
Defines functions session_decrypt_key session_encrypt_key_data session_encrypt session_key_refresh

Documented in session_key_refresh

## This exists so that we never actually store private keys in objects
## that might be serialized.  Instead, we pass them around in an
## encrypted form and decrypt on use.  This is done with a session
## key, so that any key serialised out from one session will expire in
## the next (or rather, will not be decryptable in a second session).
## The session key ks stored in the package global 'session$key' which
## is generated on startup (so this is not protected from *users*
## getting the key out, but then they know their own key already of
## course).
session <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

##' Refresh the session key, invalidating all keys created by
##' [cyphr::key_openssl()], [cyphr::keypair_openssl()],
##' [cyphr::key_sodium()] and [cyphr::keypair_sodium()].
##' Running this function will invalidate *all* keys loaded with
##' the above functions.  It should not be needed very often.
##' @title Refresh the session key
##' @export
##' @examples
##' # Be careful - if you run this then all keys loaded from file will
##' # no longer work until reloaded
##' if (FALSE) {
##'   cyphr::session_key_refresh()
##' }
session_key_refresh <- function() {
  session$key <- sodium::keygen()

session_encrypt <- function(key) {
  if (is.raw(key) && identical(class(key), "raw")) {
    data <- session_encrypt_key_data(key)
    function() {
  } else {
    data <- session_encrypt_key_data(serialize(key, NULL))
    function() {

session_encrypt_key_data <- function(key) {
  sodium::data_encrypt(key, session$key)

session_decrypt_key <- function(data) {
    sodium::data_decrypt(data, session$key),
    error = function(e) {
      stop("Failed to decrypt key as session key has changed",
           call. = FALSE)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

cyphr documentation built on June 20, 2022, 5:17 p.m.