angle | Constructor for an S3 object of class "angle" |
avei_vs_res | Mean and standard deviation in resolution shells. |
bravais | Constructor for an S3 object of class "bravais" |
calculate_cell_volume | S3 generic to compute cell volume |
calculate_cell_volume.rec_unit_cell | Volume of a reciprocal unit cell (in angstroms^(-3)) |
calculate_cell_volume.unit_cell | Volume of a unit cell (in angstroms^3) |
change_COLSRC | Change COLSRC date and time stamp |
check_angle_validity | Validity and compatibility of a cry object of class 'angle' |
check_bravais_validity | Validity and compatibility of a cry object of class 'bravais' |
check_cryst_symm_validity | Validity and compatibility of a cry object of class... |
check_merged_reflections_validity | Validity and compatibility of a cry object of class... |
check_rec_unit_cell_validity | Validity and compatibility of a cry object of class... |
check_unit_cell_validity | Validity and compatibility of a cry object of class... |
check_validity | Validity and compatibility of cry objects |
create_merged_reflections | S3 generic to create merged_reflections objects |
create_merged_reflections.default | Default method for generic "create_merged_reflections" |
create_rec_unit_cell | S3 generic to create rec_unit_cell objects |
create_rec_unit_cell.bravais | Reciprocal unit cell starting from a Bravais symbol |
create_rec_unit_cell.cryst_symm | Reciprocal unit cell from a 'cryst_symm' object |
create_rec_unit_cell.default | Default method for generic "create_rec_unit_cell" |
create_rec_unit_cell.unit_cell | Reciprocal unit cell starting from a unit cell |
create_unit_cell | S3 generic to create unit_cell objects |
create_unit_cell.bravais | Unit cell starting from a Bravais symbol |
create_unit_cell.cryst_symm | Unit cell from a 'cryst_symm' object |
create_unit_cell.default | Default method for generic "create_unit_cell" |
create_unit_cell.rec_unit_cell | Unit cell starting from a reciprocal unit cell |
crystal_family | Crystal family corresponding to given space group. |
crystal_system | Crystal system corresponding to given space group. |
cryst_symm | Constructor for an S3 object of class "cryst_symm". |
deplete_systematic_absences | Deplete systematic absences |
extract_symmetry_info | Information on a specific space group |
findHM | Correct spelling for Herman-Mauguin space groups symbols |
find_symm_setting | Find specific space group setting |
frac_to_orth | From fractional to orthogonal coordinates |
full_symm_strings | Symmetry operations in human readable form |
generate_miller | Generate Miller indices |
hkl_to_reso | Calculates resolution, given the Miller indices |
lattice_stuff | Calculation of useful lattice parameters |
lowest_uc_compatible_SG | Space group compatible with given cell |
merged_reflections | Constructor for an S3 object of class "merged_reflections". |
num_symm_settings | Number of space group settings |
op_xyz_list_to_matrix_list | List of matrices and vectors of a specific space group |
op_xyz_to_matrix | Human-readable symmetry operator into matrix and vector |
orth_to_frac | From orthogonal to fractional coordinates |
plot_SHELX | Plot SHELXC log files |
print.angle | Print method for an object of class "angle". |
print.bravais | Print method for an object of class "bravais". |
print.cryst_symm | Print method for an object of class "cryst_symm". |
print.rec_unit_cell | Print method for an object of class "rec_unit_cell". |
print.unit_cell | Print method for an object of class "unit_cell". |
readCIF | Reads and output a CIF file |
readmm_CIF | Reads and output an mmCIF file |
readMTZ | Load an MTZ file |
readMTZHeader | Reads and output an MTZ header |
readpd_rtv | Reads and output a CIF file for powder diffraction |
readSF_CIF | Reads and output an CIF file |
read_SHELX_log | Reads and SHELXD log files |
readsm_REFL | Reads and output an CIF file |
readXDS_ASCII | Load an XDS_ASCII file. |
readXDS_ASCIIHeader | Load an XDS_ASCII file's header. |
rec_unit_cell | Constructor for an S3 object of class "rec_unit_cell. |
syminfo_to_matrix_list | Operators of a specific space group in matrix form |
syminfo_to_op_xyz_list | Operators of a specific space group |
symm_to_cell_const | Cell parameter constrains from symmetry |
sysabs | Locate systematic absences |
theme_cry | cry theme for ggplot2 |
translate_SG | Translation of space group symbols, numbers, etc. |
unit_cell | Constructor for an S3 object of class "unit_cell. |
writeMTZ | Write data to an MTZ file |
writeXDS_ASCII | Write data to an XDS_ASCII file. |
xtal_mat01 | Matrix for cell orthogonalisation (first choice) |
xtal_mat02 | Matrix for cell orthogonalisation (second choice) |
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