airbnb_chunks: Dutch reviews of AirBnB customers on Brussels address...

airbnb_chunksR Documentation

Dutch reviews of AirBnB customers on Brussels address locations manually tagged with entities


The airbnb dataset was manually annotated with the shiny app inside this R package. The annotation shows chunks of data which have been flagged with the following categories: PERSON, LOCATION, DISTANCE. The dataset is an object of class chunkrange and of type data.frame which contains the following fields:

  • doc_id: a unique identifier of the review, which is also available in airbnb

  • listing_id: the airbnb address identifier

  • text: text with the feedback of a customer on his visit in the AirBnB appartment

  • chunk_id: a chunk identifier

  • chunk_entity: a chunk entity label

  • chunk: the text of the chunk which is a substring of text

  • start: the starting position in text where the chunk is found

  • end: the end position in text where the chunk is found

See Also




crfsuite documentation built on Sept. 17, 2023, 1:06 a.m.