cooptrees-package: Cooperative aspects of optimal trees in weighted graphs

Description Details Author(s) References


Computes several cooperative games and allocation rules associated with minimum cost spanning tree problems and minimum cost arborescence problems.


Package: cooptrees
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2014-09-01
License: GPL-3

The most important functions are mstCooperative and maCooperative. The other functions included in the package are auxiliary ones that can be used independently.


Manuel Fontenla

Maintainer: Manuel Fontenla <>


B. Dutta and D. Mishra, "Minimum cost arborescences", Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 74, pp. 120-143, Jan. 2012.

C. G. Bird, "On Cost Allocation for a Spanning Tree: A Game Theoretic Approach", Networks, no. 6, pp. 335-350, 1976.

B. Dutta and A. Kar, "Cost monotonicity, consistency and minimum cost spanning tree games", Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 48, pp. 223-248, Aug. 2004.

A. Kar, "Axiomatization of the Shapley Value on Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Games", Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 38, pp. 265-277, Feb. 2002.

G. BergantiƱos and J. J. Vidal-Puga, "A fair rule in minimum cost spanning tree problems", Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 137, pp. 326-352, Nov. 2007.

G. BergantiƱos and J. J. Vidal-Puga, "The optimistic TU game in minimum cost spanning tree problems", International Journal of Game Theory, vol. 36, pp. 223-239, Feb. 2007.

V. Feltkamp, S. H. Tijs, S. Muto, "On the irreducible core and the equal remaining obligation rule of minimum cost extension problems", Mimeo, Tilburg University, 1994.

cooptrees documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:59 p.m.