cpp11 0.5.0

R non-API related changes

These functions were used as part of the efficient growable vectors that cpp11 offered, i.e. what happens under the hood when you use push_back(). The removal of these non-API functions means that cpp11 writable vectors that have been pushed to with push_back() will likely force 1 extra allocation when the conversion from cpp11::writable::r_vector<T> to SEXP occurs (typically when you return a result back to R). This does not affect the performance of push_back() itself, and in general these growable vectors are still quite efficient (#362).

New features

Improvements and fixes

A side effect of this new approach is that the preserved object exposed through protect.hpp no longer exists. We don't believe that anyone was using this. This also means you should no longer see "unused variable" warnings about preserved (#249).

Breaking changes

cpp11 0.4.7

cpp11 0.4.6

cpp11 0.4.5

cpp11 0.4.4

cpp11 0.4.3

cpp11 0.4.2

cpp11 0.4.1

cpp11 0.4.0

New Features

Improvements and fixes

cpp11 0.3.1

cpp11 0.3.0

New functions and features

Major fixes

Minor improvements and fixes

cpp11 0.2.7

cpp11 0.2.6

cpp11 0.2.5

cpp11 0.2.4

cpp11 0.2.3

cpp11 0.2.2

cpp11 0.2.1

cpp11 0.2.0

New features

Minor improvements and fixes

cpp11 0.1.0

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cpp11 documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:31 p.m.