Man pages for correlation
Methods for Correlation Analysis

cor_lowerReturn the upper or lower triangular part
correlationCorrelation Analysis
correlation-deprecatedDeprecated functions
correlation-packagecorrelation: Methods for correlation analysis
cor_smoothSmooth a non-positive definite correlation matrix to make it...
cor_sortSort a correlation matrix to improve readability of groups...
cor_testCorrelation test
cor_textCorrelation text
cor_to_covConvert a correlation to covariance
cor_to_pConvert correlation to p-values and CIs
cor_to_pcorCorrelation Matrix to (Semi) Partial Correlations
display.easycormatrixExport tables into different output formats
is.corCheck if matrix ressembles a correlation matrix
isSquareCheck if Square Matrix
matrix_inverseMatrix Inversion
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
visualisation_recipe.easycormatrixVisualisation Recipe for 'correlation' Objects
z_fisherFisher z-transformation
correlation documentation built on April 6, 2023, 5:18 p.m.