Man pages for cry
Statistics for Structural Crystallography

angleConstructor for an S3 object of class "angle"
avei_vs_resMean and standard deviation in resolution shells.
bravaisConstructor for an S3 object of class "bravais"
calculate_cell_volumeS3 generic to compute cell volume
calculate_cell_volume.rec_unit_cellVolume of a reciprocal unit cell (in angstroms^(-3))
calculate_cell_volume.unit_cellVolume of a unit cell (in angstroms^3)
change_COLSRCChange COLSRC date and time stamp
check_angle_validityValidity and compatibility of a cry object of class 'angle'
check_bravais_validityValidity and compatibility of a cry object of class 'bravais'
check_cryst_symm_validityValidity and compatibility of a cry object of class...
check_merged_reflections_validityValidity and compatibility of a cry object of class...
check_rec_unit_cell_validityValidity and compatibility of a cry object of class...
check_unit_cell_validityValidity and compatibility of a cry object of class...
check_validityValidity and compatibility of cry objects
create_merged_reflectionsS3 generic to create merged_reflections objects
create_merged_reflections.defaultDefault method for generic "create_merged_reflections"
create_rec_unit_cellS3 generic to create rec_unit_cell objects
create_rec_unit_cell.bravaisReciprocal unit cell starting from a Bravais symbol
create_rec_unit_cell.cryst_symmReciprocal unit cell from a 'cryst_symm' object
create_rec_unit_cell.defaultDefault method for generic "create_rec_unit_cell"
create_rec_unit_cell.unit_cellReciprocal unit cell starting from a unit cell
create_unit_cellS3 generic to create unit_cell objects
create_unit_cell.bravaisUnit cell starting from a Bravais symbol
create_unit_cell.cryst_symmUnit cell from a 'cryst_symm' object
create_unit_cell.defaultDefault method for generic "create_unit_cell"
create_unit_cell.rec_unit_cellUnit cell starting from a reciprocal unit cell
crystal_familyCrystal family corresponding to given space group.
crystal_systemCrystal system corresponding to given space group.
cryst_symmConstructor for an S3 object of class "cryst_symm".
deplete_systematic_absencesDeplete systematic absences
extract_symmetry_infoInformation on a specific space group
findHMCorrect spelling for Herman-Mauguin space groups symbols
find_symm_settingFind specific space group setting
frac_to_orthFrom fractional to orthogonal coordinates
full_symm_stringsSymmetry operations in human readable form
generate_millerGenerate Miller indices
hkl_to_resoCalculates resolution, given the Miller indices
lattice_stuffCalculation of useful lattice parameters
lowest_uc_compatible_SGSpace group compatible with given cell
merged_reflectionsConstructor for an S3 object of class "merged_reflections".
num_symm_settingsNumber of space group settings
op_xyz_list_to_matrix_listList of matrices and vectors of a specific space group
op_xyz_to_matrixHuman-readable symmetry operator into matrix and vector
orth_to_fracFrom orthogonal to fractional coordinates
plot_SHELXPlot SHELXC log files
print.anglePrint method for an object of class "angle".
print.bravaisPrint method for an object of class "bravais".
print.cryst_symmPrint method for an object of class "cryst_symm".
print.rec_unit_cellPrint method for an object of class "rec_unit_cell".
print.unit_cellPrint method for an object of class "unit_cell".
readCIFReads and output a CIF file
readmm_CIFReads and output an mmCIF file
readMTZLoad an MTZ file
readMTZHeaderReads and output an MTZ header
readpd_rtvReads and output a CIF file for powder diffraction
readSF_CIFReads and output an CIF file
read_SHELX_logReads and SHELXD log files
readsm_REFLReads and output an CIF file
readXDS_ASCIILoad an XDS_ASCII file.
readXDS_ASCIIHeaderLoad an XDS_ASCII file's header.
rec_unit_cellConstructor for an S3 object of class "rec_unit_cell.
syminfo_to_matrix_listOperators of a specific space group in matrix form
syminfo_to_op_xyz_listOperators of a specific space group
symm_to_cell_constCell parameter constrains from symmetry
sysabsLocate systematic absences
theme_crycry theme for ggplot2
translate_SGTranslation of space group symbols, numbers, etc.
unit_cellConstructor for an S3 object of class "unit_cell.
writeMTZWrite data to an MTZ file
writeXDS_ASCIIWrite data to an XDS_ASCII file.
xtal_mat01Matrix for cell orthogonalisation (first choice)
xtal_mat02Matrix for cell orthogonalisation (second choice)
cry documentation built on Oct. 10, 2022, 9:06 a.m.