Man pages for countgmifs
Discrete Response Regression for High-Dimensional Data

coef.countgmifsExtract Model Coefficients.
countgmifsDiscrete Response Generalized Monotone Incremental Forward...
countgmifs-internalFunctions Called by countgmifs Functions, Not by the User
countgmifs-packageDiscrete Response Regression for High-Dimensional Data:...
plot.countgmifsPlot Solution Path for a Count GMIFS Fitted Model.
predict.countgmifsPredict Outcome for Count GMIFS Fitted Model.
print.countgmifsPrint the Contents of a Count GMIFS Fitted Object.
summary.countgmifsSummarize a Count GMIFS Object.
countgmifs documentation built on Jan. 8, 2020, 5:07 p.m.