
# This file was generated by Rcpp::compileAttributes
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#' Section data according to breaks.
#' Generates a vector of "section" values/levels according to differences in
#' the supplied vector. The function simply rolls over \code{x}, incrementing
#' the return vector every time there is a significant break (\code{stop}
#' argument) in the pattern of differences between adjacent elements of
#' \code{x}. In practical terms, if \code{x} is a series of timestamp values
#' (see example), every time there is a significant break in the timer (e.g.
#' >10 sec), the return vector is incremented by 1.
#' @param x a numeric vector (e.g. a timer column) that increments uniformly.
#'   When there is a \strong{significant} break in this uniformity, a new
#'   section is created, and so forth.
#' @param br criterion for a significant break in terms of \code{x}.
#' @return a vector of the same length as \code{x}.
#' @examples
#' t_sec <- c(1:10, 40:60, 100:150)       # Discontinuous timer values.
#' pwr   <- runif(length(t_sec), 0, 400)  # Some power values.
#' x     <- data.frame(t_sec, pwr)
#' ## Generate section levels.
#' x$section <- diff_section(x$t_sec, br = 10) # 10 second breaks.
#' print(x)
#' split(x, x$section)
#' ## Using "intervaldata", which has a large stop.
#' data(intervaldata)
#' intervaldata$section <- diff_section(intervaldata$timer.s, br = 20)
#' sp <- split(intervaldata, intervaldata$section)
#' ## Plot.
#' eplot <- function(x) cycleRtools:::elev_plot(x, "timer.min")
#' layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 1, 3), 2, 2))
#' eplot(cycleRtools:::expand_stops(intervaldata))
#' eplot(sp[[1]])
#' eplot(sp[[2]])
#' @export
diff_section <- function(x, br) {
    .Call('cycleRtools_diff_section', PACKAGE = 'cycleRtools', x, br)

Diff <- function(x) {
    .Call('cycleRtools_Diff', PACKAGE = 'cycleRtools', x)

#' Efficient maximal mean values.
#' A more efficient implementation of \code{\link{mmv}}. Simply takes a vector
#' (\code{x}) of values and rolls over them element wise by \code{windows}.
#' Returns a vector of maximum mean values for each window. \code{NA}s are not
#' ignored.
#' @param x a numeric vector of values.
#' @param windows window size(s) (in element units) for which to
#'   generate maximum mean values.
#' @return a vector of \code{length(windows)}.
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(100, 500, 200)
#' mmv2(x, windows = c(5, 10, 20))
#' @export
mmv2 <- function(x, windows) {
    .Call('cycleRtools_mmv2', PACKAGE = 'cycleRtools', x, windows)

na_split <- function(x) {
    .Call('cycleRtools_na_split', PACKAGE = 'cycleRtools', x)

ema_weights <- function(len) {
    .Call('cycleRtools_ema_weights', PACKAGE = 'cycleRtools', len)

mean_weights <- function(len) {
    .Call('cycleRtools_mean_weights', PACKAGE = 'cycleRtools', len)

#' @rdname rollmean_smth
#' @export
rollmean_ <- function(x, window, ema, narm) {
    .Call('cycleRtools_rollmean_', PACKAGE = 'cycleRtools', x, window, ema, narm)

#' Rolling mean for nonuniform data.
#' Produce a rolling average for data sampled at non-uniform time intervals.
#' @param x numeric vector of values to be rolled.
#' @param t numeric vector of time values corresponding to elements in \code{x}.
#' @param window size of the window in terms of \code{t}. E.g. \code{30} (seconds).
#' @export
rollmean_nunif <- function(x, t, window) {
    .Call('cycleRtools_rollmean_nunif', PACKAGE = 'cycleRtools', x, t, window)

#' @rdname Wbal
#' @export
Wbal_ <- function(t, P, CP) {
    .Call('cycleRtools_Wbal_', PACKAGE = 'cycleRtools', t, P, CP)

zone_index_ <- function(x, zb) {
    .Call('cycleRtools_zone_index_', PACKAGE = 'cycleRtools', x, zb)

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cycleRtools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:51 a.m.