Man pages for crp.CSFP
CreditRisk+ Portfolio Model

alpha.crp-methodsGet the maximum cdf levels for VaR of the model.
alpha.max_--methodsSet the maximal desired cdf level
alpha.max-methodsGet the maximum cdf level for loss distribution
alpha_--methodsSet the cdf level(s) for VaR
alpha-methodsGet the desired VaR level of the model.
a-methodsGet the parameter 'a' of the model.
B-methodsGet the parameter 'B' of the model.
calc.portfolio.statistics-methodsCalculating portfolio statistics
calc.rc_--methodsGet the value of the 'calc.rc'
calc.rc-methodsSet the state of 'calc.rc'
CDF-methodsGet the CDF of the model
changes.calc.portfolio.statistics-methodsGet the state of 'changes.calc.portfolio.statistics'.
changes.export-methodsGet the state of 'changes.export'
changes.loss-methodsGet the state of 'changes.loss'
changes.measure-methodsGet the state of 'changes.measure'
changes.plausi-methodsGet the state of 'changes.plausi'
changes.plot-methodsGet the state of 'changes.plot' the state of ''
changes.rc.vares-methodsGet the state of 'changes.rc.vares' the state of ''
CP.NR_--methodsSet the ID numbers of the counterparties in the model
CP.NR-methodsGet the ID numbers of the counterparties of the model
CP.rating_--methodsSet counterparties ratings
CP.rating-methodsGet counterparties ratings
crp.CSFPMain routine for CSFP-model
crp.CSFP-classClass '"crp.CSFP"'
crp.CSFP-packageCreditRisk+ Portfolio Model
crp.roundRounding numerical values
EC-methodsGet the economic capital of the model
EL.crp-methodsGet the expected loss of the model after discretization.
EL-methodsGet the expected loss of the model
ES.cont-methodsGet the expected shortfall contributions
ES-methodsGet the expected shortfall of the model
ES.tau.cont-methodsGet the corresponding tau for expected shortfall...
export-methodsExport risk contributions and loss distribution the state of 'export to file' the status of ''
file.format_--methodsSet the file format
file.format-methodsGet the file format of the model
foFunction to convert numerical output.
initInitializing a new entity of class crp.CSFP
integrity.check-methodsInternal method to ensure model integrity
LGD_--methodsSet the counterparty specific LGDs
LGD-methodsGet the loss given defaults of the model
loss.dist-methodsCalculating the loss distribution
loss.k-methodsGet the expected loss per sector
loss-methodsGet the several losses (exposure bands) of the model
loss.unit_--methodsSet the loss unit
loss.unit-methodsGet the loss unit of the model
measure-methodsCalculating portfolio measures
M-methodsGet the number of iterations for loss distribution
mu.k-methodsGet the expected number of defauls per sector
name_--methodsSet the name of the model
name-methodsGet the name of the model
NC-methodsGet the number of counterparties in the model
NEX_--methodsSet the net exposure per counterparty
NEX-methodsGet the net exposure per counterparty
Niter.max_--methodsSet the maximal number of iterations or desired cdf level
Niter.max-methodsGet the desired number of iterations or cdf level for loss...
NS-methodsGet the number of sectors of the model
nu-methodsGet the discrete losses of the model
path.in_--methodsSet input path the input path of the model
path.out_--methodsSet output path
path.out-methodsGet the output path of the model
PD.crp-methodsGet the counterparty probabilities of default after...
PDF-methodsGet the PDF of the model
PD-methodsGet the counterparty probabilities of default of the model
pd_sector_varSector variances for the Credit Suisse example portfolio
plausi-methodsChecking input data for plausibility
PL.crp-methodsGet the potetnial losses per counterparty after...
PL-methodsGet the potetnial losses per counterparty
plot-methodsPlotting the PDF
plot.PDF_--methodsSet the state of 'PLOT.PDF'
plot.PDF-methodsGet the state of 'PLOT.PDF'
plot.range.x_--methodsSet the plot range for the losses
plot.range.x-methodsGet the plot range for losses
plot.range.y_--methodsSet the plot range for the probabilities
plot.range.y-methodsGet the plot range for probabilities
plot.scale_--methodsSet the plot scale for portfolio losses
plot.scale-methodsGet the plot scale for losses
portfolioPortfolio data for the Credit Suisse example portfolio
port.name_--methodsSet the name for the portfolio file the name of the portfolio file
rating_--methodsSet the rating classes of the model
rating-methodsGet the rating classes of the model
rating_pdRisk matrix for the Credit Suisse example portfolio
rating.PD_--methodsSet the PDs for rating classes
rating.PD-methodsGet the PDs of rating classes
rating.scale.name_--methodsSet the name for the file containing the rating scale the name of the file containing the risk matrix of the...
rating.SD_--methodsSet the standard deviations corresponding to rating classes
rating.SD-methodsGet the standard deviations corresponding to rating classes risk contributions to standard deviation
rc.vares-methodsCalculating risk contributions to VaR and ES
read-methodsReading the input files
save.memory_--methodsSet the state of 'save.memory'
save.memory-methodsGet the state of 'save.memory'
SD.cont-methodsGet the contributions to standard deviation
SD.crp-methodsGet the discretized standard deviation of loss distribution
SD-methodsGet the standard deviation of the model
sec.var.est_--methodsSet the mode for sector variance estimation
sec.var.est-methodsGet the mode for sector variance estimation
sec.var_--methodsSet self estimated sector variances
sec.var-methodsGet self estimated sector variances
sec.var.name_--methodsSet the name of the file with the sector variances the name of the file with the sector variances
set.changes-methodsInternal method for model integrity
show-methodsShow summary of object crp.CSFP
sigma_k-methodsGet the sector standard deviation
sigma_sqr_div-methodsGet the diversifiable risk of the model
sigma_sqr_syst-methodsGet the systematik risk of the model
summary-methodsSummarize portfolio key numbers
VaR.cont-methodsGet the value at risk contributions on counterparty level
VaR-methodsGet the value at risk of the model
VaR.pos-methodsGet the position of value at risk in CDF
W_--methodsSet the sector weights of counterparties
W-methodsGet the sector weights of counterparties
write.summary-methodsWriting summary to file
crp.CSFP documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:50 p.m.