Man pages for crank
Completing Ranks

cats2ranksOrdered option selections to ranks
elreposMove the position of an element in a vector.
fillArowImpute a row of ranks using the existing values of rankings
fillArowsImpute ranks using the existing values of rankings
getLWargsGet the information about a matrix of ranks.
listBuilderBuild a possibly nested list.
listCrawlerDescend a list, applying a function to each element.
lw.FriedmanTestWrapper for the Friedman test function.
lwscreenImpute ranks using the existing values of rankings
meanranksCalculate mean ranks with possible missing values
muranksComplete a matrix of rankings
page.trend.testPage test for ordered alternatives
permutePermute a vector.
print.cats2ranksPrint the result of cats2ranks
print.lwstatPrint the result of lwscreen
print.meanranksPrint the result of meanranks the L statistic for Page's trend test
spsortSimple partial sorting of a vector of elements.
crank documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:39 p.m.