Man pages for cppRouting
Algorithms for Routing and Solving the Traffic Assignment Problem

assign_trafficAlgorithms for solving the Traffic Assignment Problem (TAP).
cpp_contractContraction hierarchies algorithm
cpp_simplifyReduce the number of edges by removing non-intersection...
get_aonGiven an origin-destination matrix, compute All-or-Nothing...
get_detourReturn the nodes that can be reached in a detour time set...
get_distance_matrixCompute all shortest distance between origin and destination...
get_distance_pairCompute shortest distance between origin and destination...
get_isochroneCompute isochrones/isodistances from nodes.
get_multi_pathsCompute all shortest paths between origin and destination...
get_path_pairCompute shortest path between origin and destination nodes.
makegraphConstruct graph
to_dfConvert cppRouting graph to data.frame
cppRouting documentation built on Dec. 1, 2022, 5:08 p.m.