Man pages for cyjShiny
Cytoscape.js Shiny Widget (cyjShiny)

addGraphFromDataFrameAdd graph from data.frame
addGraphFromJsonFileAdd graph from JSON file
clearSelectionClear selection all node and edge selections removed
cyjShinycyjShiny cyjShiny
cyjShinyOutputStandard shiny ui rendering construct
dataFramesToJSONCreate a cytoscape.js JSON graph from one or two data.frames.
doLayoutLayout the current graph using the specified strategy.
fitSet zoom and center of the graph display so that graph fills...
fitSelectedSet zoom and center of the graph display so that the...
getNodePositionsGet node positions
getSelectedNodesGet Selected Nodes
graphNELtoJSONConvert R graphNEL object to cytoscape.js JSON.
hideSelectionHide selection all selected nodes and their edges are hidden
invertSelectionInvert selection all selected nodes and their edges are...
loadNetworkFromJSONFileLoad a standard cytoscape.js JSON network file
loadStyleFileLoad a standard cytoscape.js style file
readAndStandardizeJSONNetworkFileRead in a JSON network file, identify (or add) elements field...
readAndStandardizeJSONStyleFileRead in a JSON file, extract the selector elements, return...
removeGraphRemove the current graph
renderCyjShinyMore shiny plumbing - a cyjShiny wrapper for htmlwidget...
savePNGtoFileSave a png rendering of the current network view to the...
selectFirstNeighborsSelect first neighbors of the currently selected nodes
selectNodesSelect Nodes
setEdgeAttributesAssign the supplied edge attribute values to the graph...
setNodeAttributesAssign the supplied node attribute values to the graph...
setNodePositionsSet node positions from the supplied data.frame
showAllShow all all selected nodes and their edges are hidden
cyjShiny documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:24 p.m.