Man pages for coxsei
Fitting a CoxSEI Model

coxseiCoxSEI model
coxseiestFunction to estimate the parametric part of the Cox...
coxseiexpCoxSEI model with exponential function
coxseifit.exCoxSEI model with exponential function
coxseiIntCalculate the estimator of the cumulative baseline intensity...
coxsei-packageFit a Cox-type self-exciting intensity model (CoxSEI) to...
coxseisimA function to simulate a CoxSEI process conditional on...
CumIntCumulative intensity function
datA simulated data set from a CoxSEI model
DensDensity function
DistDistribution function
QuantQuantile function
RNDRandom number generator
SurvSurvival function
coxsei documentation built on Feb. 8, 2020, 9:07 a.m.