assumed to contain censoring
#' intervals for each observation. Rows are observations.
#' - First/second column are lower/upper boundary of censoring interval (Can be same value for uncensored observations) respectively
#' - `y[,1] = -xmiss` implies outcome less than or equal to `y[,2]` (censored from above)
#' - `y[,2] = xmiss` implies outcome greater than or equal to `y[,1]`
#' Note that censoring is only allowed for `type='dist'`; see further below.
#' If x is a data frame and `cat.vars` (the columns indicating
#' categorical variables), is missing, then components of type factor
#' are treated as categorical variables. Ordered factors should be
#' input as type numeric with appropriate numerical scores. If
#' `cat.vars` is present it will over ride the data frame typing.
#' The `mode` argument is either
#' - `'onesamp'` (default) meaning one `x`-vector for each `(x,z)` pair
#' - `'twosamp'` implies two-sample contrast with
#'   * `x` are predictor variables for both samples
#'   * `y` are outcomes for both samples
#'   * `z` is sample identity flag with `z < 0` implying first sample observations and `z > 0`, the second sample observations.

#' The `type` argument indicates the type of contrast. It can be either a user defined function or a string. If `mode` is `'onesamp'`, the default,
#' - `type = 'dist'` (default) implies contrast distribution of `y` with that of `z` (`y` may be censored - see above)
#' - `type = 'diff'` implies contrast joint paired values of `y` and `z`
#' - `type = 'class'` implies classification: contrast class labels `y[i]` and `z[i]` are two class labels (in `1:nclass`) for each observation.
#' - `type = 'prob'` implies contrast predicted with empirical probabilities: `y[i] = 0/1` and  `z[i]` is predicted probability \eqn{P(y=1)} for \eqn{i}-th observation
#' - `type = 'quant'` is contrast predicted with empirical quantiles: `y[i]` is outcome value for \eqn{i}-th observation and `z[i]` is predicted \eqn{p}-th quantile value (see below) for \eqn{i}-th observation \eqn{(0 < p <1)}
#' - `type = 'diffmean'` implies maximize absolute mean difference between `y` and `z`
#' - `type = 'maxmean'` implies maximize signed mean difference between `y` and `z`
#' When mode is `'twosamp'`
#' - `type= 'dist'` (default) implies contrast `y` distributions of both samples
#' - `type = 'diffmean'` implies maximize absolute difference between means of two samples
#' - `type = 'maxmean'` maximize signed difference between means of two samples
#' When `type` is a function, it must be a function of three arguments
#' `f(y,z,w)` where `y` and `z` are double vectors and `w` is a weight
#' vector, not necessarily normalized. The function should return a
#' double vector of length 1 as the result. See example below.
#' @author Jerome H. Friedman
#' @references Jerome H. Friedman (2020). <doi:10.1073/pnas.1921562117>
#' @examples
#' data(census, package = "conTree")
#' dx <- 1:10000; dxt <- 10001:16281;
#' # Build contrast tree
#' tree <- contrast(census$xt[dx,], census$yt[dx], census$gblt[dx], type = 'prob')
#' # Summarize tree
#' treesum(tree)
#' # Get terminal node identifiers for regions containing observations 1 through 10
#' getnodes(tree, x = census$xt[1:10, ])
#' # Plot nodes
#' nodeplots(tree, x = census$xt[dx, ], y = census$yt[dx], z = census$gblt[dx])
#' # Summarize contrast tree against (precomputed) gradient boosting
#' # on logistic scale using maximum likelihood (GBL)
#' nodesum(tree, census$xt[dxt,], census$yt[dxt], census$gblt[dxt])
#' # Use a custom R discrepancy function to build a contrast tree
#' dfun <- function(y, z, w) {
#'    w  <- w / sum(w)
#'    abs(sum(w * (y - z)))
#' }
#' tree2 <- contrast(census$xt[dx,], census$yt[dx], census$gblt[dx], type = dfun)
#' nodesum(tree2, census$xt[dxt,], census$yt[dxt], census$gblt[dxt])
#' # Generate lack of fit curve
#' lofcurve(tree, census$xt[dx,], census$yt[dx], census$gblt[dx])
#' # Build contrast tree boosting models
#' # Use small # of iterations for illustration (typically >= 200)
#' modgbl = modtrast(census$x, census$y, census$gbl, type = 'prob', niter = 10)
#' # Plot model accuracy as a function of iteration number
#' xval(modgbl, census$x, census$y, census$gbl, col = 'red')
#' # Produce predictions from modtrast() for new data.
#' ypred <- predtrast(modgbl, census$xt, census$gblt, num = modgbl$niter)
#' # Produce distribution boosting estimates
#' yhat <- predtrast(modgbl, census$xt, census$gblt, num = modgbl$niter)
#' @export
contrast <- function(x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), cat.vars = NULL, not.used = NULL, qint = 10,
                     xmiss = 9.0e35, tree.size = 10, min.node = 500, mode = c("onesamp", "twosamp"),
                     type = "dist", pwr = 2,
                     quant = 0.5, nclass = NULL, costs = NULL, cdfsamp = 500, verbose = FALSE,
                     tree.store = 1000000, cat.store = 100000, nbump = 1, fnodes = 0.25, fsamp = 1,
                     doprint = FALSE) {
  mode  <- match.arg(mode)
  cri <- "max"
  qqtrim <- 20
  n <- nrow(x)
  crts <- 0
  for (k in 1:nbump) {
    if (k == 1) {
      s <- 1:n
      yy <- y
    else {
      s <- sample.int(n, as.integer(fsamp * n), replace = TRUE)
      if (is.vector(y)) {
        yy <- y[s]
      } else {
        yy <- y[s, ]
    trek <- contrastt(
      x[s, ], yy, z[s], w[s], cat.vars, not.used, qint,
      xmiss, tree.size, min.node, cri, mode, type, pwr, qqtrim, quant, nclass, costs,
      cdfsamp, verbose, tree.store, cat.store
    v <- nodesum(trek, x, y, z, doplot = FALSE)
    nf <- as.integer(max(1, fnodes * length(v$nodes)))
    crt <- sum(v$wt[1:nf] * v$cri[1:nf]) / sum(v$wt[1:nf])
    if (doprint) print(c(k, crt))
    if (crt > crts) {
      crts <- crt
      ## trees <- trek   ## Naras fix
    trees  <- trek  ## Naras addition
  if (doprint) print(crts)

contrastt <- function(x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), cat.vars = NULL, not.used = NULL, qint = 10,
                      xmiss = 9.0e35, tree.size = 10, min.node = 500, cri = "max", mode,
                      type, pwr = 2, qqtrim = 20, quant = 0.5, nclass = NULL, costs = NULL, cdfsamp = 500,
                      verbose = FALSE, tree.store = 1000000, cat.store = 100000) {
  ## if (!is.loaded("fcontrast")) {
  ##   stop("dyn.load('contrast.so')   linux\n  dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
  ## }
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    p <- length(x)
  else if (is.matrix(x)) {
    p <- ncol(x)
  else {
    stop("x must be a matrix or data frame.")
  if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
    varnames <- paste("V", as.character(1:p), sep = "")
  else {
    varnames <- colnames(x)
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    n <- length(x[[1]])
    xx <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p)
    for (j in 1:p) {
      xx[, j] <- x[[j]]
    if (is.null(cat.vars)) {
      lx <- as.numeric(sapply(x, is.factor)) + 1
    else {
      lx <- rep(1, p)
      iv <- getvars(cat.vars, p, lx, varnames)
      iv <- iv[iv != 0]
      if (length(iv) != 0) lx[iv] <- 2
  else {
    n <- nrow(x)
    xx <- x
    lx <- rep(1, p)
    if (!is.null(cat.vars)) {
      iv <- getvars(cat.vars, p, lx, varnames)
      iv <- iv[iv != 0]
      if (length(iv) != 0) lx[iv] <- 2
  if (length(z) != n) stop("x and z dimensions inconsistent.")
  if (is.vector(y)) {
    if (length(y) != n) stop("x and y dimensions inconsistent.")
    if (max(y) == min(y)) stop("all y values are the same.")
  else {
    if (nrow(y) != n) stop("x and y dimensions inconsistent.")
    if (max(y[, 1]) == min(y[, 1])) stop("all y[,1] values are the same.")
    if (max(y[, 2]) == min(y[, 2])) stop("all y[,2] values are the same.")
    if (ncol(y) != 2) stop("y must have two columns.")
  if (length(w) != n) stop("x and w dimensions inconsistent.")
  if (!is.null(not.used)) {
    iv <- getvars(not.used, p, rep(1, p), varnames)
    iv <- iv[iv != 0]
    if (length(iv) != 0) lx[iv] <- 0
  if (all(lx == 0)) stop("all predictor variables excluded.")
  xx[is.na(xx)] <- xmiss
  bgstx <- max(xx[xx != xmiss])
  if (xmiss <= bgstx) {
      "value of xmiss =", xmiss,
      "is smaller than largest training predictor variable value =", bgstx
  if (any(is.na(y))) {
    w[is.na(y)] <- 0
    ("training response contains NAs - corresponding weights set to 0.")
  if (any(is.na(w))) {
    ## w[is.na(wtt)] <- 0  ## Naras change below
    w[is.na(w)]  <- 0
    warning("training weights contain NAs - zeros substituted.")
  if (any(w < 0)) {
    w[w < 0] <- 0
    ("training weights contain negative numbers - zeros substituted.")
  if (!is.character(cri)) stop(" cri must be of type character.")

  if (!(is.function(type) || is.character(type))) stop(" type must be user discpancy function or of type character.")
    if(is.character(type)) {
        if (mode == "onesamp" && !(type %in% names(onesamp_types))) {
            stop(sprintf(" one sample type must be one of %s", paste(names(onesamp_types), collapse = ", ")))
        if (mode == "twosamp" && !(type %in% names(onesamp_types))) {
            stop(sprintf(" two sample type must be one of %s", paste(names(onesamp_types), collapse = ", ")))

  if (!is.null(costs)) {
    if (nrow(costs) != nclass) stop("nrow(costs) incorrect.")
    if (ncol(costs) != nclass) stop("ncol(costs) incorrect.")
  tree.size <- parchk("tree.size", tree.size, 2, n, 4)
  tree.store <- parchk("tree.store", tree.store, 10000, 10000000, 1000000)
  cat.store <- parchk("cat.store", cat.store, 10000, 10000000, 100000)
  qint <- parchk("qint", qint, 2, 20, 4)
  min.node <- parchk("min.node", min.node, 20, n / 2, 200)
  qqtrim <- parchk("qqtrim", qqtrim, 10, max(11, n / 4), 20)
  quant <- parchk("quant", quant, 0.01, 0.99, 0.5)
  cdfsamp <- parchk("cdfsamp", cdfsamp, 100, 200000, 500)
  if (!is.null(nclass)) nclass <- parchk("nclass", nclass, 2, 100, 2)
  v <- contrast1(
    xx, y, z, w, lx, qint, xmiss, tree.size, min.node, cri, mode, type,
    pwr, qqtrim, quant, nclass, costs, cdfsamp, verbose, tree.store, cat.store
  tree <- list(itre = v$itre, rtre = v$rtre, cat = v$cat, kxt = v$kxt, kxc = v$kxc, p = v$p)
  parms <- list(
    cri = cri, mode = mode, type = type, qqtrim = qqtrim, quant = quant,
    nclass = nclass, costs = costs, cdfsamp = cdfsamp, verbose = verbose, kri = v$kri
  invisible(list(tree = tree, parms = parms))

getvars <- function(vars, p, lx, names) {
  lv <- length(vars)
  iv <- rep(0, lv)
  if (!is.character(vars)) {
    for (j in 1:lv) {
      if (vars[j] < 1 || vars[j] > p || lx[vars[j]] == 0) {
        stop(paste(vars[j], "is not one of the input variables."))
      else {
        iv[j] <- vars[j]
  else {
    for (j in 1:lv) {
      k <- (1:p)[names == vars[j]]
      if (length(k) > 0) {
        if (lx[k] > 0) {
          iv[j] <- k
      if (iv[j] == 0) {
          paste(names[lx > 0], collapse = " "), "\n", vars[j],
          " is not one of the above input variables."

parchk <- function(ax, x, lx, ux, df) {
  if (x < lx || x > ux) {
    warning(paste("invalid value for", ax, "- default (", df, ") used."))
  else {

contrast1 <- function(x, y, z, w, lx, qint, xmiss, tree.size, min.node, cri,
                      mode, type, pwr, qqtrim, quant, nclass, costs, cdfsamp, verbose,
                      tree.store, cat.store) {
  n <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)
  call <- .Fortran("set_miss", arg = as.numeric(xmiss), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  call <- .Fortran("set_trm", irg = as.integer(tree.size), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  call <- .Fortran("set_ntn", irg = as.integer(min.node), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  call <- .Fortran("set_qint", irg = as.integer(qint), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  call <- .Fortran("set_pwr", arg = as.numeric(pwr), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  icri <- 1
  if (cri != "max") icri <- 2
  call <- .Fortran("set_cri", irg = as.integer(icri), PACKAGE = 'conTree')

  if (is.function(type)) {
      save_rfun(type) ## User defined function
  } else if (mode == "onesamp") {
      kri <- onesamp_types[type]
      if (kri == 1L) {
          if (is.matrix(y)) {
              kri <- 6L
              call <- .Fortran("set_samp", irg = as.integer(cdfsamp), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  } else {
      kri  <- twosamp_types[type]
      if (kri == 10L) {
          if (is.matrix(y)) {
              kri <- 15L
              call <- .Fortran("set_samp", irg = as.integer(cdfsamp), PACKAGE = 'conTree')

  call <- .Fortran("set_kri", irg = kri, jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  call <- .Fortran("set_qqtrm", irg = as.integer(qqtrim), jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  call <- .Fortran("set_quant", arg = as.numeric(quant), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  ivrb <- as.integer(verbose)
  call <- .Fortran("set_vrb", irg = ivrb, jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  if (kri == 4L) {
    if (is.null(nclass)) nclass <- 2
    if (is.null(costs)) {
      costs <- matrix(rep(1, nclass * nclass), nrow = nclass, ncol = nclass)
      for (k in (1:nclass)) costs[k, k] <- 0
    call <- .Fortran("classin",
      ient = as.integer(1), nclasssv = as.integer(nclass),
      costssv = as.vector(as.numeric(costs)), nout = integer(1), out = numeric(1),
      PACKAGE = 'conTree'
  if (kri == 6L | kri == 15L) {
    y2 <- y[, 2]
    y <- y[, 1]
  } else {
    y2 <- rep(0, n)

  u <- .Fortran("fcontrast",
    no = as.integer(n), ni = as.integer(p),
    x = as.vector(as.numeric(x)), y = as.vector(as.numeric(y)),
    y2 = as.vector(as.numeric(y2)), z = as.vector(as.numeric(z)),
    w = as.vector(as.numeric(w)), lx = as.vector(as.integer(lx)),
    mxt = as.integer(tree.store),
    itre = integer(6 * tree.store), rtre = numeric(4 * tree.store),
    mxc = as.integer(cat.store), cat = numeric(cat.store),
    ms = as.vector(as.integer(rep(0, 2 * n * p))),
    isc = as.vector(as.integer(rep(0, n))),
    PACKAGE = 'conTree'

  v <- .Fortran("get_stor", kxt = integer(1), kxc = integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  if (v$kxt > tree.store) stop("tree memory too small.")
  if (v$kxc > cat.store) stop("categorical memory too small.")
    itre = u$itre[1:(6 * v$kxt)], rtre = u$rtre[1:(4 * v$kxt)],
    cat = u$cat[1:v$kxc], kxt = v$kxt, kxc = v$kxc, p = p, kri = kri

xcheck <- function(x, xmiss = 9.0e35) {
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    p <- length(x)
    n <- length(x[[1]])
    xx <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = p)
    for (j in 1:p) {
      xx[, j] <- x[[j]]
  else if (is.matrix(x)) {
    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)
    xx <- x
  else if (is.vector(x)) {
    p <- length(x)
    n <- 1
    xx <- x
  else {
    stop(" x must be a data frame, matrix, or vector.")
  xx[is.na(xx)] <- xmiss
  call <- .Fortran("set_miss", arg = as.numeric(xmiss), PACKAGE = 'conTree')

#' Prune a contrast tree
#' @param tree a tree model object output from contrast
#' @param thr a split improvement threshold, default is 0.1
#' @return a bottom-up pruned tree with splits corresponding to improvement less than threshold `thr` removed
#' @export
prune <- function(tree, thr = 0.1) {
  ## if (!is.loaded("prune1")) {
  ##   stop("dyn.load('contrast.so')   linux\n  dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
  ## }
  v <- tree$tree
  u <- .Fortran("prune1",
    itr = as.vector(as.integer(v$itre)),
    rtr = as.vector(as.numeric(v$rtre)),
    nodes = as.integer(v$kxt), thr = as.numeric(thr),
    itro = integer(6 * v$kxt), rtro = numeric(4 * v$kxt),
    PACKAGE = 'conTree'
  tr <- list(
    itre = u$itro, rtre = u$rtro, cat = v$cat,
    kxt = v$kxt, kxc = v$kxc, p = v$p
  invisible(list(tree = tr, parms = tree$parms))

crinode <- function(tree) {
  ## if (!is.loaded("crinode")) {
  ##   stop("dyn.load('contrast.so')   linux\n  dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
  ## }
  u <- tree$tree
  v <- .Fortran("crinode",
    itr = as.vector(as.integer(u$itre)),
    rtr = as.vector(as.numeric(u$rtre)),
    mxnodes = as.integer(u$kxt), node = integer(1), nodes = integer(u$kxt),
    cri = numeric(u$kxt), wt = numeric(u$kxt),
    PACKAGE = 'conTree'
  nodes <- v$nodes[1:v$node]
  cri <- v$cri[1:v$node]
  wt <- v$wt[1:v$node]
  avecri <- sum(wt * cri) / sum(wt)
  list(nodes = nodes, cri = cri, wt = wt, avecri = avecri)

#' Summarize contrast tree
#' @param tree model object output from contrast() or prune()
#' @param x training input predictor data matrix or data frame in same format as in contrast()
#' @param y vector, or matrix containing training data input outcome values or censoring intervals for each observation in same format as in contrast()
#' @param z vector containing values of a second contrasting quantity for each observation in same observation format as in contrast()
#' @param w observation weights.
#' @param doplot a flag to display/not display plots of output quantities
#' @return a named list of four items:
#' - `nodes` the tree terminal node identifiers
#' - `cri` the terminal node criterion values (depends on contrast type see above)
#' - `wt` sum of weights in each terminal node
#' - `avecri` weighted criterion average over all terminal nodes
#' @importFrom graphics par barplot
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
nodesum <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), doplot = FALSE) {
  u <- crinode(tree)
  nds <- u$nodes
  nd <- getnodes(tree, x)
  ln <- length(u$nodes)
  crio <- rep(0, ln)
  wt <- rep(0, ln)
  for (j in 1:ln) {
    if (is.vector(y)) {
      yy <- y[nd == nds[j]]
    } else {
      yy <- y[nd == nds[j], ]
    v <- getcri(tree, yy, z[nd == nds[j]], w[nd == nds[j]])
    crio[j] <- abs(v$cri)
    wt[j] <- v$wt
  avecri <- sum(wt * crio) / sum(wt)
  o <- order(-crio)
  if (doplot) {
    opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
    barplot(crio[o], names = nds[o], xlab = "node", ylab = "Criterion")
    barplot(wt[o], names = nds[o], xlab = "node", ylab = "Weight")
  list(nodes = nds[o], cri = crio[o], wt = wt[o], avecri = avecri)

#' Get terminal node observation assignments
#' @param tree model object output from contrast() or prune()
#' @param x training input predictor data matrix or data frame in same format as in contrast()
#' @return vector of tree terminal node identifiers (numbers) corresponding to each observation (row of x)
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
getnodes <- function(tree, x) {
  ## if (!is.loaded("getnodes1")) {
  ##   stop("dyn.load('contrast.so')   linux\n  dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
  ## }
  x <- xcheck(x)
  n <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)
  u <- tree$tree
  v <- .Fortran("getnodes1",
    no = as.integer(n), ni = as.integer(p),
    x = as.vector(as.numeric(x)), itre = as.vector(as.integer(u$itre)),
    rtre = as.vector(as.numeric(u$rtre)), cat = as.vector(as.numeric(u$cat)),
    nodes = integer(n),
    PACKAGE = 'conTree'

getlims <- function(tree, node) {
  ## if (!is.loaded("getlims")) {
  ##   stop("dyn.load('contrast.so')   linux\n  dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
  ## }
  u <- tree$tree
  v <- .Fortran("getlims",
    node = as.integer(node), ni = as.integer(u$p),
    itr = as.vector(as.integer(u$itre)), rtr = as.vector(as.numeric(u$rtre)),
    cat = as.vector(as.numeric(u$cat)), nvar = integer(1), jvar = integer(2 * 1000),
    vlims = numeric(1000), jerr = integer(1),
    PACKAGE = 'conTree'
  if (v$jerr != 0) stop(paste("node", as.character(node), "not terminal."))
  jvar <- v$jvar[1:(2 * v$nvar)]
  jvar <- matrix(jvar, nrow = 2)
  vlims <- v$vlims[1:v$nvar]
  if (v$nvar > 1) {
    jvar <- jvar[, v$nvar:1]
    vlims <- vlims[v$nvar:1]
  list(nvar = v$nvar, jvar = jvar, vlims = vlims)

#' Print terminal node x-region boundaries
#' @param tree model object output from contrast() or prune()
#' @param nodes vector of terminal node identifiers for the tree specifying the desired regions. The default is all terminal nodes.
#' @details
#' The predictor variable x-boundaries defining each terminal node are printed.
#' For numeric variables: variable | sign | value
#' - sign + => value=lower boundary on variable
#' - sign - => value upper boundary on variable
#' For categorical variables:  cat variable | sign | set of values
#' - sign + => values in node
#' - sign - => values not in node (compliment values in node) graphical representations of terminal node contrasts depend on the tree type
#' @return No return value (invisble `NULL`)
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
   q=tree$tree; v=crinode(tree);
   if(is.null(nodes)) { nodes=v$nodes}
   for (k in 1:length(nodes)) {
     cat(sprintf('node %d',nodes[k]))
      u=getlims(tree, nodes[k])
      cat(paste('  var     dir    split'),'\n')
      for (j in 1:u$nvar) {
         if (u$jvar[2,j] == 0) {
            if(sign(u$jvar[1,j])<0) {
              ## cat(paste('         ',format(abs(u$jvar[1,j]),digits=0),
              cat(paste(sprintf('          %d', abs(u$jvar[1,j])),
               '     -     ',format(u$vlims[j],digits=2)),'\n')
            else {
              ## cat(paste('         ',format(abs(u$jvar[1,j]),digits=0),
              cat(paste(sprintf('          %d', abs(u$jvar[1,j])),              
               '     +     ',format(u$vlims[j],digits=2)),'\n')
         else {
            kp=u$jvar[2,j]; kc=abs(q$cat[kp])
            if(u$vlims[j]>0) {
              ##cat(paste('      cat',format(u$jvar[1,j],digits=0),
              cat(paste(sprintf('      cat %d', u$jvar[1,j]),
                        '     -     ')); cat(z,'\n')
            else {
              ## cat(paste('      cat',format(u$jvar[1,j],digits=0),
              cat(paste(sprintf('      cat %d', u$jvar[1,j]),              
                  '     +     ')); cat(z,'\n')

getcri <- function(tree, y, z, w = rep(1, n), cdfsamp = 500) {
  ## if (!is.loaded("andarm")) {
  ##   stop("dyn.load('contrast.so')   linux\n  dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
  ## }
  if (is.vector(y)) {
    n <- length(y)
  } else {
    n <- nrow(y)
  v <- tree$parms
  kri  <- v$kri

  if (kri == 6L || kri == 15L) {
      call <- .Fortran("set_samp", irg = as.integer(cdfsamp), PACKAGE = 'conTree')

      save_rfun(v$type) ## The user discrepancy function

  call <- .Fortran("set_kri", irg = as.integer(kri), jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  call <- .Fortran("set_qqtrm", irg = as.integer(v$qqtrim), jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  call <- .Fortran("set_quant", arg = as.numeric(v$quant), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  call <- .Fortran("set_vrb", irg = as.integer(v$verbose), jrg = as.integer(1), PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  if (kri == 4L) {
    if (is.null(v$nclass)) v$nclass <- 2
    if (is.null(v$costs)) {
        costs <- matrix(1, nrow = v$nclass, ncol = v$nclass)
        diag(costs) <- 0
    call <- .Fortran("classin",
      ient = as.integer(1), nclasssv = as.integer(v$nclass),
      costssv = as.vector(as.numeric(costs)), nout = integer(1), out = numeric(1),
      PACKAGE = 'conTree'
  if (kri == 6L | kri == 15L) {
    y2 <- y[, 2]
    y <- y[, 1]
  } else {
    y2 <- rep(0, n)

  u <- .Fortran("andarm",
                n = as.integer(n), y = as.vector(as.numeric(y)),
                y2 = as.vector(as.numeric(y2)), z = as.vector(as.numeric(z)),
                w = as.vector(as.numeric(w)), dst = numeric(1), sw = numeric(1),
                PACKAGE = 'conTree'
  list(cri = u$dst, wt = u$sw)

#' @importFrom graphics lines par title
#' @importFrom stats qqplot
plotnodes <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), nodes = NULL,
                      pts = "FALSE", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) {
  ## if (!is.loaded("fintcdf1")) {
  ##   stop("dyn.load('contrast.so')   linux\n  dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
  ## }
  x=xcheck(x); mode=tree$parms$mode
   if(is.null(nodes)) { v=crinode(tree);
   nd=getnodes(tree, x)
   if (nplts > 2) {
      if(nr*nr==nplts) { nc=nr}
      else { nr=nr+1;
         nc=trunc(nplts/nr); if(nc*nr<nplts) nc=nc+1
   if (nplts==2) { nr=2; nc=1}
   if(nplts>=2) { opar=par(mfrow=c(nr,nc)); on.exit(par(opar))}
   for (k in 1:nplts) {
      if(is.vector(y)) {
         zn=z[nd==nodes[k]]; yn=y[nd==nodes[k]]
         if(mode=='onesamp') { p1=zn; p2=yn}
         else {p1=yn[zn<0]; p2=yn[zn>0]}
         if(is.null(xlim)) { xl=c(min(p1),max(p1))} else { xl=xlim}
         if(is.null(ylim)) { yl=c(min(p2),max(p2))} else { yl=ylim}
      else {
         u=y[nd==nodes[k],]; cdfsamp1=1000000
         vrb=0; if(tree$parms$verbose) vrb=1
         u=z[nd==nodes[k]]; cdfsamp1=1000000

#' @importFrom graphics par title
plotnodes2 <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), nodes = NULL,
                       pts = "FALSE", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) {
  ## if (!is.loaded("fintcdf1")) {
  ##   stop("dyn.load('contrast.so')   linux\n  dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
  ## }
  x <- xcheck(x)
  if (is.null(nodes)) {
    v <- crinode(tree)
    nodes <- v$nodes[1:min(length(v$nodes), 9)]
  nplts <- length(nodes)
  nd <- getnodes(tree, x)
  if (nplts > 2) {
    nr <- trunc(sqrt(nplts))
    if (nr * nr == nplts) {
      nc <- nr
    else {
      nr <- nr + 1
      nc <- trunc(nplts / nr)
      if (nc * nr < nplts) nc <- nc + 1
  if (nplts == 2) {
    nr <- 2
    nc <- 1
  if (nplts >= 2) {
    opar <- par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))
  vrb <- 0
  if (tree$parms$verbose) vrb <- 1
  for (k in 1:nplts) {
    u <- y[nd == nodes[k], ]
    v <- z[nd == nodes[k]]
    r <- v < 0
    y1 <- u[r, ]
    y2 <- u[!r, ]
    cdfsamp1 <- 1000000
    if (length(unique(c(y1[, 1], y1[, 2]))) > tree$parms$cdfsamp + 2) {
      cdfsamp1 <- tree$parms$cdfsamp
    cy1 <- cencdf(y1, nsamp = cdfsamp1, vrb = vrb)
    if (length(unique(c(y2[, 1], y2[, 2]))) > tree$parms$cdfsamp + 2) {
      cdfsamp1 <- tree$parms$cdfsamp
    cy2 <- cencdf(y2, nsamp = cdfsamp1, vrb = vrb)
    v <- diffcdf(cy1$x, cy1$y, cy2$x, cy2$y, xlim = xlim, pts = pts)
      "Node", as.character(nodes[k]), ":",
      as.character(format(v, digits = 2))

#' @importFrom graphics lines par title
plotdiff <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)),
                     nodes = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, span = 0.15) {
  ## if (!is.loaded("fintcdf1")) {
  ##   stop("dyn.load('contrast.so')   linux\n  dyn.load('contrast.dll') windows")
  ## }
  x <- xcheck(x)
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(z), max(z))
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(y), max(y))
  if (is.null(nodes)) {
    v <- crinode(tree)
    nodes <- v$nodes[1:min(length(v$nodes), 9)]
  nplts <- length(nodes)
  nd <- getnodes(tree, x)
  if (nplts > 2) {
    nr <- trunc(sqrt(nplts))
    if (nr * nr == nplts) {
      nc <- nr
    else {
      nr <- nr + 1
      nc <- trunc(nplts / nr)
      if (nc * nr < nplts) nc <- nc + 1
  if (nplts == 2) {
    nr <- 2
    nc <- 1
  if (nplts >= 2) {
    opar <- par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))
  for (k in 1:nplts) {
    medplot(z[nd == nodes[k]], y[nd == nodes[k]],
      xlim = xlim,
      ylim = ylim, xlab = "z", ylab = "y", span = span
      "Node", as.character(nodes[k]), ":",
      as.character(sum(w[nd == nodes[k]]))
    lines(c(-1.0e9, 1.0e9), c(-1.0e9, 1.0e9), col = "blue")

#' @importFrom graphics barplot lines
showclass <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, length(y))) {
  opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
  v <- nodesum(tree, x, y, z, w)
  kk <- length(v$nodes)
  u <- barplot(v$cri, names = v$nodes, xlab = "Node", ylab = "Class  Risk")
  left <- 0.5 * (u[2] - u[1])
  right <- 0.5 * (u[kk] - u[kk - 1])
  lines(c(u[1] - left, u[kk] + right), c(v$avecri, v$avecri), col = "red")
  barplot(v$wt, names = v$nodes, xlab = "node", ylab = "Counts")

#' @importFrom graphics barplot par
showprobs <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, length(y)), vlab = "Prob ( y = 1 )") {
  x <- xcheck(x)
  opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
  v <- nodesum(tree, x, y, z, w)
  nd <- getnodes(tree, x)
  kk <- length(v$nodes)
  plt <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = kk)
  for (k in 1:kk) {
    if (tree$parms$mode == "onesamp") {
      sw <- sum(w[nd == v$nodes[k]])
      plt[1, k] <- sum(w[nd == v$nodes[k]] * y[nd == v$nodes[k]]) / sw
      plt[2, k] <- sum(w[nd == v$nodes[k]] * z[nd == v$nodes[k]]) / sw
    else {
      yn <- y[nd == v$nodes[k]]
      zn <- z[nd == v$nodes[k]]
      wn <- w[nd == v$nodes[k]]
      y1 <- yn[zn < 0]
      y2 <- yn[zn > 0]
      w1 <- wn[zn < 0]
      w2 <- wn[zn > 0]
      plt[1, k] <- sum(w1 * y1) / sum(w1)
      plt[2, k] <- sum(w2 * y2) / sum(w2)
  u <- barplot(plt,
    names = v$nodes, xlab = "Node",
    ylab = vlab, beside = TRUE, col = c("blue", "red")
  if (tree$parms$mode == "onesamp") {
    barplot(v$wt, names = v$nodes, xlab = "node", ylab = "Counts", col = "green")
  else {
    means <- matrix(nrow = kk, ncol = 2)
    nums <- means
    nodes <- v$nodes
    for (k in 1:kk) nums[k, 1] <- sum(w[nd == nodes[k] & z < 0]) / sum(w[z < 0])
    for (k in 1:kk) nums[k, 2] <- sum(w[nd == nodes[k] & z > 0]) / sum(w[z > 0])
      beside = T, col = c("blue", "red"),
      names = nodes, xlab = "Node", ylab = "Frequency"

#' Show all possible pruned subtrees
#' @param tree a tree model object output from contrast
#' @param eps small increment defining grid of threshold values
#' @param plot.it a logical flag indicating plot/don't plot of number of nodes versus threshold value for all pruned subtrees, default `TRUE`
#' @return a named list of two items:
#' - `thr` a set of threshold values that sequentially reduce tree size
#' - `nodes` the corresponding tree sizes (number of terminal nodes)
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @export
prune.seq <- function(tree, eps = 0.01, plot.it = TRUE) {
  u <- crinode(tree)
  del <- eps * u$avecri
  z <- 0
  n0 <- length(u$nodes)
  n <- n0
  nodes <- rep(0, n)
  thr <- rep(0, n)
  it <- 1
  thr[1] <- 0
  nodes[1] <- n
  while (TRUE) {
    z <- z + del
    tree <- prune(tree, z)
    u <- crinode(tree)
    n <- length(u$nodes)
    if (n < n0) {
      it <- it + 1
      nodes[it] <- n
      thr[it] <- z
    n0 <- n
    if (n <= 2) break
  if (plot.it) plot(nodes[1:it], thr[1:it], ylab = "Threshold", xlab = "Nodes")
  list(thr = thr[1:it], nodes = nodes[1:it])

#' @importFrom graphics barplot par title
showquants <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, length(y)), quant = 0.5, doplot = TRUE) {
  x <- xcheck(x)
  opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
  v <- nodesum(tree, x, y, z, w)
  nd <- getnodes(tree, x)
  kk <- length(v$nodes)
  quants <- rep(0, kk)
  num <- rep(0, kk)
  for (k in 1:kk) {
    j <- v$nodes[k]
    num[k] <- sum(nd == j)
    quants[k] <- sum(y[nd == j] <= z[nd == j]) / num[k]
  if (doplot) {
    u <- barplot(quants - quant, names = v$nodes, xlab = "node", ylab = " Probability  Error")
    title(paste(format(quant, digits = 2), "- Quantile"))
    barplot(num, names = v$nodes, xlab = "node", ylab = "Counts")
  sum(num * abs(quants - quant)) / sum(num)

#' @importFrom graphics plot lines
diffcdf <- function(x1, cdf1, x2, cdf2, pts = "FALSE", xlab = "y", ylab = "CDF ( y )",
                    xlim = NULL, doplot = TRUE) {
  n1 <- length(x1)
  n2 <- length(x2)
  n <- n1 + n2
  z1 <- rep(0, n1)
  z2 <- rep(1, n2)
  x <- c(x1, x2)
  lab <- c(z1, z2)
  o <- order(x)
  lab <- lab[o]
  diff <- 0
  i1 <- 0
  i2 <- 0
  cdf11 <- 0
  cdf22 <- 0
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (lab[i] == 0) {
      i1 <- i1 + 1
      cdf11 <- cdf1[i1]
      diff <- diff + abs(cdf11 - cdf22)
    else {
      i2 <- i2 + 1
      cdf22 <- cdf2[i2]
  avediff <- diff / i1
  if (doplot) {
    if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2))
    if (pts) {
      plot(x1, cdf1, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = c(0, 1))
    else {
      plot(x1, cdf1, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = c(0, 1), pch = ".")
    lines(x2, cdf2, col = "red")

cencdf <- function(yin, win = rep(1, n), nsamp = 2000, nit = 100, thr = 1.0e-2, vrb = 0,
                   xmiss = 9.0e35, seed = 111) {
  oldseed <- .Random.seed
  n <- nrow(yin)
  r <- sample.int(n, min(n, nsamp))
  y <- yin[r, ]
  w <- win[r]
  .Random.seed <- oldseed
  u <- fintcdf(y, w, nit, thr, xmiss, vrb)
  t <- yin[, 1] >= yin[, 2]
  sw <- sum(win)
  st <- sum(win[t]) / sw
  snt <- 1 - st
  b <- c(yin[, 1], yin[, 2])
  b <- b[b > -xmiss]
  b <- b[b < xmiss]
  b <- sort(unique(b))
  z <- xfm2(b, u$x, u$y)
  if (st > 0) {
    v <- cdfpoints(b, sort(yin[t, 1]), win[t])
  else {
    v <- 0
  invisible(list(x = b, y = snt * z + st * v))

fintcdf <- function(y, w = rep(1, n), nit = 100, thr = 1.0e-2, xmiss = 9.0e35, vrb = 0) {
  b <- c(y[, 1], y[, 2])
  b <- b[b > -xmiss]
  b <- b[b < xmiss]
  b <- sort(unique(b))
  b <- c(b, xmiss)
  m <- length(b)
  yy <- y[y[, 1] < y[, 2], ]
  n <- nrow(yy)  ## Naras addition to remove warning on `n` not being defined in formals!
  vrb0 <- vrb
  ## Naras added jrg to .Fortran call below as set_vrb expects two args!
  call <- .Fortran("set_vrb", irg = as.integer(vrb), jrg = 1L, PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  z <- .Fortran("fintcdf1",
    ##n = as.integer(nrow(yy)), y = as.vector(as.numeric(yy)),  # Naras change below
    n = n, y = as.vector(as.numeric(yy)),
    m = as.integer(m), b = as.vector(as.numeric(b)), w = as.vector(as.numeric(w)),
    nit = as.integer(nit), thr = as.numeric(thr / m), cdf = numeric(m), jt = integer(1),
    err = numeric(1),
    PACKAGE = 'conTree'
  ## Naras added jrg to .Fortran call below as set_vrb expects two args!
  call <- .Fortran("set_vrb", irg = as.integer(vrb0), jrg = 1L, PACKAGE = 'conTree')
  if (vrb > 0) {
      "CDF calc:", format(z$jt, digits = 3), "steps",
      " confac =", format(z$err, digits = 4), " ", format(m - 1, digits = 4),
  v <- 1:(m - 1)
  invisible(list(x = b[v], y = z$cdf[v]))

cdfpoints <- function(x, y, w = rep(1, length(y))) {
  z <- .Fortran("cdfpoints1",
    m = as.integer(length(x)), x = as.vector(as.numeric(x)),
    n = as.integer(length(y)), y = as.vector(as.numeric(y)),
    w = as.vector(as.numeric(w)), cdf = numeric(length(x)),
    PACKAGE = 'conTree'

xfm2 <- function(f, b00, b11, efac = 7, xmiss = 9.0e35) {
  b0 <- c(-xmiss, b00, xmiss)
  b1 <- rep(0, length(b0))
  nb <- length(b0) - 1
  z <- .bincode(f, b0)
  zp1 <- z + 1
  b1[2:nb] <- b11
  b0[1] <- 3 * b0[2] - 2 * b0[3]
  b1[1] <- 3 * b1[2] - 2 * b1[3]
  b0[nb + 1] <- 3 * b0[nb] - 2 * b0[nb - 1]
  b1[nb + 1] <- 3 * b1[nb] - 2 * b1[nb - 1]
  u <- f > b0[1] & f < b0[nb + 1]
  f1 <- rep(0, length(f))
  if (sum(u) > 0) {
    f1[u] <- (f[u] - b0[z[u]]) * (b1[zp1[u]] - b1[z[u]]) /
      (b0[zp1[u]] - b0[z[u]]) + b1[z[u]]
  u <- f <= b0[1]
  if (sum(u) > 0) {
    f1[u] <- extrap(-efac, f[u], b0[z[u]], b0[zp1[u]], b1[z[u]], b1[zp1[u]])
  u <- f >= b0[nb + 1]
  if (sum(u) > 0) {
    f1[u] <- extrap(efac, f[u], b0[z[u]], b0[zp1[u]], b1[z[u]], b1[zp1[u]])

#' Show graphical terminal node summaries
#' @rdname nodesum
#' @param w observation weights
#' @param nodes selected tree terminal node identifiers. Default is all terminal nodes
#' @param xlim x-axis limit
#' @param ylim y-axis limit
#' @param pts logical flag indicating whether to show `y`-values as circles/points (`type = 'pp'` only)
#' @param span running median smoother span (`type = 'diff'` only)
#' @details
#' The graphical representations of terminal node contrasts depend on the tree type
#'    graphical representations of terminal node contrasts depending on tree type
#' -`type = 'dist'` implies CDFs of y and z in each terminal node. (Only top nine nodes are shown). Note that y can be censored (see above)
#' -`type = 'diff'` implies plot y versus z in each terminal node. (Only top nine nodes are shown).
#' -`type = 'class'` implies barplot of misclassification risk (upper) amd total weight (lower) in each terminal node
#' -`type = 'prob'` implies upper barplot contrasting empirical (blue) and predicted (red) \eqn{p(y=1)} in each terminal node. Lower barplot showing total weight in each terminal node.
#' - type = 'quant' => upper barplot of fraction of y-values greater than or equal to corresponding z-values (quantile prediction) in each terminal node. Horizontal line reflects specified target quantile. Lower barplot showing total  weight in each terminal node.
#' - `type = 'diffmean'` or `type = 'maxmean'` implies upper barplot contrasting y-mean (blue) and z-mean (red) in each terminal node. Lower barplot showing total weight in each terminal node.
#' @export
nodeplots <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), nodes = NULL,
                      xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, pts = "FALSE", span = 0.15) {
  parms <- tree$parms
  if (is.function(parms$type)) {
      stop("nodeplots cannot handle user discrepancy!")

  if (parms$type == "dist") {
    if (parms$mode == "onesamp" | is.vector(y)) {
      plotnodes(tree, x, y, z, w, nodes, pts, xlim, ylim)
    else {
      plotnodes2(tree, x, y, z, w, nodes, pts, xlim, ylim)
  if (parms$type == "diff") {
    plotdiff(tree, x, y, z, w, nodes, xlim, ylim, span)
  if (parms$type == "class") {
    showclass(tree, x, y, z, w)
  if (parms$type == "prob") {
    showprobs(tree, x, y, z, w)
  if (parms$type == "maxmean") {
    showprobs(tree, x, y, z, w, vlab = "Mean")
  if (parms$type == "diffmean") {
    showprobs(tree, x, y, z, w, vlab = "Mean")
  if (parms$type == "quant") {
    showquants(tree, x, y, z, w, quant = parms$quant, doplot = TRUE)
  print("invalid type")

#' Build boosted contrast tree model
#' @rdname contrast
#' @param learn.rate learning rate parameter in `(0,1]`
#' @param niter number of trees
#' @param doplot a flag to display/not display graphical plots
#' @param span span for qq-plot transformation smoother
#' @param plot.span running median smoother span for discrepancy plot (`doplot = TRUE`, only)
#' @param print.itr tree discrepancy printing iteration interval
#' @return a contrast model object to be used with predtrast()
#' @export
modtrast <- function(x,y,z,w=rep(1,nrow(x)),cat.vars=NULL,not.used=NULL,qint=10,
                     type=c("dist", "diff", "class", "quant", "prob", "maxmean", "diffmean"),
                     doprint=FALSE,niter=100,doplot=FALSE,span=0,plot.span=0.15,print.itr=10) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type=='dist') {
   nodes=list(); dels=list(); trees=list(); r=z; acri=rep(0,niter); mode='onesamp'
   for (k in 1:niter) {
      r=u$az; dels[[k]]=u$del; nodes[[k]]=u$nodes
      if (verbose) {
        if(k<=10 | k%%print.itr==0) cat('.')
   if(doplot) {
      if(niter>20 & plot.span>0) {
      else {

#' Predict y-values from boosted contrast model
#' @param model model object output from modtrast()
#' @param x x-values for new data
#' @param z z-values for new data
#' @param num number of trees used to compute model values
#' @return predicted y-values for new data from model
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
predtrast <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter) {
  if (model$trees[[1]]$parms$type == "dist") {
    return(predmod(model, x, z, num))
  zo <- z
  t <- model$trees[[1]]$parms$type == "prob"
  if (t) zo <- log(zo / (1 - zo))
  for (k in 1:num) {
    nd <- getnodes(model$trees[[k]], x)
    for (j in 1:length(model$nodes[[k]])) {
      u <- nd == model$nodes[[k]][j]
      if (t) {
        zo[u] <- zo[u] + log(model$dels[[k]][j])
      else {
        zo[u] <- zo[u] + model$dels[[k]][j]
  if (t) zo <- 1 / (1 + exp(-zo))

#' @importFrom stats quantile
adjnodes <- function(x, y, z, tree, w = rep(1, length(y)), learn.rate = 1) {
  t <- tree$parms$type
  if (!(t == "diff" | t == "quant" | t == "prob" | t == "maxmean" | t == "diffmean")) {
    stop("incorrect tree type")
  u <- nodesum(tree, x, y, z)
  nodes <- length(u$nodes)
  r <- z
  v <- getnodes(tree, x)
  del <- rep(0, nodes)
  if (t == "quant") {
    quant <- tree$parms$quant
  else {
    quant <- 0.5
  for (j in 1:nodes) {
    k <- u$nodes[j]
    if (t == "prob") {
      del[j] <- (sum(w[v == k] * y[v == k]) / sum(w[v == k] * z[v == k]))^learn.rate
      r[v == k] <- z[v == k] * del[j]
    else if (t == "maxmean" | t == "diffmean") {
      del[j] <- learn.rate * sum(w[v == k] * (y[v == k]) - z[v == k]) / sum(w[v == k])
      r[v == k] <- z[v == k] + del[j]
    else {
      del[j] <- learn.rate * as.numeric(quantile(y[v == k] - z[v == k], quant))
      r[v == k] <- z[v == k] + del[j]
  invisible(list(nodes = u$nodes, del = del, az = r))

#' @importFrom stats scatter.smooth
#' @importFrom graphics plot
cvtrast <- function(model, x, y, z, w = rep(1, length(y)), doplot = TRUE, span = 0.5) {
  zo <- z
  t <- model$trees[[1]]$parms$type == "prob"
  if (t) zo <- log(zo / (1 - zo))
  niter <- model$niter
  cvcri <- rep(0, niter)
  h <- z
  for (k in 1:niter) {
    cvcri[k] <- nodesum(model$trees[[k]], x, y, h, w)$avecri
    nd <- getnodes(model$trees[[k]], x)
    for (j in 1:length(model$nodes[[k]])) {
      u <- nd == model$nodes[[k]][j]
      if (t) {
        zo[u] <- zo[u] + log(model$dels[[k]][j])
      else {
        zo[u] <- zo[u] + model$dels[[k]][j]
    if (t) {
      h <- 1 / (1 + exp(-zo))
    } else {
      h <- zo
  if (doplot) {
    if (niter > 20 & span > 0) {
      scatter.smooth(1:k, cvcri,
        xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Change",
        ylim = c(0, max(cvcri)), span = span
    else {
      plot(1:k, cvcri,
        xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Change",
        ylim = c(0, max(cvcri))

#' @importFrom graphics plot title lines
#' @importFrom stats runmed
medplot <- function(x, y, np = NULL, main = NULL, span = 0.15, lnln = FALSE, xlab = "x",
                    ylab = "y", xlim = c(min(x), max(x)), ylim = c(min(y), max(y)), line = FALSE,
                    col = "red", doplot = TRUE) {
  o <- order(x)
  spn <- as.integer(length(x) * span)
  if (spn %% 2 != 1) spn <- spn + 1
  if (doplot) {
    p <- 1:length(x)
    if (!is.null(np)) p <- sample(p, np)
    if (lnln) {
      if (line) {
        plot(x[o], runmed(y[o], spn),
          type = "l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
          xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = "xy", col = col
      else {
        plot(x[p], y[p], pch = ".", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = "xy")
    else {
      if (line) {
        plot(x[o], runmed(y[o], spn),
          xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim,
          ylim = ylim, type = "l", col = col
      else {
        plot(x[p], y[p], pch = ".", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
    if (!is.null(main)) title(main)
    if (!line) lines(x[o], runmed(y[o], spn), col = col)
  invisible(list(x = x[o], y = y[o], sy = runmed(y[o], spn)))

#' @importFrom stats quantile
quantloss <- function(y, z, quant = 0.5) {
  u <- y > z
  nu <- !u
  omq <- 1 - quant
  v <- as.numeric(quantile(y, quant))
  risk <- omq * sum(abs(y[u] - z[u]))
  +quant * sum(abs(y[nu] - z[nu]))
  u <- y > v
  nu <- !u
  risk0 <- omq * sum(abs(y[u] - v))
  +quant * sum(abs(y[nu] - v))
  risk / risk0

devexp <- function(y, p) {
  ll <- mean(y * log(p) + (1 - y) * log(1 - p))
  u <- mean(y)
  lo <- mean(y * log(u) + (1 - y) * log(1 - u))
  1 - (lo - ll) / lo

#' @importFrom graphics plot
losserr <- function(x, y, p, mdl, doplot = TRUE) {
  parms <- mdl$tree[[1]]$parms
  z <- rep(0, mdl$niter + 1)
  if (parms$type == "prob") {
    z[1] <- devexp(y, p)
  else {
    z[1] <- quantloss(y, p, parms$quant)
  u <- predtrast1(mdl, x, p)
  for (k in 2:(mdl$niter + 1)) {
    if (parms$type == "prob") {
      z[k] <- devexp(y, u[, k - 1])
    else {
      z[k] <- quantloss(y, u[, k - 1], parms$quant)
  if (doplot) {
    plot(0:mdl$niter, z, xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Unexplained  devience")

predtrast1 <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter) {
  zo <- z
  t <- model$trees[[1]]$parms$type == "prob"
  if (t) zo <- log(zo / (1 - zo))
  zout <- matrix(nrow = length(zo), ncol = num)
  for (k in 1:num) {
    nd <- getnodes(model$trees[[k]], x)
    for (j in 1:length(model$nodes[[k]])) {
      u <- nd == model$nodes[[k]][j]
      if (t) {
        zo[u] <- zo[u] + log(model$dels[[k]][j])
      else {
        zo[u] <- zo[u] + model$dels[[k]][j]
      zout[, k] <- zo
  if (t) zout[, 1:num] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-zout[, 1:num]))

#' Cross-validate boosted contrast tree boosted with (new) data
#' @param mdl model output from modtrast()
#' @param x data predictor variables is same format as input to modtrast
#' @param y data y values is same format as input to modtrast
#' @param z data z values is same format as input to modtrast
#' @param num number of trees used to compute model values
#' @param del plot discrepancy value computed every del-th iteration (tree)
#' @param span running median smoother span (`doplot=TRUE`, only)
#' @param ylab graphical parameter (`doplot="first", only)
#' @param doplot logical flag. doplot="first" implies start new display. doplot="next" implies super impose plot on existing display. doplot="none" implies no plot displayed.
#' @param doprint logical flag `TRUE/FALSE` implies do/don't print progress while executing, default `FALSE`
#' @param col color of plotted curve
#' @return a named list of two items: `ntree` the iteration numbers, and `error` the corresponding discrepancy values
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
xval=function(mdl, x, y, z, num = length(mdl$tree), del = 10, span = 0.15,
              ylab = 'Average  Discrepancy', doplot = 'first', doprint = FALSE, col = 'red') {
   error=rep(0,num); ntree=rep(0,num); k=0
   for(j in 1:num) {
      if (j==1 | j%%del==0) { k=k+1
         yp=predtrast(mdl, x,z,num=j)
         if(doprint) cat('.')
   if(doprint) cat('\n')
   if(doplot!='none') {
      if (doplot=='first')
      if (doplot=='next')

trans <- function(y, z, wy = rep(1, ny), wz = rep(1, nz), n = min(ny, nz)) {
  ny <- length(y)
  nz <- length(z)
  n <- min(n, ny, nz)
  u <- .Fortran("trans",
    ny = as.integer(ny), y = as.vector(as.numeric(y)),
    wy = as.vector(as.numeric(wy)), nz = as.integer(nz), z = as.vector(as.numeric(z)),
    wz = as.vector(as.numeric(wz)), nt = as.integer(n), t = numeric(2 * n + 4),
    PACKAGE = 'conTree'
  invisible(list(x = u$t[1:(n + 2)], y = u$t[(n + 3):(2 * n + 4)]))

#' @importFrom stats approxfun
xfm <- function(y, b0, b1) {
  f <- approxfun(b0, b1, rule = 2 , method = 'linear', ties = list("ordered", mean))

untie <- function(y) {
  n <- length(y)
  v <- .Fortran("untie", n = as.integer(n), y = as.vector(as.numeric(y)), u = numeric(n),
                PACKAGE = 'conTree')

#' @importFrom graphics plot lines
#' @importFrom stats lsfit loess.smooth
modtrans <-
  function(x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), cat.vars = NULL, not.used = NULL, qint = 10,
           xmiss = 9.0e35, tree.size = 10, min.node = 500, learn.rate = 0.1, pwr = 2, cdfsamp = 500, verbose = FALSE,
           tree.store = 1000000, cat.store = 100000, nbump = 1, fnodes = 0.25, fsamp = 1,
           doprint = FALSE, niter = 100, doplot = FALSE, print.itr = 10, span = 0, plot.span = 0.15) {
    nodes <- list()
    trans <- list()
    trees <- list()
    r <- z
    acri <- rep(0, niter)
    l <- 0
    for (k in 1:niter) {
      trees[[k]] <- contrast(x, y, r, w, cat.vars, not.used, qint, xmiss, tree.size,
        mode = "onesamp", type = "dist", pwr, quant = 0.5, nclass = NULL, costs = NULL, cdfsamp, verbose, tree.store,
        cat.store, nbump, fnodes, fsamp, doprint
      v <- nodesum(trees[[k]], x, y, r, w)
      nodes[[k]] <- v$nodes
      lnodes <- length(v$nodes)
      acri[k] <- v$avecri
      nd <- getnodes(trees[[k]], x)
      for (i in 1:lnodes) {
        j <- v$nodes[i]
        h <- nd == j
        u <- qqplot(r[h], y[h], plot.it = FALSE)
        l <- l + 1
        if (span > 0 & span < 1) {
          smo <- loess.smooth(u$x, u$y, span = span)
          u$x <- smo$x
          u$y <- smo$y
        else if (span >= 1) {
          t <- rank(u$x) / length(u$x)
          lsf <- lsfit(u$x, u$y, t * (1 - t))
          u$y <- lsf$coefficients[1] + lsf$coefficients[2] * u$x
        u$y <- learn.rate * u$y + (1 - learn.rate) * u$x
        trans[[l]] <- cbind(u$x, u$y)
        r[h] <- xfm(r[h], u$x, u$y)
      if (verbose) {
        if(k<10 | k%%print.itr==0) cat('.')
    if (doplot) {
      if (plot.span > 0 & niter > 20) {
        plot(1:k, acri,
          xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Criterion",
        u <- medplot(1:k, acri, span = plot.span, doplot = F)
        lines(u$x, u$sy, col = "red")
      else {
        plot(1:k, acri,
          xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Criterion",
    invisible(list(trees = trees, trans = trans, nodes = nodes, ty = r, niter = niter, cri = acri[1:k]))

#' @importFrom stats approxfun
predmod <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter) {
  r <- z
  l <- 0
  for (k in 1:num) {
    nd <- getnodes(model$trees[[k]], x)
    nodes <- model$nodes[[k]]
    for (i in 1:length(nodes)) {
      j <- nodes[i]
      l <- l + 1
      u <- nd == j
      if (sum(u) == 0) next
      u1 <- model$trans[[l]][, 1]
      u2 <- model$trans[[l]][, 2]
      f <- approxfun(u1, u2, rule = 2, method = 'linear', ties = list("ordered", mean))
      r[u] <- f(r[u])

#' Transform z-values t(z) such that the distribution of \eqn{p(t(z) | x)} approximates \eqn{p(t(y | x)} for type = 'dist' only
#' @param model model object output from modtrast()
#' @param x vector of predictor variable values for a (single) observation
#' @param z  sample of z-values drawn from \eqn{p(z | x)}
#' @param num number of trees used to compute model values
#' @return vector of `length(z)` containing transformed values t(z) approximating \eqn{p(y | x)}
#' @seealso [contrast()]
#' @export
ydist <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter) {
  xr <- matrix(nrow = length(z), ncol = length(x))
  for (i in 1:nrow(xr)) xr[i, ] <- x
  h <- predmod(model, xr, z, num)

xvalmod <- function(model, x, y, z, num = model$niter, doplot = TRUE) {
  r <- z
  l <- 0
  cri <- rep(0, num + 1)
  cri[1] <- crinode(contrast(x, y, r))$avecri
  for (k in 1:num) {
    nd <- getnodes(model$trees[[k]], x)
    nodes <- model$nodes[[k]]
    for (i in 1:length(nodes)) {
      j <- nodes[i]
      l <- l + 1
      u <- nd == j
      if (sum(u) == 0) next
      r[u] <- xfm(r[u], model$trans[[l]][, 1], model$trans[[l]][, 2])
    cri[k + 1] <- crinode(contrast(x, y, r))$avecri
  if (doplot) scatter.smooth(cri, span = 0.25, xlab = "Trees", ylab = "Discrepancy")

#' @importFrom graphics hist
showdist <- function(v, xtrim = NULL, xlim = NULL, xlab = "Y | X", main = " ") {
  v <- sort(v)
  v <- v[v != v[1] & v != v[length(v)]]
  if (!is.null(xlim)) v <- v[v > xlim[1] & v < xlim[2]]
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(v), max(v))
  hist(v, xlab = xlab, xlim = xlim, main = main)
  invisible(c(v[1], v[length(v)]))

#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats loess.smooth quantile
plotpdf <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter, nq = 200, span = 0.25, xlim = NULL, xlab = NULL) {
  p <- ((1:nq) - 0.5) / nq
  q <- as.numeric(quantile(z, p))
  t <- as.numeric(quantile(ydist(model, x, z, num), p))
  b <- t != t[1] & t != t[length(t)]
  p <- p[b]
  t <- t[b]
  g <- sum(b)
  d <- (p[2:g] - p[1:(g - 1)]) / (t[2:g] - t[1:(g - 1)])
  r <- loess.smooth(t[2:g], d, type = "l", span = span)
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(r$x), max(r$x))
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Y"
  plot(r$x, r$y, type = "l", xlim = xlim, xlab = xlab, ylab = "PDF")

#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats loess.smooth quantile
plotcdf <- function(model, x, z, num = model$niter, nq = 100, span = 0.25, xlim = NULL, xlab = NULL) {
  p <- ((1:nq) - 0.5) / nq
  t <- as.numeric(quantile(ydist(model, x, z, num), p))
  r <- loess.smooth(t, p, type = "l", span = span)
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(r$x), max(r$x))
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Y"
  plot(r$x, r$y, type = "l", xlim = xlim, xlab = xlab, ylab = "CDF")

#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats loess.smooth quantile
plotdist <-
  function(model, x, z, num = model$niter, type = "cdf", nq = 100,
           span = 0.25, pts = 100, xlim = NULL, xlab = NULL, doplot = TRUE) {
    p <- ((1:nq) - 0.5) / nq
    t <- as.numeric(quantile(ydist(model, x, z, num), p))
    if (span > 0) {
      r <- loess.smooth(t, p, type = "l", span = span, evaluation = pts)
      rx <- r$x
      ry <- r$y
    else {
      rx <- t
      ry <- p
    if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(rx), max(rx))
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Y"
    if (type == "cdf") {
      px <- rx
      py <- ry
      ylim <- c(0, 1)
    else {
      nx <- length(rx)
      px <- 0.5 * (rx[1:(nx - 1)] + rx[2:nx])
      py <- (ry[2:nx] - ry[1:(nx - 1)]) / (px[2] - px[1])
      ylim <- c(0, max(py))
    if (doplot) plot(px, py, type = "l", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = "CDF")
    invisible(list(x = px, y = py))

#' Bootstrap contrast trees
#' @rdname contrast
#' @param nbump number of bootstrap replications
#' @param span span for qq-plot transformation smoother
#' @param doprint logical flag `TRUE/FALSE` implies do/don't plot iteration progress
#' @return a named list with `out$bcri` the bootstraped discrepancy values
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @export
bootcri <-
  function(x, y, z, w = rep(1, nrow(x)), cat.vars = NULL, not.used = NULL, qint = 10,
           xmiss = 9.0e35, tree.size = 10, min.node = 500, mode = "onesamp", type = "dist", pwr = 2,
           quant = 0.5, nclass = NULL, costs = NULL, cdfsamp = 500, verbose = FALSE,
           tree.store = 1000000, cat.store = 100000, nbump = 100, fnodes = 1, fsamp = 1,
           doprint = FALSE) {
    cri <- "max"
    qqtrim <- 20
    n <- nrow(x)
    crts <- 0
    if (length(fnodes) == 1) {
      bcri <- rep(0, nbump)
    else {
      bcri <- matrix(nrow = length(fnodes), ncol = nbump)
    for (k in 1:nbump) {
      s <- sample.int(n, as.integer(fsamp * n), replace = TRUE)
      if (is.vector(y)) {
        yy <- y[s]
      } else {
        yy <- y[s, ]
      trek <- contrastt(
        x[s, ], yy, z[s], w[s], cat.vars, not.used, qint,
        xmiss, tree.size, min.node, cri, mode, type, pwr, qqtrim, quant, nclass, costs,
        cdfsamp, verbose, tree.store, cat.store
      v <- nodesum(trek, x[s, ], yy, z[s], doplot = FALSE)
      for (j in 1:length(fnodes)) {
        nf <- as.integer(max(1, fnodes[j] * length(v$nodes)))
        crt <- sum(v$wt[1:nf] * v$cri[1:nf]) / sum(v$wt[1:nf])
        if (is.vector(bcri)) {
          bcri[k] <- crt
        } else {
          bcri[j, k] <- crt
      if (doprint) {
        if (is.vector(bcri)) {
          print(c(k, bcri[k]))
        else {
          print(c(k, bcri[, k]))
    if (is.vector(bcri)) {
      stds <- sqrt(var(bcri))
    else {
      stds <- rep(0, length(fnodes))
      for (j in 1:length(fnodes)) stds[j] <- sqrt(var(bcri[j, ]))
    invisible(list(stds = stds, bcri = bcri))

#' Produce lack-of-fit curve for a contrast tree
#' @param tree model object output from contrast() or prune()
#' @param x training input predictor data matrix or data frame in same format as in contrast()
#' @param y vector, or matrix containing training data input outcome values or censoring intervals for each observation in same format as in contrast()
#' @param z vector containing values of a second contrasting quantity for each observation in same observation format as in contrast ()
#' @param w observation weights
#' @param doplot logical flag. doplot="first" implies start new display. doplot="next" implies super impose plot on existing display. doplot="none" implies no plot displayed.
#' @param col color of plotted curve
#' @param ylim y-axis limit
#' @return a named list of plotted `x` and `y` points
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines
#' @importFrom stats runmed qqplot
#' @export
lofcurve <- function(tree, x, y, z, w = rep(1, length(y)), doplot = 'first', col = 'black', ylim = NULL) {
  u <- nodesum(tree, x, y, z, w)
  v <- avesum(u$cri, u$wt)
  if (doplot != 'none') {
    if (doplot == 'first') {
       if (is.null(ylim)) {
         yl <- c(0, max(v$y))
       } else {
         yl <- ylim
       plot(v$x / length(y), v$y,
         ylim = yl, type = "l", col = col,
         xlab = "Fraction of Observations", ylab = "Average  Discrepancy")
    if (doplot == 'next') lines(v$x/length(y), v$y, col=col)
  invisible(list(x = v$x / length(y), y = v$y))

avesum <-
  function(y, w = rep(1, n)) {
    n <- length(y)
    yout <- rep(0, n)
    wout <- rep(0, n)
    scri <- 0
    swt <- 0
    for (k in 1:n) {
      scri <- scri + y[k] * w[k]
      swt <- swt + w[k]
      yout[k] <- scri / swt
      wout[k] <- swt
    list(x = wout, y = yout)

extrap <- function(efac, x, x1, x2, y1, y2) {
  if (efac < 0) {
    x <- pmax(x, x1 + efac * (x2 - x1))
    y1 + (y2 - y1) * (x - x1) / (x2 - x1)
  else {
    x <- pmin(x, x2 + efac * (x2 - x1))
    y2 + (y2 - y1) * (x - x2) / (x2 - x1)

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