Man pages for curvetest
The package will formally test two curves represented by discrete data sets to be statistically equal or not when the errors of the two curves were assumed either equal or not using the tube formula to calculate the tail probabilities.

alpha2hTest Equality of Curves with Homoscedastic or Heteroscedastic...
curvefitTest Equality of Curves with Homoscedastic or Heteroscedastic...
curvetestTest Equality of Curves with Homoscedastic or Heteroscedastic...
getoptimalalphaTest Equality of Curves with Homoscedastic or Heteroscedastic...
get.weight.functionTest Equality of Curves with Homoscedastic or Heteroscedastic...
getWVTest Equality of Curves with Homoscedastic or Heteroscedastic...
curvetest documentation built on May 29, 2017, 8:46 p.m.