Man pages for cropDemand
Spatial Crop Water Demand for Brazil

download_terraclimateDownload of reference evapotranspiration (eto) and rainfall...
eto_calibrationCalibration of reference evapotranspiration (eto) of...
loadROILoad image data to do crop water demand
monthly_stackFunction to calculate the mean monthly rainfall/reference...
plot_AWCFunction to plot the percentage of Available Water Capacity...
ppt_calibrationCalibration of rainfall (ppt) of 'TerraClimate'
see_brazil_biomesFunction to see the Brazilian biomes available tp use in...
see_brazil_statesFunction to see the Brazilian states available to use in...
waterDemandFunction to generate the water demand based in available...
cropDemand documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 1:07 a.m.