cslogistic: Perform an Analysis of a conditionally specified logistic...

Description Details Author(s) References See Also


This package contains functions for likelihood and posterior analysis of conditionally specified logistic regression models.


Assume that for each of n experimental units the values of m binary variables

Yi1, …, Yim

are recorded. The 'MleCslogistic' and 'BayesCslogistic' functions fit a conditional specified logistic regression model, such that for i = 1, …, n and j = 1, …, m,

logit P(Yij=1 | Yik=yk, k neq j) = Xij β j + ∑_{k=1, k \neq j} αjk yk

where, the parameters αjk have interpretation as conditional log-odds ratios and the parameters β j correspond to the regression coefficients associated to the vector of covariates Xij. For compatibility of conditional distributions it is assumed that αjk = αkj, j \neq k .


Alejandro Jara Vallejos Alejandro.JaraVallejos@med.kuleuven.be

Maria Jose Garcia-Zattera MariaJose.GarciaZattera@med.kuleuven.be


Garcia-Zattera, M. J., Jara, A., Lesaffre, E. and Declerck, D. (2005). On conditional independence for multivariate binary data in caries research. In preparation.

Joe, H. and Liu, Y. (1996). A model for multivariate response with covariates based on compatible conditionally specified logistic regressions. Satistics & Probability Letters 31: 113-120.

See Also

MleCslogistic, BayesCslogistic.

cslogistic documentation built on April 15, 2017, 3:11 a.m.