Man pages for cudaBayesreg
CUDA Parallel Implementation of a Bayesian Multilevel Model for fMRI Data Analysis

buildzstat.volumeBuild a Posterior Probability Map (PPM) NIFTI volume
cudaMultireg.sliceCUDA Parallel Implementation of a Bayesian Multilevel Model...
cudaMultireg.volumeCUDA Parallel Implementation of a Bayesian Multilevel Model...
plot.bayesm.matPlot Method for Arrays of MCMC Draws
plot.hcoef.postPlot Method for Hierarchical Model Coefficients
pmeans.hcoefPosterior mean for each regression variable
post.overlayRendering a Posterior Probability Map (PPM) volume
post.ppmPosterior Probability Map (PPM) image
post.randeffPlots of the random effects distribution
post.shrinkage.meanComputes shrinkage of fitted estimates over regressions
post.shrinkage.minmaxComputes shrinkage of fitted estimates over regressions
post.simul.betadrawPostprocessing of MCMC simulation
post.simul.histHistogram of the posterior distribution of a regression...
post.tseriesShow fitted time series of active voxel
premaskMask out voxels with constant time-series
read.fmrisliceRead fMRI data
read.ZsegsliceRead brain segmented data based on structural regions for...
regpostsimEstimation of voxel activations
cudaBayesreg documentation built on May 29, 2017, 6:19 p.m.