Man pages for configural
Multivariate Profile Analysis

adjust_RsqAdjust a regression model R-squared for overfitting
complete_matrixMake a matrix symmetric by averaging with its transpose
configural-package'configural': An R package for profile analysis
cor_covarianceCalculate the asymptotic sampling covariance matrix for the...
cor_covariance_metaEstimate the asymptotic sampling covariance matrix for the...
cor_labelsGenerate labels for correlations from a vector of variable...
cpa_matConduct criterion profile analysis using a correlation matrix
cpa_scoresCompute CPA level and pattern scores for a set of data
disordersMeta-analytic correlations among Big Five personality traits...
dot-fungible_extremaLocate extrema of fungible OLS regression weights
fungibleLocate extrema of fungible weights for regression and related...
fungible.cpaLocate extrema of fungible criterion profile patterns
fungible.lmLocate extrema of fungible OLS regression weights
grapes-and-grapesQuadratic form matrix product
greMeta-analytic correlations of Graduate Record Examination...
harmonic_meanFind the harmonic mean of a vector, matrix, or columns of a...
hrmMeta-analytic correlations of HRM practices with...
jobcharMeta-analytic correlations of job characteristics with...
mindfulnessMeta-analytic correlations among Big Five personality traits...
n_effective_R2Effective sample size
prejudiceCorrelations between study design moderators and effect sizes...
teamMeta-analytic correlations among team processes and team...
transitionCalculate a transition matrix for a symmetric matrix
var_error_cpaEstimate the sampling error variance for criterion profile...
vechVectorize a matrix
vech2fullInverse vectorize a matrix
wt_covCompute weighted covariances
wt_distWeighted descriptive statistics for a vector of numbers
configural documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:48 a.m.