async_collect: Collect elements of an asynchronous iterator

View source: R/iterator-collect.R

async_collectR Documentation

Collect elements of an asynchronous iterator


async_collect() takes an asynchronous iterator, i.e. an iterable function that is also awaitable. async_collect() returns an awaitable that eventually resolves to a list containing the values returned by the iterator. The values are collected until exhaustion unless n is supplied. The collection is grown geometrically for performance.


async_collect(x, n = NULL)



An iterator function.


The number of elements to collect. If x is an infinite sequence, n must be supplied to prevent an infinite loop.


# Emulate an async stream by yielding promises that resolve to the
# elements of the input vector
generate_stream <- async_generator(function(x) for (elt in x) yield(elt))

# You can await `async_collect()` in an async function. Once the
# list of values is resolved, the async function resumes.
async(function() {
  stream <- generate_stream(1:3)
  values <- await(async_collect(stream))

coro documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:53 p.m.