Man pages for costat
Time Series Costationarity Determination

AntiARUndo autoreflection action for an EWS object (wd stationary)
BootTOSPerform bootstrap stationarity test for time series
COEFbothscaleProduces plots from output of findstysol that attempt to...
coeftofnConvert wavelet coefficients for two time-varying functions...
costat-packageComputes localized autocovariance and searches for...
EWSsmoothRMPerform running mean smoothing of an EWS object
extractCSExtractor function for 'csFSS' object.
findstysolsGiven two time series find some time-varying linear...
fretParticular section of FTSE log-return series.
getpvalsForm a particular linear combination of two time series and...
lacvComputes localized (wavelet) autocovariance function
LCTSComputes a Linear Combination Test Statistics
LCTSresPlots solutions that are identified by findstysols
localvarCompute the time-localized (unconditional) variance for a...
mergexyConcatenate a set of solution results into one set
plot.BootTOSPlots results of a Bootstrap Test of Stationarity
plotBSCompute p-value for parametric Monte Carlo test and...
plot.csBiFunctionPlot a 'csBiFunction' object
plot.csFSSPlot a 'csFSS' object.
plot.csFSSgrProduce plots from a 'csFSSgr' object.
plot.lacvPlot localized autocovariance (lacv) object.
print.csBiFunctionPrint a 'csBiFunction' object.
print.csFSSPrint a'csFSS' object.
print.csFSSgrPrint 'csFSSgr' object.
print.lacvPrint lacv class object
prodcombCombine two time series using a time-varying linear...
SP500FTSElrLog-returns time series of the SP500 and FTSE100 indices
sretParticular section of SP500 log-returns series.
summary.csBiFunctionSummarize a 'csBiFunction' object.
summary.csFSSSummarize a 'csFSS' object.
summary.csFSSgrSummarize a 'csFSSgr' object.
summary.lacvSummarizes a lacv object
TOStsA test statistic for stationarity
costat documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:18 p.m.