MidP_binomial_test_1x2: The mid-P binomial test for the binomial probability (pi)

View source: R/MidP_binomial_test_1x2.R

MidP_binomial_test_1x2R Documentation

The mid-P binomial test for the binomial probability (pi)


The mid-P binomial test for the binomial probability (pi) H_0: pi = pi0 vs H_A: pi ~= pi0 (two-sided) Described in Chapter 2 "The 1x2 Table and the Binomial Distribution"


MidP_binomial_test_1x2(X, n, pi0)



the number of successes


the total number of observations


a given probability


An object of the contingencytables_result class, basically a subclass of base::list(). Use the utils::str() function to see the specific elements returned.


# The number of 1st order male births (Singh et al. 2010, adapted)
MidP_binomial_test_1x2(singh_2010["1st", "X"], singh_2010["1st", "n"], pi0 = .5)
# The number of 2nd order male births (Singh et al. 2010, adapted)
MidP_binomial_test_1x2(singh_2010["2nd", "X"], singh_2010["2nd", "n"], pi0 = .5)
# The number of 3rd order male births (Singh et al. 2010, adapted)
MidP_binomial_test_1x2(singh_2010["3rd", "X"], singh_2010["3rd", "n"], pi0 = .5)
# The number of 4th order male births (Singh et al. 2010, adapted)
MidP_binomial_test_1x2(singh_2010["4th", "X"], singh_2010["4th", "n"], pi0 = .5)
# Ligarden et al. (2010, adapted)
MidP_binomial_test_1x2(ligarden_2010["X"], ligarden_2010["n"], pi0 = .5)

contingencytables documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:20 p.m.