
Corpus (C Library)

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Text corpus analysis.


Corpus is C library for analyzing text data, with full support for Unicode. It is designed to support processing large data files that do not fit into memory.


JSON support

In principle Corpus can support arbitrary input, but it is designed to analyze text stored in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. The text objects provided by the library can either refer to raw UTF-8 encoded text, or they can refer to a JSON string with backslash (\) escapes like \n, \t, and \u2603. On 64-bit architectures, text objects take 16 bytes: an 8-byte pointer to the data, 1 bit indicating whether to interpret backslash as a JSON-style escape, 1 bit indicating whether the text includes a byte sequence that may decode to a non-ASCII character, and 62 bits to store the encoding size, in bytes.

In typical usage, you will memory-map a newline-demimited JSON data file, validate and type-check the data values using the datatype.h interface, extract the appropriate fields using the data.h interface, and create text objects that point into the file. By memory mapping the file, you can let the operating system move data between the hard drive and RAM whenever necessary. You can process a large data set seamlessly without loading everything into RAM at the same time.

For more information on JSON support in Corpus, see the notes on JSON as understood by Corpus.

Text segmentation

Corpus can segment text into sentences or words according to the rules described in Unicode Standard Annex #29. To segment text into sentences or words, use the sentscan.h or wordscan.h interface, respectively.

Text normalization

Corpus supports the following text normalization transformations:

These normalizations can be applied to arbitrary text, but they are designed to be applied to individual word tokens, so that the results can be cached and re-used. The symtab.h and token.h interfaces support these normalizations.

R interface

Corpus is designed to be embedded into other language environments. The R interface is under development concurrently with the library.

Building from source

There are no dependencies, but to build the documentation, you will need the Doxygen program, and to build the tests, you will need to install the Check Unit Testing library. Running make will build libcorpus.a and the corpus command-line tool. Running make doc will run Doxygen to build the documentation. Running make check will run the tests.

Windows support

Everything should work on Windows, the only platform-specific code is the memory-mapping used internally by the filebuf.h interface.


Corpus is released under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0. The stemming algorithms used by Corpus come from the Snowball library and are subject to the conditions of the 3-clause BSD license. Portions of Corpus rely on data from the Unicode Character Database and are subject to the terms of the Unicode Licence.

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corpus documentation built on May 2, 2021, 9:06 a.m.