Man pages for corrDNA
Finding Associations in Position-Wise Aligned DNA Sequence Dataset

assoc_combComplete association matrix.
assoc_ZiR.ZjRAssociation between variable Z_{iR} and Z_{jR}.
assoc_ZiR.ZjYAssociation between variable Z_{iR} and Z_{jY}.
assoc_ZiY.ZjYAssociation between variable Z_{iY} and Z_{jY}.
assoc_Zi.ZjAssociation between variable Z_{i} and Z_{j}.
assoc_Zi.ZjRAssociation between variable Z_{i} and Z_{jR}.
assoc_Zi.ZjYAssociation between variable Z_{i} and Z_{jY}.
don_datA sample dataset of human donor splice sites.
corrDNA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:32 a.m.