Man pages for cxhull
Convex Hull

cxhullConvex hull
cxhullEdgesVertices and edges of convex hull
daVinciSphereLeonardo da Vinci's 72-sided sphere
dihedralAnglesDihedral angles
EdgesABEdges of a triangulated 3D convex hull
EdgesXYZEdges coordinates
hexacosichoronVertices of the 600-cell
hullMeshMesh of a 3d convex hull
hullSummarySummary of 3D convex hull
plotConvexHull3dPlot triangulated 3d convex hull
TrianglesXYZTriangles of a triangulated 3D convex hull
VerticesXYZConvex hull vertices
cxhull documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 9:07 a.m.